Health Thoughts Living on the Health Minimum Wage?
Random thoughts taken from valuable sources, what many nutrition experts consider to be the most important nutrients and health habits a person should have to help them stay healthy long term. We would categorize them into the following areas. ...
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After an auto mechanic spends hours under a car or a writer spends all day in front of a computer, their muscles later complain at this overextension. Everyone gets a muscle ache once in a while, but chronic muscle pain can be a debilitating...
The One-Minute Guide To Health and Happiness
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I thought I was under a lot of job stress, and I felt it daily.
I thought I was somewhat healthy, and I became that way – only somewhat healthy.
I thought I was failing financially, and I...
True Culprits of High Cholesterol -- Homogenized Milk and Tap Water?
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Weight Loss Supplements
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Why Should I Take Nutritional Supplements?
Do you ever wonder why the experts keep saying that you need to take supplements? Why won't a healthy, balanced diet work?
There are 3 main reasons that you need to take quality nutritional supplements each & every day. In this article, I want to go over these 3 reasons we need to supplement our diets.
Reason #1: Food Production Methods In between harsh farming methods, toxic chemical sprays, harvesting the foods prematurely, & storing foods for long periods of time, much of the nutrients that should be in our food just aren't there. Recent scientific studies show that a mere fraction of the nutrients that should be in foods are still there.
Especially nutrients such as enzymes & phytonutrients, which are very fragile, are destroyed long before the food reaches your table, if the nutrients were even there to start with.
Reason #2: Modern Day Diets I sincerely doubt that there are too many health experts that could honestly say that the average American's diet is “healthy.” Saturated fat is not the only part of our modern day diet that is unhealthy...we don't get enough vitamins, antioxidants, glyconutrients, etc, etc. in our diets. If you would like to know how unhealthy the modern day diet really is, go to http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/04/21/DDG8767ITN1.DTL
Reason #3: Environmental Stress The amount of toxins that we absorb each day is nothing
short of horrendous. Researchers recently announced that if you go to Los Angeles, CA for two weeks, you will absorb more dangerous toxins in two weeks than is healthy for you to absorb during your entire life! All of these toxins have a serious effect on your health. Nutritional supplementation is one way that you can fight the downward pull of sickness.
Even the American Medical Association now recommends that you supplement your diet. Historically, the AMA has been opposed to nutritional supplementation—they believed that most people got all they needed in their food. But, due to the unprecedented poor nutrient supply in the food, & the declining health of the US population, the AMA now considers nutritional supplements essential!
So, if you want to be healthy—if you want to have wellness—get the best supplements that you can, & take them regularly.
The bottom line is that if you don't supplement, you will never have the best health that you could.
To Your Health,
Adam J. Thompson
About the Author
Adam J. Thompson is a nutritional consultant specializing in glyconutrients, a newly discovered class of nutrients. You can learn more about glyconutrients & order them at discount prices at http://www.glyconutrients-online.com This article may be freely redistributed, published, & printed, as long as the above author info remains, & the above hyperlinks are clickable.
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
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dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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