Winning the Stress Game
Winning The Stress Game
Stress is a big factor in today’s world. The way we deal with it is as individual as we are. We need a certain amount of stress to function, but when it reaches extremes and we can no longer deal with it, it becomes a problem. Not dealing with our stress levels can lead to many symptoms and diseases. These can range from things such as headaches and indigestion and lead to many more serious illnesses if the initial warning signs are ignored.
Stress places greater demands on the body’s nutritional status than normal. Often when we find ourselves in these situations, planning and preparing meals takes a great dive in priority. However, this is when good nutrition is most important. Choosing healthy snacks such as fruit over junkie and fast foods is a start. It is important to drink plenty of water and replace tea and coffee with other more gentle alternatives such as herbal teas. Try to make eating meals as relaxing as possible. Turn off the TV, put on some relaxing music and enjoy your food and your family.
Supplements of nutrients are very important at these times. A good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement is a vital part of stress management.
There are many herb remedies that are of great value when dealing with stress. The appropriate herbs for you will depend on your individual circumstances. Ginseng has become a popular stress management herb in recent times, as it enhances the ability to handle life. In many situations, people under stress need help relaxing at night, to enable them to get the vital sleep needed. There are many
relaxing herbs that can be of assistance here. A cup of herbal tea before bed can be relaxing, teas such as chamomile or Evening bliss are enjoyable.
Burning essential oils releases a pleasant aroma into you environment, as well as having a therapeutic effect. Oils such as Lavender, Basil or Petitgrain are stress relieves, or try a blend such as Sunspirit Harmony or Nurture Blends. Relax your stress away in a warm bath with a few drops of essential oil.
Spending time meditating, just getting in touch with ourselves, with nature and the higher being, releases our tensions. Focusing on our breathing and clearing our minds does us a world of good.
It can be very difficult in a busy life style to make time for you, but to deal with stress effectively it is vital. Time for fun, relaxation and exercise needs to become a priority. Enjoying your life will make the stressful times much easier to deal with.
For us to cope with stressful situations, we must recognize that it is not the situation that is stressful, but the way we react to it. To deal with stress long term, we may need to adjust our attitudes to what is going on around us. Making stress management a priority becomes important if we are going to win the stress game.
About the Author
Andrea Putting N.D., Naturopath, Writer and creator/owner of health sites including, http://www.puttingitright.com.au, http://www.naturopathsresourcefile.info, and http://www.naturalhealth4cats.info . Explore the world of Natural Medicine; take your health into your own hands. Know how to be healthy and stay healthy.
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