Time to Quit the Rat Race?
North American businesses are in trouble. Our offices are filled with people who are bored, stale and disinterested. In this article, Certified business and executive coach John M McKee considers some easy-to-implement options to regain our leadership positions.
Maybe it's the season, but lately I'm sure involved in a lotmore discussions about leadership with my clients.
I'm receiving more requests for help defining the keycharacteristics which make a great leader; and I'm hearing alot of negative stuff from clients about their bosses.
1. Most leaders die with their mouths open.
I recently read an article in Fast Company magazine aboutthe issue of leadership. In it, they quote Ronald Heifetz,the founder of Harvard's Center for Public Leadership, whomade the above comment back in 1999. He followed it up bysaying, "leaders must know how to listen - and the art oflistening is more subtle than most people think it is. Butfirst and just as important, leaders must want to listen.
"You'd think this is simply basic stuff, right? Like what allmanagers learned in Management 101. I doubt there's an execin business today who wouldn't say they 'know' this already.
But in my experience, most leaders seem to think it no longer applies to them when they start moving up the ladder. They seem to get to the stage where they think they really know it all.
But yet, executives and professionals at all levels frequentlytell me that they themselves don't feel 'heard' by their superiors. And here's the really interesting thing about it - I hear this frustration cited by people at every management level! Therefore, managers throughout many businesses are busy looking 'up' the organization chart for someone to listen to them - but they're not giving their own managers and the staff 'below' them the same benefit.
So you have managers going around telling subordinates what to do & how to do it; rarely asking those people for their input. And then being cranky because their boss treats them the same way! How dumb is that?
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2. Our North American companies are pretty inefficient
OK - this is
a random poll: Please raise your arm if youbelieve your company is efficient. At least 90% efficient.
Based upon what I hear from clients, there aren't many armsraised out there. In fact, most tell me that their ownorganizations are actually inefficient. Many are concernedthat their employer is getting less competitive on a globalscale. Some worry about cutbacks or reduced investmentspending which may result.
At the same time, they'll tell me that they are bored,unchallenged, stale, and losing interest. So, let's review. Inefficient businesses:
- no one is listening to those who are close to the real action.
- stale managers who are worried about global competitiveness.
Coincidence? Not likely. We can fix this situation, though.
And it's not that hard.
Remind yourself about that lesson of Management 101.
Become a better leader by becoming a better listener. Simplystart asking - and here I mean showing that you really wantto hear your team members' ideas about making yourdepartment / organization more efficient. Make it clear thatyou are on a new mission and you want to make 'listening' apriority. When your direct reports start to believe thatyou are serious - watch out.
I guarantee that you'll start to hear new ideas which willkick-start your organization's success. With that will comerenewed enthusiasm for the job. And the cycle of successwill build from there.
You don't need to die with your mouth open.
3. Today's Tips
1. Give your team credit for having the same basic needs and expectations as you have yourself.
2. Once in a while - just shut up.
3. Ask your subordinates how they'd deal with a problem or situation.
4. Get enthusiastic about the game again. It's contagious.
Before starting BusinessSuccessCoach.net in 2002, John McKee was among the founding senior management team of DIRECTV and, prior to that, was a senior executive who worked in boardrooms throughout various industries across North America. Throughout his management career McKee has hired, promoted, fired and laid off literally thousands of employees, which has given him unique insight about what aspiring professionals and managers should heed as they climb the ladder of success. His new book, "21 Ways Women in Management Shoot Themselves in the foot" will be available in November of 2005.