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What is Chromium Picolinate?
Chromium picolinate supplement combines the essential trace mineral Chromium with the naturally occurring metabolite, Picolinate. Some benefits of chromium picolinate include its ability to keep the body metabolism healthy, while chromium picolinate also assists in fighting off invasive infections. Reportedly chromium picolinate quickens wound healing and chromium picolinate acts as a catalyst in various hormonal activities. Functions such as enzyme activity enhancement are among other essential benefits of chromium picolinate.
Many chromium picolinate weight loss benefits are widely enjoyed by overweight people. This chromium picolinate weight loss occurs as lean body muscle is enhanced and strengthened by chromium picolinate. A balanced intake of chromium picolinate helps turn protein into muscle, while chromium picolinate stimulates the fat burning abilities of the body.
Chromium picolinate weight loss is also achieved by the ability of chromium picolinate to reduce sweet cravings and hunger pangs. Improved carbohydrate and fat metabolism is a major function of chromium picolinate, which can help with proper weight management and chromium picolinate weight loss.
Thus chromium picolinate weight loss results from a decreased appetite and increased energy levels while taking chromium picolinate supplement. When chromium picolinate supplement is taken in conjunction with a healthy diet that includes regular exercise, a substantial and steady chromium picolinate weight loss is often the result.
Chromium picolinate ends the commonly termed yo-yo diet effects and associated hazards, as chromium picolinate prevents the loss of muscle tissue associated with reduced calorie diets. Therefore chromium picolinate is an excellent choice for individuals who want the chromium picolinate weight loss benefit while still maintaining healthy, strong muscle tissue achieved by taking chromium picolinate supplements.
Most of our chromium picolinate is obtained through unsaturated fats, meat, liver and whole grain. Chicken and shellfish
also contain chromium picolinate. Clams and brewers yeast are also useful sources of naturally occurring chromium picolinate. Despite chromium picolinate being available to us through several food sources, our body's daily requirements for chromium picolinate are often not met. Indulging in too many over processed foods and sugary soft drinks with low chromium picolinate levels could result in a diet low in chromium picolinate.
A deficiency of chromium picolinate could show up as ongoing chronic fatigue and exhaustion. A continued lack of energy and vitality could point to a deficiency of chromium picolinate. As chromium picolinate in food is often only available in very small amounts, common sense would suggest taking a chromium picolinate supplement to ensure a balanced diet, which includes enough chromium picolinate.
The promotion and management of necessary insulin is one of the functions of chromium picolinate. Without adequate chromium picolinate, poor insulin response is quite common and could increase the risk of obesity and high blood pressure. Chromium picolinate can lessen the risk of heart disease, diabetes and elevated heart fat through the ability of chromium picolinate to effectively manage insulin levels and responses.
This results in overall good health and increased energy levels, as well as chromium picolinate weight loss management. Improved insulin function can help an individual remain fit and active and enjoy chromium picolinate weight loss benefits.
Another benefit is that chromium picolinate can also decrease high blood pressure and cholesterol while chromium picolinate aids in promoting healthy growth hormone functions. Anyone who wants to increase their general health and fitness levels while maintaining a healthy body weight through chromium picolinate weight loss, should include chromium picolinate in their diet.
About the Author
Copyright 2005 Health-Focus Providing Resources on Health and Nutrition
More on chromium Picolinate
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
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