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thinking, believing this time the resolution will stick. Maybe a
few have, but generally these wishful self-promises end...
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How to Survive First Year Engineering
So you just got accepted in your engineering program…joy, but you are still doubtful. You ask yourself, could I actually handle the stress, the sleepless nights, the solitary life style and the Exams? Well hopefully after reading this guide you might just be able to do so and perhaps without going insane or bald.
Buy a Calendar Yes I know what you are thinking a calendar but I don’t need a calendar. I was like that too, heck I never used my agenda through out high school, and I managed to reach here right? Wrong! This is not high school and if you miss a due date for a test or exam you can not tell your mommy to write a note. Trust me I tried. Time management skill is vital if not necessary, it helps you plan for the endless upcoming due dates of assignments and gives you a better picture of what tests to study for. A common miscomputation is that you can keep up with all your courses every week. This is impossible especially if you want any resemblance of a social life. Firstly forget the time you think you might be able to put aside during the weekday. After a long day of lectures and labs you will be too tired to do anything and its best just to get a good night sleep. So, the only real time you got to study, play and sleep is during the weekend. Hence, a Calendar will help you in deciding what course to study for, what homework or assignment to do, and if it’s really ok to get wasted that night.
Join a Study Group I can not emphasize the importance of study groups, especially in engineering. Study groups are not only for dummies, they also help nerds. For the dummies this is the perfect opportunity to understand the problem and to get vital input from others and for the nerds it gives an opportunity to revise and really understand their stuff. For, there is no better way of studying then teaching others what you know. Apart from helping you pass the course, study groups also help to socialize us engineers. I mean you could go to library and study all by your self, achieve the top marks in class and graduate with honors but how effective of an engineer would you be in the real world? In the real world you won’t be given a list of problems to be completed in a 2 hour time period, but rather as an engineer you will be expected to work with others and on
problems which rarely have fixed or single solutions.
Learn to Skip Astonishing as it may sound, but I think it is vital for first year students to learn when to skip their classes. I mean you can’t skip all your classes but can and in most cases must in order to pass the course. Again the problem arises from the fact that as a first year engineer you have a finite amount of time to study and in most cases the weekend period is not enough. So for the greater good you will have to skip the liberal studies lecture or the optional tutorial. I would rather see a student skip a class to study for a test then for him/her to show up for class and worry about the upcoming test or quiz later that day.
Learn From Mistakes I find that it is usually the high achievers in high school who are the ones who freak out when they see their first C. Rather then understanding from their mistakes they get overwhelmed and in some cases obsessed with the mark. They are continuously trying to make up the difference by attending every class, compulsively trying to get perfect on every home work assignment and are the ones who study all day in their locked rooms. Sure the student might get an A on his/hers first semester courses but in the long term (usually by the end of second year) the student will be too burnout and in most cases must drop out from their engineering program.
Take Time to Relax and Exercise I think it is vital for engineers to put aside some time to relax and exercise. Personally, I find nothing more satisfying then pounding a punching bag to vent out all the built up frustration after a hard day at school. Apart from exercising, diet also plays a major role. If you can not eat your greens and fruits, on a daily basis, then you should consider taking a multivitamin everyday. Drink more water when ever possible and try to keep your daily caffeine intake to a maximum of two cups, yes I realize it is hard especially when you are doing an all nighter.
Hopefully after reading the above hints you will manage much better in being a first year engineering student. Try to embrace your days in school and always try to get a good night sleep.
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StudentDump.Com: Educational Resources
Time Management from Mind Tools - How to manage time and maximize ... |
Good personal time management skills are essential for a happy, successful career. This Mind Tools section shows you how to manage your time, ... |
www.mindtools.com |
Time Management |
Techniques and strategies for time management and scheduling your work. |
www.studygs.net |
My daily schedule:: time management |
Time management, Learner's Day Planner:. Tasks begun well, likely have good finishes Sophocles 496 - 406 BC. Study Guides index in English as home site ... |
www.studygs.net |
Managing Your Time |
Many students discover the need to develop or hone their time management skills when they arrive at college. Unlike high school where teachers frequently ... |
www.dartmouth.edu |
Time management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Time management for personal use is a type of self-management. In a corporate setting, time management software can satisfy the need to control employees, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Personal time management and goal setting guide |
The definitive guide to personal time management and goal setting skills and techniques. Includes articles, tips, software and other personal development ... |
www.time-management-guide.com |
A List Apart: Articles: Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory |
The pickle jar theory of time management can help you get more done with less stress. |
alistapart.com |
Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance |
www.ucc.vt.edu |
Time Management for University Students Contents |
time management icon. 1. Introduction: The Time Management Cycle · 2. Goal Setting · 3. Time Awareness and Time Tracking ... |
www.yorku.ca |
SCRS - Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management |
Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management. The ABC Method of Time Management - Texas A&M University; The A-B-C Value Rating - George Washington ... |
counseling.uchicago.edu |
Time Management Problem Resolution Guide |
Time management addresses various tasks, habits, and time-wasting perceptions and feelings. The most common tasks, habits, and feelings to deal with are ... |
members.aol.com |
Time Management--UIUC Counseling Center |
Before exploring specific time-management techniques, consider several common myths which contribute to poor time management, especially undermining your ... |
www.couns.uiuc.edu |
Leadership & Time Management |
Leadership is about managing time and getting things done. |
www.nwlink.com |
Mind Tools - Time Management Skills |
How to get the most out of your time. Time Management - how to achieve more with your time · How much is your time worth? ... |
www.psywww.com |
Time Management Training Skills and Tips |
Time management training courses and workshops will help delegates increase work effectiveness and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily ... |
www.tsuccess.dircon.co.uk |
Time Management - University Learning Center |
Time management is the managing of your time so that time is used to your advantage and it gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the ... |
www.ulrc.psu.edu |
Time Management: Counseling Services, University at Buffalo |
There's no such thing as time management! So why should you read the rest of this handout? Because there is such a thing as self management and that's the ... |
ub-counseling.buffalo.edu |
MIT Online Learning Modules: Time Management and Organization |
TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION. Students who are pressed for time are often ... There is also a misconception that time management means documenting your ... |
web.mit.edu |
Time Management by Steve Pavlina |
Steve Pavlina: Personal development for smart people. |
www.stevepavlina.com |
Time Management Advice: Small Business Advice - BusinessTown |
Time is one of the most valuable assets to anyone in business. Learn simple steps how to budget your time to maximize your productivity by organizing your ... |
www.businesstown.com |