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Why Take Supplements Today? Where can you find good supplements?
Many of us feel secure that if we buy the right foods and take store bought vitamins, we will get all the nourishment our body needs to function properly. I wish this was true, but a conclusion can be evident by very simple common sense. We must look at where the food is grown. Imagine soil that has been used for over 100 years to grow things we consume. Where do all the nutrients come from that are absorbed by the plants? The soil can only give up so much before it is void of these vital nutrients. Only soil that is replenished by continuous erosion or wash over can receive new nutrients. Farmers only need three chemicals to assist plants to grow properly that lack nutrients.
How does this effect us? Our bodies are lacking in so many nutrients that it is hard to function the way we should without getting tired. Am I right? Sometimes people say that this is the way it is and ignore the fact that they could feel better. What about your own immune system? Without a properly functioning immune system, you become susceptible to colds, flu and allow your body to weaken. The end result can be fatal as we can get afflicted with some terminal diseases.
What is the long term effect of allowing your body to degenerate? Aging faster is one of the side effects of neglect. We're more susceptible to major ailments such as cancer. Nutrients play a key role in how cells function. The stronger your cells become, the stronger your immune system is! The immune system is your army to fight off disease. You also feel better and have more energy to do more as well as fight off stress!
Due to our fast paced society, stress plays a key role in oxidation of cells...hence antioxidants are born! I know you've heard of these. Oxidation causes "Free Radical" damage that is ongoing in our cells. Free Radicals cause cell damage by taking electrons from healthy cells. This ongoing damage can be fatal as well as making us feel tired.
Now that we know why we need to take supplements, where do we go to buy them and what are the key nutrients we should intake? This can be a major headache as most
of us aren't sure what to take. So now we head off to the health food store or just go to the grocery store and get some? I know of one person who has done all the homework for us, Dr. Earl Mindell, author of many nutritional health books. The revolution of vitamins came when he introduced his book called "The Vitamin Bible."
Now people wanted to know what are vitamins and what key roles do they play in body function? Dr. Mindell broke down this barrier by educating people on what vitamins do. Other books he has written are "The Soy Miracle," "The Antioxidant Handbook," "The Anti-Aging Bible" and many more. And now finally, after many years, he decided to formulate a product that has just about everything your body needs to function properly. I have done exhaustive research to find the best of the best. Well, low and behold, I found the company that Dr. Mindell formulates for, FreeLife.
Now, what is this miraculous product that has 157 nutrients, that I discovered, "The Basic Mindell Plus." My next step would entail going to the famous health food store to see what it would take to duplicate this formula. Low and behold, a wake up call! With "The Basic Mindell Plus," I would take 8 tablets per day at a monthly cost of $75.00 shipped to my doorstep. To duplicate this at the famous health food store, I would have to consume over 90 tablets per day at a cost of well over $500.00 and guess what? I would still be missing 26 of the nutrients from "The Basic Mindell Plus"!!! Wow!!! By all means, do your own research as well! Print off the list of ingredients from the website, take the list and compare yourself!
Well, this should be a wake up call for everyone and the real key is that you do need to supplement in order to allow your body to function properly and ward off diseases. To view all of FreeLife's products, simply go to this website for review: http://www.healthinnovations.freelife.com. My e-mail is on the top left of the first page. If Health & Prevention are your top priority, you need to see this website.
About the Author
Tom Sparrow scubapro48@aol.com
Office of Dietary Supplements - HOME |
The mission of ODS is to strengthen knowledge and understanding of dietary supplements by evaluating scientific information, stimulating and supporting ... |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements ... |
A database of published, international, scientific literature on dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, and botanicals. |
dietary-supplements.info.nih.gov |
US FDA/CFSAN - Dietary Supplements: Overview |
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Times Online - Supplements |
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Drug Information and Supplement Information - MayoClinic.com |
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New Zealand Herald - Supplements |
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Dietary supplement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Food and Nutrition Information Center: Dietary Supplements |
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