Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements
Do you want an improved quality of life with more energy? Do you want to protect yourself from disease while reducing your chances of heart disease? Do you want to look and feel younger? You can do all of these things and more simply by making a...
The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. The most common sign of a toxic colon is constipation. Dead food leads to constipation, toxic build up, weight gain, and low energy. Constipation results when...
The Bariatric Surgery Diet
After bariatric surgery, the new and very small stomach will often only hold about an ounce. For the first week after surgery, the patient will only be able to tolerate nutritious liquids. During the second week, pureed, high-protein foods such as...
The Mysterious Dr.Atkins Death
The spring fall
Dr Atkins' death was extremely unexpected. On 8 April 2003, he fell on an icy street, lost his conscience and never recovered until his death, 9 days later. On 17 April 2003 medical support was withdrawn and Robert C. Atkins...
Vitamin And Mineral Supplement Benefits
Extensive research studies show that taking vitamin and mineral supplements can potentially improve your health, protect against disease and provide you with the energy you need to live a healthy life. Although each contribute differently to your...
Improve Your Mental Cognitive Abilities
The Connection Between Brain Inflammation, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease
The evidence is overwhelming that sustained inflammation is the driving force of many degenerative diseases. Chronic inflammation is centrally implicated in heart disease, cancer and chronic viral conditioning such as Alzheimer’s.
Nowhere is damage more telling than chronic inflammation in the brain. Parkinson’s disease is inflammation burning away zones in the brain. Alzheimer’s involves many breakdown processes with inflammation at the forefront of these failed neurological processes.
What then, is an effective program to control brain inflammation? Antioxidants like Vitamin C can block free radicals that often stoke inflammation. Vitamin C and E also have had some success against dementia in clinical trials further substantiating their anti-inflammatory properties. Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps the brain cells make the energy they need for repair and renewal while Ginkgo Biloba combined with Phospholipids will also enhance antioxidant action.
Cognizin™ Combats Mental Deterioration
Alpha GPC is a proven nutrient for individuals with mental deterioration related to poor circulation of which inflammation is a major factor. An exciting new ingredient Cognizin™ has proved to be extremely effective in combating brain deterioration. To read more on the clinical results of Cognizin™ follow this link:
Neurovar™ with Cognizin™ Improves Your Mental Focus Factor
Bill, a 55 year old VP of sales at a leading lighting manufacturer, used a product called Neurovar™ for 12 weeks. Neurovar™ contains Vitamin C, Cognizin, Ginkgo Biloba, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha GPC and other support nutrients. Bill states “I have more focus and seem to be more mentally sharp. At first I thought it was a placebo effect but over time I realized this product really works. I will continue using this product for its performance and protective properties.”
If you are looking for something preventative or something to improve mental performance and while easing inflammation, a quality supplement like Neurovar™ is the educated answer. Taking anti-oxidants can be a benefit to overall brain health but a more complete formula with multiple quality ingredients is recommended here. If products like Neurovar™ are too costly do the next best thing and use some of the less expensive anti-oxidants. This option will provide some protective properties for the brain.
About the Author
Uri is a leading practitioner in the study of cognitive degenerative diseases. He is presently undertaking a study on the effects of sleep deprivation and its cognitive effects on young adults as they physically mature into adulthood. For more information on natural health and fitness lifestyle options, log on to http://www.bodestore.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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