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Why Online Dating is so Tough For Men
Online dating has become increasingly popular over the past several years. Every year millions of men turn to internet dating in an effort to meet more women without risking face-to-face rejection. Unfortunately, internet dating doesnt work very well for most men because the odds are so heavily against them.
According to a November, 2003 study by Jupiter Research, men are four times more likely than women to subscribe to an online dating site and twice as likely to browse, post, or respond to a profile. Obviously, those odds are stacked strongly in favor of the women.
When it comes to internet dating, to paraphrase James Brown, its a womans world.
This is quite a contrast from the off-line world, where attractive women are not approached nearly as often as men might think.
While doing research for my book, Take Action: How to Meet Women and Get Dates, I surveyed over fifty single women in their twenties or thirties about being approached by men and their views on being hit on and dating in general.
The most striking finding from the survey was that most women very clearly want men to be more daring about approaching them. In response to the question, should men be more bold in approaching women, 82% responded yes. With a lot of effort and time, online dating can work for some men but it is not easy. You will probably have more
success with internet dating by viewing it as a supplement to other methods of meeting women, instead of relying on it as your sole method. Also, use one of the larger services like match.com. You will need to use a shotgun approach and will therefore want to make sure you are in as target-rich an environment as possible.
But if you really want to meet and date a lot of women you will probably need to do it the old fashioned way. Approach women in person.
As the old saying goes, the more things change the more things stay the same.
When it comes to meeting women, a confident man who can approach a beautiful woman and strike up a conversation with her will always do better than the 99% of men who cannot. Technology might change a lot, but it will never change that.
Kenneth Scott is the author of Take Action: How to Take Action and Meet Girls, which is available at amazon.com and www.dating-pickup-lines.com. He is married to a beautiful, intelligent woman he met at the grocery store.
About the Author
Kenneth Scott is the author of Take Action: How to Take Action and Meet Girls, which is available at amazon.com and www.dating-pickup-lines.com. He is married to a beautiful, intelligent woman he met at the grocery store.
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