It's Free, It's Powerful, It's In Your Email
The most popular use of the Internet is that of sending emails. According to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Commerce approximately 79.9 percent of Internet users send emails.
This business of sending emails offers us one of the most powerful and free advertising resources we all have access to, yet it's one that is most often over looked. I'm talking about the "sig file", also called e-sigs or e-signature.
Sending emails for online marketers can be likened to writing a traditional business letter, which when completed bears a signature. It stands to reason that an effective sig file should be a key part of your online marketing program.
Your objective for using a sig file is to get your prospect to your website. Sig files can be used at the end of e-mail messages, newsgroup postings, and other postings, as tiny but powerful classified ad, entice the prospect to click on the hotlink to your website. To be effective, your sig file should persuade its readers to go to your website now. It should be short and sweet, simple, direct and to the point, but emphasizing the Benefits to the reader and their need to "act" quickly. You need to GRAB the readers attention and spark curiosity.
Lets look at what must be included in your email signature:
* A clear description of the benefits of your business to your prospects * Curiosity * A hotlink to your website
* A call-to-action by your prospect
For the most effective use of your signature, you'll need to customize to where it's being used. For example, most email programs will allow a sig file of up to 7 lines, and up to 65 characters per line. Caution - while posting to newsgroups, moderated lists, or discussion boards, using a sig file of more than 4 or 5 lines may be considered annoying. Long sig files in newsgroup postings may be considered poor etiquette.
Your email signature gives the reader a word picture of you and the Benefits you are offering to the.
Lets take a look at some examples of sig files:
Jane Doe mailto:jane@1234.com
Discover the Power of Financial Leverage, becoming Debt Free and Retiring Quickly! Get the facts now! Http://www.1234.com
Doe mailto:jane@1234.com
Need CASH Flow? There Is A FREE Lunch! Visit our site for a Free report Revealing How To Get It...Now! http://www.1234.com or mailto:jane@1234.com
Jane Doe mailto:jane@1234.com
Housewife REVEALS How To Give Yourself a $70,000 Pay Raise this year investing less than $60 a month. For FREE report visit: http://www.1234.com
Jane Doe mailto:jane@1234.com
Plunge Tax Savings Into Retirement Fund...And Retire Secure And Quickly! Get started Now by visiting http://www.1234.com
The author's bio at the bottom of an article are also excellent sig files. These should always have a 'box' around them, which separates the bio from the article and allows it to stand out. Here are a few examples:
========================================================== = Author John Doe, works from where he home schools = = his four kids. To Learn how YOU CAN EARN a solid = = Income working from home subscribe now to The Work = = From Home Digest by CLICKING Here: twfhd@abcdefg.com = = where You will receive FREE Daily Training. = ==========================================================
Article written by John Doe, Marketing Consultant.
For FREE article, tips and reports on Marketing visit http://www.5678.com
Keep it simple, clear and direct. Remember, your sig file is not about you, it's about your prospects. Show them whats in it for them. In reading your email your prospects is just One click away from visiting your website. Do not miss the power of you sig file in getting them to your website to discover the benefits of your offer to them.
A good sig file does not happen all at once. Try it, play with it and by all means test it. In short order you will be boasting a Killer e-sig.
About the Author
Lois has been blessed with earning a full time income working from home part-time, through combining MLM and Affiliate Marketing. You CAN TOO! Subscribe to Building Wealth News Ezine and Discover HOW to "Bridge The Gap Between MLM And Affiliate Marketing" Subscribe today at: http://www.the-power-to-get-wealth.com