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Network Marketing: Smart Business Concept for Home Business Success
A Franchise like Opportunity without all the RISK!
Why Network Marketing/MLM Network marketing is a powerful business concept for many reasons but the most obvious is for the type of income it can provide the network marketer. It is so powerful that many fortune 500 companies have used, some are still using, this business model to build their multi-million dollar empire. So why can’t the average person do the same? The answer is average people are building great home-based businesses using network marketing. Are you one of them? If not now is an excellent time to get started.
Millionaires have taken notice of mlm as a home-based business model that average people can get into and build wealth. Multi-level marketing is a huge, thriving industry in spite of all the negative publicity it receives in the media from anti-mlm enthusiasts. Millionaires like Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, Robert Allen, Jack Zufelt, Zig Ziggler, and many others express how network marketing is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in building a home-based business without having to build a business from scratch. For an overview of network marketing and why it is such a powerful business model, you should listen to the CD “Brilliant Compensation” distributed by VideoPlus, Inc. You can get a copy at Networking Times where you will find tons of informational products to learn more about network marketing.
Extra Income Can you use extra income? Most consumers would probably answer yes to this question and I am guessing that you too can use extra income every month. So where is this extra income going to come from? One obvious solution would be is to get a second job which may seem to be the best solution at the time but it rarely is not. This is because the time you spend on your second job and the money you receive after taxes usually still isn’t enough, as it was in my personal experience. Of course you will have to consider your reasons for getting a second job and why you need the extra income to determine if getting a second job is really the right solution for you.
However, on the other hand, you can start your own part-time home-based business using multi-level marketing as your business vehicle. Why use network marketing as your extra income solution because, you can get started in the industry for nearly nothing. This is a big plus. For example, if it cost you less than $100 to start your business and you earn $250 your first month then you are in profit big time. No cash lost, no time wasted. This is one reason why building a network marketing business make so much more than sense. It makes MONEY!
Getting Started in Network Marketing Getting started in network marketing has become so easy that anyone can get started even if you do not have a dime to invest in your start up. The key here is to simply get started then never quit. Many legitimate mlm opportunities will allow you to get started for under $100. You can even find FREE mlm opportunities with little or no overhead expenses and with great support from other members as well as the parent company. They (mlm companies) provide all the tools and system for you; you simply add your sweat equity, your commitment, and persistence to the opportunity. Remember to choose a well established company that offers quality consumable products and/or services with an excellent management team (corporate office) and support to their distributors. Another important key factor, and this can not be left out, is your commitment to the company and its products and services with you as a bona-fide user and marketer of the products and services you want to earn extra income from. Here in lies the SECRET to your success “Transfer Buying.” Simply allocate $50 or more of
the dollars you use to purchase other products and services from department stores, magazines, catalogs, or services to your company’s products and services then show others how to do the same. It’s a simple concept that works. Duplicate, duplicate, duplicate and DUPLICATE!
Franchise like Opportunity without the RISKS! With franchise opportunities, you have to invest a large sum of money in order to get started with the opportunity. This is a major draw-back for many budding entrepreneurs home-based or other wise. You also will need working capital to get the business up and running. These two factors are the major stoppers for most people. However, the upside is that you will be purchasing a business model that has already been proven to work. You also will have to be their every day to ensure the success of your franchise. This is your new job. Once you have made your first venture a success, you can expand that success by purchasing another franchise and duplicating what you done in your first venture to ensure the success of your second venture. After the success of your second venture you can then repeat the process and hire managers to run your other franchises. If this is done successfully you may become a franchise Billionaire Tycoon but how long will this take is the question?
On the other hand, network marketing opportunities cost far less than franchises. With mlm opportunities, you get a proven business system providing the company have been in business 5 or more years, financially stable, well managed, and support its network marketers. Let me also say that there are some risks involved with mlm companies as well but they are minimal as compared to franchises. Read your company’s policies very carefully and abide by them when conducting your business.
Once you become successful enough, you can then hire employees, which will add more risk, or outsource some or all of your marketing and/or office duties to free up more of your time for your family and other personal matters.
Network marketing, in comparison to franchises, gives you a proven system without a huge financial investment and minimal risk is involved. Therefore, I say that for average people, network marketing is a Smart Business Concept that levels the field for everyone to earn extra income and build wealth from the comfort of home.
Special Skills As in the previous paragraph, a franchisee will need the necessary business skills to run their new venture to ensure its success. However, a network marketer needs no special skills to run their multi-level business opportunity. Any skill a network marketer may need, they can learn while running their mlm business from their marketing plan. If no such marketing plan exists for the company you choose to join then I strongly suggest you find another company FAST!
In conclusion, network marketing makes smart business sense for anyone wishing to start a home-based business. The benefits are many such as, it cost next to nothing to get started, you get a proven system like you would if you bought a franchise opportunity, and you can be in profit in months rather than in years. Therefore, if you desire more income while still working a 9 to 5 job, or to build your retirement income then you, my friend, should seriously consider network marketing as your vehicle for you and your family’s financial well being.
About the Author
Kelvin R. Shaw is CEO of Global Team Success whose slogan is GTS – Connecting You to SUCCESS! (dba Shaw Marketing International), is a part-time freelance writer marketing FREE successful home-based business opportunities in Orlando, Florida. Visit his sites at www.gt-success.com and www.consumers-global-network.biz or reach him at Kelvin