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3 Ways to squeeze even more revenue out of your Traffic Equaliser Pages
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Basic Techniques to Generate Traffic from Search Engines
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Website Linking Secrets: Winning Linking Strategies That Deliver High Pagerank, Traffic & Sales
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Getting Unlimited Traffic From Search Engines

Search engines have become so intimidating lately - most people
think that search engines are just out to get them - everyone's
becoming afraid... They also think that getting #1 rankings
is near impossible.

Yes, if you're trying to trick search engines, THEN - they're
out to get you - BIG TIME.

BUT, if you're willing to work with them and help them,
then they can seriously be your business's best friend.

Here's how:

Writing Articles for Search Engines

Actually, you're writing articles for TWO people.

1. Search Engines
2. Your Potential Customers

. Why for Search Engines?

Because search engines love content, and it's that very content
that let's you invite traffic from search engines.

These articles help you optimize your website for search
engine rankings (more on this in a bit).

. Why for Potential Customers?

Because these articles are what your prospects are looking
for on search engines - they land on that page, find the
information they need and then see your "recommendation"
- aka affiliate link and they click, click BUY.

So, your articles eventually lead to sales and commission
for you.

So once again, the purpose of articles:

. Provide content/information for:
. Search Engines
. Potential customers
. Promoting traffic to your affiliate program

Optimizing your Articles with Keywords

We don't want to make your head spin here, so we'll try to keep
this AS simple as possible.

There are certain places you want to insert your keywords
when building an article webpage.

Here they are:

. The title of the page
. The Description META Tag
. The Keyword META Tag
. In your Headline, use HTML Tag < h1 >< /h1 >
. Your first line of text
. Once or twice per paragraph
. Once/Twice in bold . In the text of a link

Some other tips:

. In your graphics - use keyword in HTML ALT tag . Use
a secondary keyword also - a few times

Some Cautions:

. Don't Overkill - repeating your keyword an obsense number
of times will not help you at all - it will hurt you.
. Never hide keywords - never.
. Nothing tricky - if it's tricky, don't do it.
. Don't have a LONG keyword META tag

The above is how most search engines determine how relevant
your webpage is to a specific keyword.

This is NOT the only element involved in search
engine optimization, however, it's one the most important.
The next strategy we're going to discuss is also critical -
for Google,



You can learn a lot more about How to Dominate Search Engines
and also get Step by Step Instructions to turn that traffic
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A Linking Strategy

Alright, now, we're going to discuss the one, quite possibly
most important element to ranking well in Google - the #
of incoming links.

Google has been giving more and more importance to what they
call their "PR" - short for Page Rank. The PR is based
on a scale of 1-10 and the higher it is, the more incoming
links you have.

The PR is determined by the number of INCOMING and OUTGOING
links you have. You should have the maximum number
of incoming links.

See, Google's theory is that by having a site link to you,
that website is basically "voting" for you - that site
is telling Google

"Hey, I like that website, it has good content, I feel
comfortable sending MY visitors there, so should you..."

The more sites that tell Google that, the more willing Google
is to send it's traffic.

So, bottom line, recruit incoming links.

----- How?-----

How did we know you're going to ask that million
dollar question?

Our answer is not that "great" -

"Just ask..."

Contact websites in your niche and ask them for a link exchange.

How to find these websites?

. Check the sites linking to your competition on

. Do a search on for your keyword and contact all
the relevant websites.

Send them an e-mail, call them, etc...and let them know what's
in it for them - a reciprocal link to help THEM with search
engine optimization as well.

NOTE: A linking strategy is VERY important if you want
any chance at making it to the Top 10 page on Google and
then staying there...

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About the Author

Kusuma Widjaja is President of Yahoo Cyber Technology, CV., based in Surabaya. He has over 2 years experience in Internet Marketing Arena, Custom Web Site Design and Graphic Design Services. For more information go to or you can reach us at +62-8315-838474. / Really simple and fool proof traffic building tips
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