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Your Body’s Secret Wisdom-- Eating from the Tree of Life
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Of Super Mice and Supermen, and the Magic Apples of Avalon
Recently, a Japanese study showed dramatic results of organ fat loss and increased muscle strength, in test rats fed rare phytochemicals from baby green apple skins.
Without additional vitamins or supplements, these rats lost 27% of their internal organ fat -- “belly fat” in you and me-- and increased in muscle strength by 16%, in just three weeks. Should these findings translate to humans, we could be looking at a true health breakthrough of the new century.
Belly fat in mice and men is a signature of aging. The body deposits additional fat around the organs and raises blood levels of cholesterol in response to uncontrolled oxidative stress (aging) in the organism, because body fat and blood fat are the natural protectors of every cell in our bodies.
Exercise, which elevates human growth hormone, was the only proven way to reduce organ fat before the discovery of the remarkable water-soluble polyphenols given to these test animals.
What could this mean for you? It means that a concentrated natural apple extract, with no side effects, may reverse some of the aging markers in the human body. It is also worth noting that every drug which is given to humans has first shown its effectiveness and safety in mice and rats.
Ancient Supermen
In ancient mythology, the apple was considered to be the Goddess’s sacred heart of immortality. The Celts called the western paradise Avalon, which means “Apple-land.” The Irish kings received the Goddess's magic apples of immortality. King Arthur was taken to Avalon (Apple-land) by the triple Goddess, in the form of the three fairy queens.
The Scandinavians thought apples essential to resurrection. The Greeks said Mother Hera kept the magic apple garden in the West, where the tree of life was guarded by her sacred serpent, represented by icons showing the great Goddess offering life to her worshippers in the form of an apple. The Norse Goddess Idun kept all the gods alive with her magic apples.
And now science is proving the mythic legends. In recent human tests, polyphenols from apples dramatically raise the biological activity of all three of the body’s anti-aging, disease-fighting enzymes- superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase,
and catalase. No wonder the apple eaters were considered to be “consorts of the Goddess.” Such a man would be stronger, look better, and live in radiant health much longer than his non-apple-eating peers.
Modern Medical Marvels
Phytochemicals in baby apple skins may be the closest thing to “magic” to come out of the labs since penicillin. The list of health conditions that these botanical compounds improve or prevent is truly impressive. Apple phytochemicals are showing promising test results in 3 of the 5 leading disease killers of Americans, including seven types of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Apple polyphenols are 6 times more powerful than vitamin C against human cancer cells in lab tests. They may prevent asthma attacks, inhibit dental carries, lower cholesterol, and stabilize insulin response. Recently, scientists from Cornell University proposed that extracts from apples “could reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disease such as AD (Alzheimer’s Disease)."
But unfortunately, an “apple a day” won’t keep the doctor away. Polyphenols in ordinary grocery store apples are lost through ripening, storage and processing. Immature green apples, which are too bitter to eat, contain up to 10 times more polyphenols than mature fruit. And in nearly every study, the test animals are not eating whole apples. They are given dehydrated, highly concentrated powder extracted from the apple skins, the richest source of these phytochemicals.
The blessing of these natural botanicals are our inheritance as children of the legendary Goddess, Gaia. Her crown jewels are the fruit of the trees, and the blossoms of the rain forest. And her most precious emerald gems-- baby apples-- may one day reverse aging, cure disease, and help her children realize their ultimate perfect health and longevity.
Katrina Kern is an author, women's health counselor and former practicing nurse. More information on these exciting health discoveries, and her new e-book, "How to Absolutely, Positively Know When Your Body is Burning Fat," are available now at http://www.applepoly.com/bellyfat/ . You can find a link there for current medical studies and breaking news on apple phytochemicals.
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