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Zma Fuel
Zma is a unique combination of vitamins and minerals that impact positively on athletic performance. Zma is available in supplement form, and zma is readily absorbed by the system.
Zma fuel utilizes zinc monomethionine, magnesium aspartate and B6 combined. Zma is an anabolic mineral formula scientifically designed, and zma contains only natural products. The synergistic combination of zinc and magnesium in zma is proven to enhance healthy hormone production, resulting in increased strength and muscle power.
Clinical tests reveal that the ingredients in zma fuel can increase endurance and testosterone levels, as well as promote a restful sleep which is important for athletes.
Zma can be taken before bedtime, resulting in a deeper and more peaceful sleep. With zma intake the muscle cramping usually associated with sport is reduced considerably, when supplementing the diet with zma fuel.
Zma enhances and improves the body's healing ability, a benefit found in zma fuel supplements. Zma users can expect a 2.5 times greater muscle strength on average. This varies, and the more physically strong you are before taking zma supplements, the better your results on zma fuel will be.
A study conducted on a group of college football players which monitored the effects of zma on the system, proved very interesting. The football players taking zma fuel supplements combined with magnesium aspartate showed an increase of free testosterone levels by 43% more than the group on placebos! The muscle power of the players using zma increased 250% more than those who didn't use a zma fuel
There is impressive scientific evidence behind zma fuel and scores of clinical tests have been conducted on zma. Results show that zma really does work and zma fuel lives up to its claims.
Zinc is a micro mineral which is involved with hormone actions including growth hormones, estrogen, insulin and testosterone. The zinc found in zma is necessary for many enzymatic actions.
Those involved in physical fitness have a greater need for zinc and can replenish it with zma fuel. As it can be taken by men or women and has no adverse side effects, zma can benefit all athletes including beginners.
The B6 vitamin (pyridoxine) present in zma is involved with protein synthesis. In coenzyme form, the B6 vitamin in zma is involved with many enzymes as well as the metabolism of amino acids. Zma with B6 can free up carbohydrate energies and zma will also lessen the actions of cortisol and other catabolic steroids. The testosterone to cortisol ratio is boosted by zma fuel's B6, resulting in increased muscle strength. Because zinc and magnesium are easily depleted from the body, supplementing with zma can elevate these testosterone levels.
Athletic studies show that many athletes have a zinc deficiency, which can be corrected by taking zma. After participating in regular and intense exercise, zinc and magnesium levels decrease considerably. This deficiency results in a loss of strength and libido, easily replaced with zma.
Zma Fuel related articles
About the Author
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