Antioxidants and Your Health
Get back to the basics - eat fresh at home and neutralize free radical oxidation, which is rusting away your body, by eating a variety of foods high in antioxidants every day.
Why? Antioxidants, as the name implies, help prevent oxidation,...
Coffee, Caffeine & Fitness
One look at a line at the local Starbucks in the morning and you don’t need to be convinced of the huge amount of coffee consumption in the U.S. The National Coffee Association found in 2000 that 54% of the U.S. adult population drinks coffee...
Stress & Supplementation, Part 4: Putting Supplements into Context
NB: the information in this article is for educational purposes only, and should not be read as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your diet or a particular supplement, please consult your healthcare professional
Over the previous...
Take Control of Your Metabolism: Quick Tips for Increased Muscle Tone, Faster Fat Burning, and Energy Levels Like a 9 Year Old!
So many people are talking about how slow their metabolism is and why they need to start taking the latest diet supplement scam yet they don’t even understand how the human metabolism works. So before I even go into how to speed yours up, I want...
The right way to take vitamins and herbs
Question : IS IT safe to take both vitamins (such as vitamins C, E and multivitamins) and other herbal remedies (such as saw palmetto and pumpkin seed) together daily? I have mild hypertension (140/90 mmHg) and digestive problems, such as bloating...
The Power of Vitamin B12 Supplementation
Vitamin B12 is a highly important part of any good vitamin
supplementation plan. It works to improve and enhance a variety
of important bodily systems, helping the body to metabolize fats
and carbohydrates, while maintaining a healthy nervous system.
The main purpose served by this important vitamin is supporting
the transfer of amino acids during the process of energy
production. This leads to significantly increased overall energy
levels, as well as more efficient immune system function.
Another function of Vitamin B12 is to support the cellular
nourishing process for increased fertility and healthy growth
and development of cells. It is also connected to acteylcholine
production, which supports the brain in memory and learning.
In addition to all this, Vitamin B12 works together with folic
acid to manufacture red blood cells and properly replicate DNA.
It also has the potential to promote good heart health
helping to maintain healthy levels of an homocysteine, which is
an amino acid normally found in your blood.
As you can see, this highly potent and versatile vitamin comes
with more than its fair share of health benefits, and is an
excellent supplementation option for almost any diet. B12
supplementation is especially important for vegetarians, or
those who aren't frequent meat eaters, as it is not plentiful in
fruits and vegetables.
If you are interested in learning more about Vitamin B12, and other health products,
such as Colostrum, please visit
About the author:
Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of ImmuneWellness.com, a useful
source of information about vitamins and
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
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Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Vitamin Supplements - Ask the Dietitian |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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