Multivitamins vs. Single Supplements
(NC)-With all the different types of vitamin and mineral supplements available on the local pharmacy shelf, it can be confusing to determine what you really need. Sometimes a doctor or registered dietitian will make the decision easier by...
Quick Fixes: Happiness in a Bottle
This is the age of the Quick Fix - the magic bullets that claim to take away our sorrows, our tiredness, our sadness.
You need look no farther than your mailbox to see the range of remedies - prescription drugs and supplements - being plugged...
The Porn Addict Supplement, Chapter I
This article (at http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/internet-porn-nearly-cost-me-my-marriage-man-tells-forum/2005/08/07/1123353212143.html?oneclick=true) got me thinking (again) about pornography addiction. In the article a man who’d been...
Treating Arthritis – Naturally
There are actually three common types of arthritis. These are Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45. It usually will attack weight bearing joints like knees, hips, and ankles but has...
Women’s Health Test – Is There an Early Signs of Menopause Test?
Yes, there is a free online women’s health test from a leading women’s health clinic. Why? As early as in their 30’s and 40’s, many women begin experiencing symptoms that make them wonder - are these early signs of menopause?
What are...
How Effective are Oral Hyaluronic Acid Supplements?
There is a paradox of sorts when dealing with injections versus oral supplements. Many people would much rather take an oral supplement than have an injection administered. However, the efficacy of injections has been proven to a greater extent than oral supplements.
Part of the reason hyaluronic acid is so effective is that it has a very large molecular weight, which reflects its ability to hold water, and thus its great moisturizing power. When HA is injected, the absorption of the heavy HA molecules is easily taken care of - which is not necessarily the case when oral HA supplements are taken.
Many scientists agree that the stomach has a hard time absorbing the heavy HA molecules. One source from the University of Connecticut Medical School explained, "Hyaluronic acid itself is not absorbed when taken orally and therefore its use at this point is limited to an injectable form."
several commercial sites that boast chemically enhanced HA molecules for oral supplementation, which have a lower molecular weight, and thus will have an easier time being absorbed.
The paradox is that these oral supplements may be safer than injections, and the HA will have an easier time being absorbed - but - if you lose the molecular weight, you lose much of the efficacy so unique to HA. After reviewing the potential side effect of injections with a doctor, many people may come to the conclusion that injections offer the greatest potential solution.
About the Author
Hyaluronic Acid Info promotes an understanding of hyaluronic acid, a major ingredient in many medical and anti-aging therapies and to highlighting places where you can safely purchase related products. Hyaluronic Acid Info is the sister site of HGH Web.
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