Creating Value With Streaming Video Content
Having a corporate or promotional video for your company is often viewed as something of an expensive luxury – useful, but rarely considered to be an essential marketing tool. Whilst many businesses can understand the benefits of having a...
STREAMING MEDIA - Leveling the Playing Field for Small Business -
Statistics tell us that there are 5,000 new websites coming on-line everyday! And, sadly, they all have one thing in common...they are all starting to look the same. Our company, pursuing its own marketing efforts, has the need to look at thousands...
STREAMING MEDIA - Leveling the Playing Field for Small Business - Part III
IS YOUR WEB SITE READY FOR PRIME TIME?? In the first two articles on streaming media, I discussed audio, the maturest streaming technology, and streaming pictures, which marries photos and graphics with an audio presentation. (If you missed these...
Streaming Media: Why It Works
Isn’t it more interesting to pay attention on a kind of medium that is complete with valuable data and presented on a creative way with audio-video quality to match? That’s the kind of media we sometimes look for before becoming compelled enough on...
Who Else Wants To Explode Their Sales With Streaming Audio?
Audio is not new to the Internet. Several marketers have been using it for years and have successfully proven that audio does increase sales. I have read that audio can increase your sales by as much as 300% and some report up to 426% increase in...
Turn Benefits Into Sales with Streaming Media
By Ronni Rhodes
The "Wow" factor that accompanied the introduction of streaming media on the Web has long passed, and the technology now has to prove itself to marketers. Its' acceptance by advertisers, in conjunction with other rich media technologies, is on the upswing, but it's still not widely used to enhance commercial sites.
Companies trying to do business on the Internet are bombarded with marketing advice. Go to your target market. Promote your brand. Develop a web "community." Publish a Zine. All of it, good advice. But shopping carts are still being abandoned at an alarming rate, and conversion has become the most important web statistic.
In the absence of live salespeople, who know how to listen and focus in on the customers' desires, businesses on the Web must use the technological tools available to replicate that human experience. Streaming is one of those tools.*
Streaming Media is a natural way to motivate purchasing. It can be integrated into your website as a means to help people get over that “hump” when they haven’t been able to see or touch a product. Use it to calm customers’ nerves, build their trust in your company, and to keep their excitement about your service alive.
When would streaming media serve visitors' needs on a commercial or business site? Use it for:
*Product Demonstrations - Visuals are powerful and convey product features difficult to explain only in text. Medical devices are great candidates. *Installation issues - especially for products geared to personal safety such as child car seats - are expertly handled with video. * Human Resource professionals can use it to enhance corporate Intranets for remote sales forces and clients. Training programs can be stored and viewed by personnel at their convenience. Both audio and video can be used in conjunction with written materials to explain company policies and procedures.
*Streaming slideshows are an economical method of showcasing vacation facilities, business plants, and real estate properties.
*Demystify the shopping experience - use it to navigate the selling process.
*Teachers and coaches of dance, sports and gym activities can highlight their training methods with short demonstration
Many businesses would like to use streaming media but are put off by high production costs. Keep in mind that existing materials might be perfectly suited for current needs. Your streaming provider should be able to assist you with preparing and, if needed, modifying your material.
Streaming media is a very effective and affordable marketing tool. In today's world, where consumers have more purchasing power and choices than ever before, it can be used to make your customers aware of benefits that can't be found elsewhere. And, benefits often turn into sales.
Streaming media should not be used arbitrarily, however. Unless your material is relevant to your visitors and adds perceived value to their purchase, don’t waste your time or theirs. When designing your streaming media presentation, ask yourself what it will accomplish that your current content doesn’t. Will it complement your existing material? Will it be utilized to enhance your offering? Will it provide additional incentive to make your visitor buy?
If you can answer yes to those questions, streaming media should be a strong candidate for your marketing dollars. Use streaming media technology wisely, and it will go a long way to making your business site stand out in a very crowded field.
*What IS streaming? Streaming promises quick access to crucial audio and video content without the aggravating wait for files to download. Downloading requires that files be sent to the user's PC in their entirety before they can be played; MP3 audio is a perfect example of this. The files then remain on the user's machine until they are deleted. Streaming continuously sends these same files, which have already been digitized, to the user's PC while the user is listening or watching. When the stream is ended, no data is left behind on the user's machine.
About the Author
Ronni Rhodes is the owner of WBC Imaging, a company that specializes in web site enhancement utilizing streaming media technology. With her husband, Don, a digital media engineer, they work with companies to incorporate streaming as part of successful and meaningful training and marketing programs.
Please direct all questions and comments to: Ronni@wbcimaging.com 520-742-5780 http://www.wbcimaging.com
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How to Make Streaming Video |
This tutorial covers the different types of video streaming on the internet ... Note: This is not technically "true" video streaming — the best it can do is ... |
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Macromedia - Flash Video Streaming Service |
Macromedia has partnered with VitalStream to offer the Flash Video Streaming Service on VitalStream's Content Delivery Network. ... |
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Flash Video Streaming Service (FVSS) is a hosted service by VitalStream that ... On-demand audio and video streaming by simply uploading Flash audio or ... |
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Video Streaming |
'Video Streaming: A Guide for Educational Development' is available as a free download (in an Adobe PDF file). It can be downloaded either as a whole or ... |
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Click & Go Video |
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Audio and Video Streaming |
Audio and Video Streaming. Streaming & Instruction .. Streaming Services. How can I use streaming in a course? What type of materials can be Streamed? ... |
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Recent News. DayPort, Inc. implements its Carbon Content Management System for content delivery, at UK based British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) . ... |
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Flash Video Streaming - VitalStream |
We work closely with Macromedia to develop the Flash video streaming platform, VitalStream is the first and most experienced service provider to offer live ... |
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Apple - Education - Apple Video Streaming Solutions |
The Apple Video Streaming solution is eligible for federal funding under eRate and the No Child Left Behind Act. Consult your Apple representative to learn ... |
www.apple.com |
Internet-and-Businesses-Online - Video-Streaming Ezine Articles |
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The short story is that I bought a house and, with it, a new wireless router (the D-Link DGL-4300, quite nice) to penetrate the walls my previous apartment ... |
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Video Streaming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Systems |
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The OxygenTV project is developing an implementation of the adaptive video streaming framework that uses CM to adapt to variable bandwidth and delay and ... |
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