Oral Chelation What Can It Do For You? (Part 2)
Intravenous chelation therapy was more popular than oral chelation initially. It involved the injection of EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) that is an effective and widely studied chelating agent. But gradually, oral chelation scored over intravenous chelation. This is primarily because of the comparative cost involvements. While, intravenous chelation is definitely less expensive from bypass surgery or angioplasty, they are still costlier in comparison to oral chelation.
Then again, intravenous chelation involves painful process and runs the risks of infection and vascular intrusion. They run the risk of incurring side effects like burning, redness and swelling at the place of injection, fever, fall of blood pressure, joint pain, rashes on skin, stomach upset, and irritation of the kidneys and liver occasionally. Oral chelation is as simple as taking one to two spoons full of doses, often based in honey or Royal jelly that also tastes great.
Oral chelation regimens are generally non prescription formula which millions of people access easily as compared to the expensive and complicated process of intravenous chelation which only a few can afford.
Another area where oral chelation scores over intravenous chelation, is its ability to chelate mercury from the body. It is because, the IV EDTA, or intravenous chelation, cannot bond with mercury. But in oral chelation potions, some organic substances are added which eliminate mercury from the system.
The only draw back of oral chelation is that it acts quite slowly. It is required to go through a course of several months on a regular basis to get the same result that an intravenous chelation can achieve within two or three rounds of administration. That is why the patients with severe symptoms are not prescribed oral chelation.
The whole notion about oral chelation is founded on the philosophy of
intaking simple, healthy and nutritional foods. Oral chelation is nothing but some food- supplements to your daily diet, containing many chelating agents of which EDTA forms the basic part. The natural chelators in forms of vitamin, minerals, anti oxidants and amino acid are also included in oral chelation formula, in which EDTA is the only synthetic substance supposed to be found. After EDTA, anti oxidants is the next important constituent. In different types of oral chelation formula, the percentage of anti oxidant varies between 35 to 40 percent.
The side effects
Oral chelation sometimes may produce minor side effects like headache, fatigue or muscle pains. Make it a point to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water to keep your insides hydrated. It will help the medicine work more efficiently and prevent the side effects to repeat.
The long term benefits
The toxins build up plaques and cause for the narrowing of the arteries. But oral chelation prevents heavy metal toxicity and calcification. It lowers blood cholesterol, movements of free radicals, prevents blood clots and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart attack.
In addition to the heart patients, the people with a family history of heart disease and the people with stressful lifestyle and unhygienic dietary practices are highly recommended to avail of the oral chelation therapy. It is entirely safe and convenient for both children and adults.
Mike has been helping people protect their health for several years - through exercise and nutrition. The heart and circulation system is the most important, and all good health programs need to start here. Let Mike guide you in getting started.
Mike Spencer