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Cortisol Blockers - Fab or Fad?
Americans are more stressed and more overweight than ever. It seems logical that the two are related, so why not jump on the latest of the diet trends and pop that cortisol-blocking pill? Before you do, read on to navigate your way through this latest weight loss scheme.
The hormone cortisol is released in response to stress. Its secretion causes a series of metabolical processes with the eventual result of making us hungrier and prompting us to eat more. Most of the time cortisol levels return to normal before causing any real damage to our phsyique. It's only when cortisol levels remain high that its affects can be seen as weight gain.
In some people, chronic stress can cause cortisol to remain at elevated levels. In such cases, people are not only eating more, but also storing more of what they eat. Cortisol appears to cause the body to store fat in the abdomen, as dangerous "belly fat."
These people should consider cortisol blockers such as Cortislim, right? Guess again. There isn't any scientific evidence that the so-called "cortisol reducing ingredients" found in these supplements have any affect on their target.
Even if the blockers worked, one should be cautious in taking them. Cortisol does more than cause us to increase our eating. It plays a vital role in other metabolic functions as well - including the cardiovascular system, and your brain. Minimize cortisol too much and it can have a negative affect on your body. Too little, and you can die.
So what's the best way to reduce stress and lose those pounds around the middle? Old-fashioned diet and exercise remain
the method of choice.
To begin with, target and manage your stress. If you are suffering from too much stress, find ways to eliminate or reduce the so-called "stressors" in your life. It may be as simple as looking at your stressors from a different perspective. Try relaxation methods such as yoga or massage. In some cases, you may need to find ways to remove yourself from the situation.
Exercising not only helps to reduce stress, but it is a vital part of healthy weight loss as well. Most reputable weight loss plans suggest exercising 3 to 5 times a week for about 20 minutes per session. Take a walk around the block, ride your bike or go for a swim. You might be amazed at the results.
Take a look at what you're eating. What we eat can play a significant role in how we feel. Avoid that crash and burn feeling that comes from eating too much processed food and refined sugars and starches. Stick with their healthier cousins: whole grains. Take a look at the recently revised food pyramid and find ways to implement it into your lifestyle.
The promises of cortisol blocking supplements sound too good to be true - and they are. Diet and exercise remain the number one method of both shedding the weight around your middle, and shedding that stress that put it there.
About the Author
Christine Cooney is a writer for Online Discount Mart and TV Products 4 Less. She is also a contributing writer for sites such as Helpful Home Ideas. Please include an active link to our site if you'd like to reprint this article.
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