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Financially Free with Network Marketing?
Are you also curious, but skeptical, about becoming financially free with network marketing? Do you think financial freedom is only a dream? Why would network marketing be the answer? How should you use it to achieve financial freedom? Let’s begin…
Let's assume you've got a job or you're self-employed. That means you have to show up for work to get paid. You can say you exchange your time for money. As we tend to spend our money on food, our home, car and other stuff, we have to keep exchanging our time for money.
Although most of us have accepted this, that doesn't mean it has to be this way. When you feel yourself resisting your 9 to 5 routine or the limited amount of income you'll be making, you're ready to look beyond these limits.
The solution to the "exchange your time for money"-problem is to create passive income. As the word suggests this is income that you don't have to work for. How can that be?
There are two ways by which you can achieve this:
1. Invest in Real Estate to get rental income
2. Own businesses that don't require your presence
You can still create passive income in real estate today, even without having money, but knowledge of buying houses in preforeclosure is a must. So, if this is your thing, go for it!
If you want to own a business, here are four ways you can get one:
1. Buy a business
2. Buy the rights for a franchise
3. Start your own business
4. Network marketing
The first two options generally require a large investment. If you have the money and the ability to tell a good opportunity from a bad one, be my guest.
The third option is the most difficult. Remember, you want it to be the kind of business that doesn't require your presence, so you'll have to have the knowledge to set up all kinds of business systems, hire people, get finance for the start-up period. Also, you have to have a product.
However, once you've managed to build a successful business, it
can be very satisfying and it can make you very rich. Just read on to find out how you can learn the right skills while growing the capital for your start-up.
And then finally, network marketing. You don't need capital, there is already a product and all systems (production, communication, distribution, payments) are in place. This means you have no risk and you can start right away.
But can this be a business that doesn’t require your presence? Well, not immediately, but you've got a great chance that it will be in a few years! How's that? Two reasons:
1. If you focus your marketing efforts on the internet, you can use tools like a website and an autoresponder. Once you've set-up these tools properly with your “unable to resist” marketing campaign and you've got traffic coming to your website, income is automatically generated for you for a long time after your initial efforts.
2. People can join the program under you. As you build your "downline" and teach them well, they start generating sales, from which you get your share. So for that part of your income your presence is no longer required either.
Then, when your presence isn’t required anymore, you can set up another stream of passive income. With this strategy you are well on your way to financial freedom.
Network marketing doesn’t necessarily have to be your end goal. Use network marketing to learn! Learn what it means to run a business. Then you can either excel in network marketing or prepare yourself to start and run your own business.
Hopefully, this article helped you make a choice if and how you want to become financially free. Making a choice you feel confident about helps you to keep going when things don’t go as smooth as you would like them to go.
Ruby Arens-Halfschepel provides passive income solutions at http://www.masteryofwealth.com. She specialises in helping newcomers build their online business and recommends the Plug-In Profit Site http://www.masteryofwealth.com/pips.html