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these types of professionals. The career paths are generally
similar in that the first three years are spent breaking...
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Devra Pransky, PR Specialist, (412) 995-7685
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Setting Clear Job Search Objectives
"Setting Clear Objectives"
To achieve a goal, there is a process that you should implement.
This process is to streamline and analyze your objectives. Begin
at the very beginning at the smallest, specific part. These are
the most important steps to take to meet the guidelines. An
objective is a way of knowing what action or plan is to be taken
and identifying the expected results. This plan provides a set
of directions so that making the decision will not be as
complicated as when the goal is just being considered.
Peter Ducker documented a book published in 1954 entitled
Practiced Management wherein MBO which stands for Management by
Objectives, was introduced. This is a program that consists of
simple but very useful processes in order to meet commitments in
an organization. Never worry, as this is also applicable to
personal plans.
MBO consists of 5 steps:
1. It should be SPECIFIC. It is better to accomplish one goal at
a time rather than thinking of several different plans at one
time. A single objective cannot be derived if there are two or
more results expected. What's important is that there is a need
to clarify what is to be achieved and should have your full
attention. This must be taken as seriously as possible.
2. It should be MEASURABLE. A lot of things that are not
tangible are hard to measure and there are things that are
really measurable for the mere fact that it includes numbers or
ratings. Take the service crews for example, it is hard to
measure how the service was delivered but if the number of
complaints is counted then there is a specific number that can
be used to rate the effectiveness of the service.
In offices, the number of tasks or assignments that were
accomplished is used as basis for the measurement. Cooperation,
though a very vague word can also be measured by means of
getting a subordinate and peer survey. How fast or delayed
assistance was provided to a certain individual is enough to
provide information on how situations can be measured. Try not
to use general terms when making an objective statement. It
should be something clear and specific like: to write, to
recite, to perform, to fix, to process, to
designate, to
purchase, to choose, to reprogram, etc.
3. It should be ATTAINABLE. The resources available give
information on how an objective can be attained. This must be
something that is derived from fact and very realistic. It could
be that a certain objective is indeed realistic but the time
frame to reap the result may not be. It is better to say
objectives that can be factual for this promotes motivation
rather than an objective taken from belief as this may cause
unexpected failure and feeling of discouragement.
4. It should be RESULT-ORIENTED. An objective should be stated
clearly so that the expectation is clear. Focus on the end
result as this will be the guide whether or not the objective to
reach the goal is effective and meaningful. Is this objective
going to help an individual grow or succeed? Will it be
beneficial to all concerned? Once the success has been attained
and all the plans were completed then it is a success.
5. It should be TIME BOUND. There should be a limit to all the
things needed to be accomplished. This matters since the root of
any plan can be traceable. This will also tell if the objective
is effective enough not to cause any delay. There will also be
more of the sense of fulfillment once a goal is attained with
the objectives set earlier than a deadline.
To sum it all up, develop an objective that is easily measured,
can be attained, with a limited time, this will help in
determining if the objective is realistic enough, meaningful,
and proven to be worthwhile to everyone involved. A chart or
journal can be kept to keep track of any opportunities and
strengths that were met along the way. This will also indicate
the time that was consumed and the length of the objective
developed. A successful objective helps motivate the individual
or the group involved toward greater achievements.
About the author:
Jay is the web owner of http://www.jobs-in.com Online Jobs, a website that
provides information and resources on searching for jobs
nationwide. You can visit his website at: http://www.jobs-in.net
Jobs | Job Search
Time Management from Mind Tools - How to manage time and maximize ... |
Good personal time management skills are essential for a happy, successful career. This Mind Tools section shows you how to manage your time, ... |
www.mindtools.com |
Time Management |
Techniques and strategies for time management and scheduling your work. |
www.studygs.net |
My daily schedule:: time management |
Time management, Learner's Day Planner:. Tasks begun well, likely have good finishes Sophocles 496 - 406 BC. Study Guides index in English as home site ... |
www.studygs.net |
Managing Your Time |
Many students discover the need to develop or hone their time management skills when they arrive at college. Unlike high school where teachers frequently ... |
www.dartmouth.edu |
Time management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Time management for personal use is a type of self-management. In a corporate setting, time management software can satisfy the need to control employees, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Personal time management and goal setting guide |
The definitive guide to personal time management and goal setting skills and techniques. Includes articles, tips, software and other personal development ... |
www.time-management-guide.com |
A List Apart: Articles: Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory |
The pickle jar theory of time management can help you get more done with less stress. |
alistapart.com |
Time Management Strategies for Improving Academic Performance |
www.ucc.vt.edu |
Time Management for University Students Contents |
time management icon. 1. Introduction: The Time Management Cycle · 2. Goal Setting · 3. Time Awareness and Time Tracking ... |
www.yorku.ca |
SCRS - Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management |
Virtual Pamphlet Collection - Time Management. The ABC Method of Time Management - Texas A&M University; The A-B-C Value Rating - George Washington ... |
counseling.uchicago.edu |
Time Management Problem Resolution Guide |
Time management addresses various tasks, habits, and time-wasting perceptions and feelings. The most common tasks, habits, and feelings to deal with are ... |
members.aol.com |
Time Management--UIUC Counseling Center |
Before exploring specific time-management techniques, consider several common myths which contribute to poor time management, especially undermining your ... |
www.couns.uiuc.edu |
Leadership & Time Management |
Leadership is about managing time and getting things done. |
www.nwlink.com |
Mind Tools - Time Management Skills |
How to get the most out of your time. Time Management - how to achieve more with your time · How much is your time worth? ... |
www.psywww.com |
Time Management Training Skills and Tips |
Time management training courses and workshops will help delegates increase work effectiveness and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily ... |
www.tsuccess.dircon.co.uk |
Time Management - University Learning Center |
Time management is the managing of your time so that time is used to your advantage and it gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the ... |
www.ulrc.psu.edu |
Time Management: Counseling Services, University at Buffalo |
There's no such thing as time management! So why should you read the rest of this handout? Because there is such a thing as self management and that's the ... |
ub-counseling.buffalo.edu |
MIT Online Learning Modules: Time Management and Organization |
TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION. Students who are pressed for time are often ... There is also a misconception that time management means documenting your ... |
web.mit.edu |
Time Management by Steve Pavlina |
Steve Pavlina: Personal development for smart people. |
www.stevepavlina.com |
Time Management Advice: Small Business Advice - BusinessTown |
Time is one of the most valuable assets to anyone in business. Learn simple steps how to budget your time to maximize your productivity by organizing your ... |
www.businesstown.com |