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Reduce Your Allergies Without Side Effects
It’s springtime and you want to get outside to enjoy the warmer weather. One problem – the things which make it spring, the warm weather, the blooming trees and flowers and grasses, mean seasonal allergies for you.
After reading this article You’ll be armed with information so You can decide what’s best for solving Your allergy problems.
Beyond the obvious of minimizing dust and other allergens in Your house, You can use a process of elimination to determine if some foods may be causing allergic reactions. Common foods to steer clear of are homogenized, pasteurized dairy, Shellfish, highly processed white flour and wheat products.
Washing fruits and vegetables with a cleansing solution to remove pesticides and chemicals can be found at a health food store.
You may even need to visit an allergist who can do Allergy testing for You if You’re having trouble identifying the source of Your specific allergies.
Here are specific supplements which are proven to help Your body fight allergies.
Schizandra – 90 mg 3-4 times a day
Omega-3 Fatty acid fish oil gel caps – 500 mg 3-4 times a day
Vitamins A – at least 5,000 IU a day which is 100% of the daily vitamin A Your body needs. (For some reason vitamin A is always given in IU which is International Units. There is no good conversion to milligrams because IU’s are dependant on the potency of the substance).
Vitamin C – 500 mg 3-4 times a day. Vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants which can help Your itchy watery eyes.
(These are what I take, You’ll have to gauge what’s best for Your body). And - Quercetin (inhibits histamine) 1 gram twice a day
These always work best in combination.
Here is a specific combination which research has found very effective in helping Your body fight allergies.
This research is based on a study from 1952 that proved the effectiveness of a specific supplement combination: the amino acid L-tyrosine and two of the B-vitamins, niacinamide (B3) and pyridoxine (B6). The three work on allergy symptoms only when taken in combination.
The recommended daily dose is as follows:
800-2,400 milligrams of L-tyrosine.
10-30 milligrams of Vitamin B6
40-120 milligrams of Vitamin B3 Vitamins B6 and B3 are usually found together in a good natural multi-vitamin, so they are pretty easy and convenient to take.
You will need to split this up evenly into 3-4 doses throughout the day. All 3 of these can easily be found at health food stores who more than likely will have someone who is knowledgeable on supplements and nutrition. You can also work with a Doctor or other specialist who
knows supplements and nutrition as well.
Help for sniffling and sneezing:
Also available at health food stores are nasal sprays which contain a simple sugar called xylitol. Xylitol helps by prevent- ing pollen and other allergens from sticking to nasal membranes and causing allergic reactions.
These nasal sprays also help the nasal passages to naturally drain and clear themselves so You can breath more easily.
And finally …
If you’re not that excited about individual supplements And how much to take, there are ready made natural Formulations that combine the best supplements to solve The root causes of Your allergies.
Prescriptions and over the counter drugs simply suppress histamine and don’t help Your body to solve the root causes of allergies.
Each of the following fills a specific niche in the fight against allergies and You will need to research which is best for Your specific type of allergy.
In general all of these will help Your body to naturally reduce histamine production, reduce swelling and improve respiratory and immune system functions. So this way Your body can fight allergic reactions more effectively.
Aller-DMG™ Aller-7® Allerpro™ Aller-7 RX-Respiration™ AllerPhase™ - and their website has some great information on how the body reacts to allergens and how to reduce these reactions.
All of the above contain a combination of supplements to combat allergies. And because they come highly recom- mended by Expert Doctors, prestigious health magazines and respected articles I have read.
Take the first step and find out what’s causing Your allergies. If You already know, You’re well on Your way to solving the root causes of the problem.
Then follow the experts proven strategies above to help get Your allergies under control. Just think about all the positive benefits You’ll get when You’re able go through allergy season without suffering the sniffling, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes.
What one thing will You do today to move You toward an allergy free life? Because once You know what works for You, You’ll be armed and ready with the solutions for the allergy seasons.
Nutrition and Healing Health e-Tips – “Forbidden Fruit” 4/28/2005 Amanda Ross.
Energy Times, April 2005 pgs. 51-52, Joanne Gallo.
Health Sciences Institute e-Alerts, Jenny Thompson.
www.hsibaltimore.com website.
About the Author
Lee Cummings has been helping real people solve real problems and feel better with expert proven nutrition for over 5 years. Report - mailto:report@lc-nutrition.com Discover proven nutrition information: http://www.LC-Nutrition.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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