3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence for their Reported Benefits
This article shows you a simple but reliable method to identify supplements that do not have scientific support for their alleged benefits.
Step 1: Go to
which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) web...
Buyer Beware! Purchasing Fat Burners and Other Supplements Online
Each month I receive hundreds of e-mails from consumers who have been bilked out of their hard earned dollars by unscrupulous supplement / fat burner manufacturers. Manufacturers who have added them to monthly recurring billing cycles without their...
How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?
I’m always amazed at how many people seem to know the answer to this question yet in practice they fail. Everybody I’ve talked to seems to know that 8-12 glasses of water a day is the recommended standard. But if I ask them how many glasses of...
The Fallacies About Vitamin Supplements - Are All Vitamins Good?
There are many fallacies about vitamin supplements, with many people believing that all supplements are beneficial to health, and that you simply can't get too many vitamins. Some people think that vitamins are some sort of nutritional alternative,...
What to Expect After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Most patients recover after gastric bypass surgery without complications. Typically, those who undergo the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure, which involves stapling of the stomach and bypassing the first part of the small intestines, have a...
"Modern" diets and supplements.
For the majority of people who don't raise their own foods, diets can be deficient in vitamins and minerals. In fact, it was the study of diet deficiencies in the USA and other countries that led to the creation of vitamin and mineral supplements.
Since my late youth, when I left the farm, I have included supplements in my diet. Now I take "therapeutic" blends of vitamins, helped by mineral tablets that are high in often neglected components, such as calcium and trace elements. I do NOT take "mega doses"; some vitamins are toxic at high levels.
But exercise caution. Supplement marketers have some of the most profitable markups short of prescription medicines. Read what you can learn on the internet searches, including reputable experts, such as http://mayoclinic.com.
Herbal foods and supplements are a totally unregulated part of the
economy. Some pretty outlandish claims have been made. Some "miracle herbals" can actually be toxic.
From time to time, I might suggest makers of supplements that I think are worth visiting on the internet. Read what you can find, and make informed choices.
I welcome comments from people who have good or bad experience from various supplement sources.
****************************************** * Diet with FACTS, not Fat-Burner MYTHS. * ****************************************** For more pages in this health series, send blank email to snips@easyhealthdiet.com
About the Author
Donald A. Miller, Ph.D. is the author of "Easy Health Diet", and several thousand other reports, including two eBooks available through Amazon.Com. More health information can be found at his web site http://easyhealthdiet.com. Contact at mailto:drdon@easyhealthdiet.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
Overview of dietary supplements and the FDA's role in regulating this group of foods. |
www.cfsan.fda.gov |
All About Nutritional Supplements: Consumers Review Supplements ... |
NutritionalSupplements.com is the Internet's premier source for unbiased information about nutritional supplements and prescription drugs. |
www.nutritionalsupplements.com |
Times Online - Supplements |
Supplements. ... For information on supplement opportunities in The Times, The Sunday Times and on Times Online, e-mail us at supplements@timesonline.co.uk ... |
www.timesonline.co.uk |
Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
Research prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements. |
www.mayoclinic.com |
Supplements : Nature |
Journal home > Supplements. Supplements. Latest Insights; Latest Outlooks; Latest Collections ... Order your supplement reprints; Downloadable forms: ... |
www.nature.com |
Bodybuilding.com - Huge Supplements Article Database! |
Learn the secrets to using supplements for fast results! |
www.bodybuilding.com |
New Zealand Herald - Supplements |
The New Zealand Herald publishes over 60 supplements, features and composites a year - packed ... Links to current supplements carried online are below. ... |
www.nzherald.co.nz |
Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
A prescribed dietary supplement is intended to supply nutrients ... The medical utility and regulatory status of dietary supplements is controversial. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Vitamin Supplements - Ask the Dietitian |
Got questions about Vitamins or Antioxidant supplements? Ask Joanne Larsen, Registered Dietitian and nutrition counselor. |
www.dietitian.com |
Supplements Canada.com - Canada's Sport Supplement Superstore. Get ... |
Sells sports nutrition supplements. |
www.supplementscanada.com |
Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
Information on nutritional supplements aimed at athletes and exercisers is provided, including potential supplement dangers. ... |
healthymeals.nal.usda.gov |
Bodybuilding Supplements - Xenadrine, Stacker 2, Hydroxycut ... |
Offers articles on supplements, reviews, fitness, routines, workout tips and diet. |
www.bodybuildingforyou.com |
Affordable Supplements - Your Source for High Performance Nutrition |
All major brands of bodybuilding supplements. Weight lifting gloves, belts, and straps. Free newsletter. |
www.affordablesupplements.com |
Bodybuilding Supplements Exercise Equipment Gakic Life Fitness ... |
Bodybuilding Supplements Exercise Equipment Gakic Life Fitness Treadmills Muscle Milk Elliptical. |
www.bodyconcept.com |
Supplements - legal ways to improve performance and or hasten recovery |
Supplements to improve performance. ... Supplements. There are a number of supplements that have been identified as potentially beneficial to the athlete: ... |
www.brianmac.demon.co.uk |
Natural Health Herbal, Vitamin and Nutritional Supplements ... |
NutraSanus natural health care products, herbal, vitamin and nutritional supplements for a longer healthier life. |
www.nutrasanus.com |
MMWR: Supplements Past Volumes |
Volume 55 (2006) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 54 (2005) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 53 (2004) MMWR Supplement Issues · Volume 52 (2003) MMWR ... |
www.cdc.gov |
Bodybuilding Supplements EAS Optimum Nutrition Sports Nutrition ... |
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