Get More Done!
In today’s global market, the challenge is always to stay competitive by creating a more efficient work environment. For more than a decade, technology has been touted as the obvious answer to help increase productivity. At the same time, I find it...
Handling Redundancy
Why did you leave your last job? It’s a question that, following redundancy, many job applicants stumble around hopelessly with as they attempt to convince the interviewer that they wanted to leave when in fact they know that redundancy is more...
Is Off-shore Outsourcing A
An article in CIOInsight, http://www.cioinsight.com/article2/0,3959,940251,00.asp
Quoted some interesting survey results from companies that have gone offshore.
"Of those companies that have gone offshore,
88 percent said they had gotten...
Key To Memory Improvement Is Timely Revision
Key To Memory Improvement Is Timely Revision
Regular revision improves your memory and gives you a better
understanding of the subject. You should aim to do such general
revision scientifically during the semester that will be
Students Worldwide Are Learning How To Excel In School From Home.
Today, children are expected to earn high grades in all of their classes, in spite of the failing public school system. Parents can still remember when an education was essential in preparing children for their livelihood.
Now what many public...
Education is a kill joy
We all sure have suffered in the hands of the "latest
educational fads" Forty years ago, children would fail one
subject and consequently had to repeat the whole year again.
Sometimes, they would fail for missing as little as .25 points
on a final exam. Dedication, hard work, good participation in
class, a positive attitude...nothing would count towards making
the grade. They were considered failures, not of the system, but
individual failures; it was their fault that they didn't make
I have a friend who is a sad example of this system. When he was
in 5th grade, he failed Latin for, perhaps, half a point. He
needed to repeat the entire year because of Latin, only, the
discipline Latin was removed from the roll and was no longer
part of the system. In other words, he was held back for
something that didn't exist any longer. How tragic is this? And
worst, how did that make him feel?
Later on, the system determined that children were not supposed
to be "punished" in such way. In came the theory that
recuperation was a better approach to dealing with those who
couldn't pass the class. They would study during vacations to
make up for lost work. Then they could go on, provided they made
the grade. In my opinion this is a far better way to evaluate
the students. And fairer too.
But the system kept moving forward until we arrived at today's
democratic education, for lack of a better term. This system,
though gentler to the student's self-esteem, is another
disaster, for now, we have happier students who get into college
without the ability to read and write. Too many college students
are in the "7th grade bracket." Now, when we think that these
are the people controlling every single aspect of our lives in
the near future, one wonders how we will ever survive the flood
of semi-literate people leading our
The trouble is now that we have two extremes. If, on one hand we
have competent people who have suffered because they were called
"impaired," "dumb," "idiotic" and "slow" to say the least, we
also have extra inflated egos who can barely write their own
names. So, what are we to do? How can we solve this paradox,
and, not only prepare our students for a great and realistic
world, but also to do so in a way that each one will have his
place and be happy for it?
The educational system has failed us, the aggravation being that
we think that everyone should go to college. I disagree; college
education, for example, is not for everyone. In today's society,
only 25% of college graduates work on their chosen field. So,
why waste resources, personal and governmental, in pursuing an
education that will be useless from an occupational standpoint?
My point is that, as with every society in the world, ancient or
modern, literate or illiterate, there is a place for everyone.
Even in Brave New World the expression "to each, his own"
applies. This means that, in the same way that we are not all
made to be lawyers, politicians or artists, we are not all made
to be janitors, mechanics, or truck drivers. In a truly
democratic society, where education inspires the individual to
do his best in whatever occupation he or she chooses, everyone
is a winner, because everyone is truly happy.
About the author:
Dr. Maria Moratto holds 5 degrees and is a life coach/educator.
She promotes courses and seminars in attracting abundance and
loving relationships, goal setting, diversity, time and stress
management, career delineation, values clarification, leisure,
college life, self-improvement, communication and learning
styles, spirituality, health and lifestyle. Visit her website at
http://www.rx4bliss.com . Sign up for a free e-zine.
Time Management from Mind Tools - How to manage time and maximize ... |
Good personal time management skills are essential for a happy, successful career. This Mind Tools section shows you how to manage your time, ... |
www.mindtools.com |
Time Management |
Techniques and strategies for time management and scheduling your work. |
www.studygs.net |
My daily schedule:: time management |
Time management, Learner's Day Planner:. Tasks begun well, likely have good finishes Sophocles 496 - 406 BC. Study Guides index in English as home site ... |
www.studygs.net |
Managing Your Time |
Many students discover the need to develop or hone their time management skills when they arrive at college. Unlike high school where teachers frequently ... |
www.dartmouth.edu |
Time management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Time management for personal use is a type of self-management. In a corporate setting, time management software can satisfy the need to control employees, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Personal time management and goal setting guide |
The definitive guide to personal time management and goal setting skills and techniques. Includes articles, tips, software and other personal development ... |
www.time-management-guide.com |
A List Apart: Articles: Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory |
The pickle jar theory of time management can help you get more done with less stress. |
alistapart.com |
Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance |
www.ucc.vt.edu |
Time Management for University Students Contents |
time management icon. 1. Introduction: The Time Management Cycle · 2. Goal Setting · 3. Time Awareness and Time Tracking ... |
www.yorku.ca |
SCRS - Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management |
Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management. The ABC Method of Time Management - Texas A&M University; The A-B-C Value Rating - George Washington ... |
counseling.uchicago.edu |
Time Management Problem Resolution Guide |
Time management addresses various tasks, habits, and time-wasting perceptions and feelings. The most common tasks, habits, and feelings to deal with are ... |
members.aol.com |
Time Management--UIUC Counseling Center |
Before exploring specific time-management techniques, consider several common myths which contribute to poor time management, especially undermining your ... |
www.couns.uiuc.edu |
Leadership & Time Management |
Leadership is about managing time and getting things done. |
www.nwlink.com |
Mind Tools - Time Management Skills |
How to get the most out of your time. Time Management - how to achieve more with your time · How much is your time worth? ... |
www.psywww.com |
Time Management Training Skills and Tips |
Time management training courses and workshops will help delegates increase work effectiveness and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily ... |
www.tsuccess.dircon.co.uk |
Time Management - University Learning Center |
Time management is the managing of your time so that time is used to your advantage and it gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the ... |
www.ulrc.psu.edu |
Time Management: Counseling Services, University at Buffalo |
There's no such thing as time management! So why should you read the rest of this handout? Because there is such a thing as self management and that's the ... |
ub-counseling.buffalo.edu |
MIT Online Learning Modules: Time Management and Organization |
TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION. Students who are pressed for time are often ... There is also a misconception that time management means documenting your ... |
web.mit.edu |
Time Management by Steve Pavlina |
Steve Pavlina: Personal development for smart people. |
www.stevepavlina.com |
Time Management Advice: Small Business Advice - BusinessTown |
Time is one of the most valuable assets to anyone in business. Learn simple steps how to budget your time to maximize your productivity by organizing your ... |
www.businesstown.com |