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Are You Losing The Battle For Search Engine Traffic?
Search engine traffic should be a priority for any online business and some level of optimization is apart of every effective marketing strategy. On the plus side, search engine traffic is the cream of the crop. There is...

Blogging = The Latest Phenomena in Traffic Generation
In what was originally a form of online journal keeping by stay-at-home moms and college students, it has now become a national phenomenon with its presence felt as a legitimate business booster. For the novices, blogs are online journals that...

Check Yahoo Mail: Get Free Targeted Traffic Like Yahoo
This article tells you the methods used by yahoo mail site to get free targeted traffic, and how you can adopt the same method to get tons of free targeted traffic to your new or already existing business. Without any doubt, yahoo mail site...

Increase Your Website Traffic in 10 Foolproof Steps
Increasing website traffic is certainly your goal if you have a website. However, creating web pages that attract visitors is significantly different than simply building an attractive website. You need to make sure you put as much effort or more...

Ten-Step Guide to Boosting Your Site's Traffic and Revenue
1. Hunt for Catchy Domain Names and Get a Quality Paid Host You probably have a domain name already, but you might consider getting new ones for different sections of your website or for different target markets. Gone are the days when...

More Site Traffic

Hits are an essential part to all websites, without hits there would be no purpose to have a website as no one would be viewing it. What has been determined is that every site needs hits, but no one really knows how to generate site traffic, and hits. It took myself a very long time to understand how traffic worked, and how generating traffic was a very essential part to any website. I didn't quite know where to start, and fumbled around with different ideas, until I finally put together a balance of different techniques to bring large amounts of traffic into my websites. Luckily, you won't have to go through the same pursuits as I've put together some techniques for you too try, you just need to find your balance of these techniques.

Search Engines

Search engines are a very important part of traffic, 50% of most sites traffic is generated by search engines, so understanding Search Engine Optimization is incredibly important. There are a couple of ways to approach this, you can let your site get picked up by search spiders and listed in search engines, or you can manually submit your site through search engine submitters, this is usually the quicker way, but without using proper Meta Tags, and search keywords it means nothing. Meta tags are used to tell the search engines about your site and some information about them can be found here:

Link Exchange

Link exchanges are a very well known technique and can take a very long time to build up. A link exchange is where one site links to you, and in turn, you link to them. This greatly increases your rank in search engines as they love the clickthroughs from other webpages. Some programs state to automate this for you, but this doesn't do half the jab as if you were to do it yourself.


Believe it or not, writing articles is one of the best ways to generate non-stop traffic, in fact, this is one of the best ways to generate traffic to your site, and probably one of the easiest if you don't mind sitting down and doing some typing. Basicly, your write about something that you know, sign

your name, and website URL at the bottom of the article and post them to submission sites for people to read. Here are just a few that you can submit them too.

There are many, many more, just look :).


Although costly at times, adwords is Googles creation, and that word alone should tell you that it's worth it. Google is taking over the world, so why not advertise with them :). Basicly, you design a ad companion with your site, description of the site, and keywords related to your site, you determine how much you want to spend when anyone clicks on your ads. Then when someone searches one of your keywords, your ad will appear to the right of the searches, and whenever someone clicks on your add, your account is debited whatever click through price you determine. It's great for those who have the money to spend on ad campaigns.

Auto Surfing

This is more or less a poor mans, or womens, way of gaining traffic, you more or less signup for an account, you are given a surf URL, and in some cases a referral URL. When you use your surf URL to automatically search members site, you received credits that go towards hits to your sites. This is good for insta-traffic, but is definitely not targetted. If you are really interested in them, I have provided a few below.

Good Luck Everyone!

About The Author

Justin Robinson / Really simple and fool proof traffic building tips
Besides, I wanted to focus on free and natural traffic building methods. Campaign Monitor is simply the best way to manage your email newsletters and ...
Traffic building tips | 456 Berea Street
Simple tips for getting more traffic to your site.
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March 21st, 2006 at 6:57 pm How To Blog - How To Podcast » Blog Archive » 10 Creative Traffic Building Ideas from Lee Lee Odden ...
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Traffic-building Ideas from your Log Files - The Web Developer's Journal.
Link Building & Traffic Building Tips : SEO
Sugarrae posted a bunch of great link building tips at Webmasterworld, stating how link building for Google has evolved over the past couple years.
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Using Traffic Building enables you to quickly and easily manage hundreds, ... Traffic Building is full CMS solution which allows you have full control over ...
Internet Marketing Support & Webmaster's Resources
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Internet-and-Businesses-Online - Traffic-Building Ezine Articles allows ezine or email list publishers to upload or download free expert content that can be used within email newsletters or websites.
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Traffic Building – Top 10 Myths About Traffic Building.
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BUILD YOUR OWN WEBSITE! .... Traffic Building Guide .... from Project HappyChild.
Traffic: Attract, Buy and Exchange traffic to your site
Traffic Building · Pay Per Click · Affiliate Marketing · Viral Marketing · Web Analytics · Usability. traffic Traffic. The first step of your campaign is to ...
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Email marketing services specializing in restaurant promotion. Site has company overview, explanation of products and services, and client samples.
Key Internet marketing-search engine strategies-traffic building ...
Guide connects to promotional tools to help build site traffic. Receive free reports on Web marketing via email.
Marketing , Traffic Building and Advertising
Marketing , Traffic Building and Advertising, ---- Contextual Advertising - Adsense & Others, ---- Directories & Link Building, ---- Market Analysis - Your ...
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This is vital for traffic building. Pinging aggregators makes sure that your readers are aware of your new posts and get them in a timely fashion. ...
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Are you stuck in a rut when it comes to marketing your website on the Internet? The success of your website, either for business or pleasure, ...
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Traffic Building of Websites using Search Engine Optimisation by Afferent Media in Sydney NSW Australia.
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MindComet provides traffic building services for search, viral marketing and media buying.
Romow Internet Marketing Blog » Traffic Building
The official blog of Romow Directory. Topics include search engine optimization, web directories, general business, and other online marketing strategies.
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