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Prelude to Success -- Overcoming
Network marketing is the single greatest opportunity for people as individuals that has ever come along in the history of the world.
Either that or it's a complete waste of time, one of the two.
The question of whether its a great opportunity or a waste of time, though, has to be answered on an individual basis.
We all know of people making a couple hundred thousand dollars a month through network marketing, and we all know a bunch of other people that are floundering around trying to figure the whole thing out.
For the one it's the great opportunity, and for many others it's a waste of not only time, but money.
So what makes the difference? Is it marketing strategies? Is it sales tactics? Is it just luck? What?
I believe it's none of those things. Marketing and sales can both be learned, and luck is merely the by-product of effort and attention.
So what the heck is it?
It's overcoming.
Network marketing does not require technical skills. It does not require advanced education, a lot of money, or any certain type of personality. We've all seen people weak in those areas that still made it big, and they are an inspiration to us all.
What it does require is us to overcome our fears, our disorganization, our lack of commitment, and our lack of effort, depending on which of those areas our weaknesses reside.
Networking does require people skills, and for many of us that's where our fears lie. We are often afraid to talk to those we don't know, or we are afraid of being rejected or ridiculed by those not interested. Often, too, we are afraid of speaking in front of crowds or being put on the spot. I know many of you can relate to these fears, and in truth, so do I.
Yet, the continual contacting of new people is VITAL to any network marketing business and we all know that. So, what must we do with these fears that we have?
We must overcome.
Disorganization is another factor that can kill your business faster than lightening. Failure to follow-up with people on time will cost us. Failing to have the right piece of information available at the right time because we can't find it will kill us. Not being prepared or there for our downline or prospects allows their needs and attention to go unmet and will also destroy our hopes for a bright future.
You and I could attend all the training courses, seminars, and classes on organization we wanted to, and it still wouldn't do us a darn bit of good until the day we finally decide to face up to our disorganization and do what?
Commitment and effort are not and cannot be come and go items, yet at times that's exactly how we treat them. We get all fired up, excited, and ready to go after watching a training video or motivational speech, and yet the next morning we still do the same things that didn't work for us the day before.
The 'get rich quick' mentality that was so very
prevalent in the past is finally starting to be destroyed by those of us that have been around a while and know that it's not likely to happen. Still, we often find ourselves wishing that it would happen, at least to us.
Everyday can be a fight to retain our commitment. Every hour can represent a time when either we put forth effort or decide to grow lax.
All in all, there will be no success for any of us until we identify our weaknesses, our shortcomings, and our fears and attack them with all the excitement and vigor that is generated when we think of the wealth and lifestyle we are trying to create for ourselves.
Think about yourself now. What is there that you KNOW you are not doing good enough? Is there a fear that stops you? Does your organization need improvement? Are you committed to your goals and your business? Are you putting forth the effort you know it will take on a daily basis?
Commitment and effort are no problem for me. However, fear of talking to people I don't know often stops me, and to be quite honest disorganization is killing me.
Right now, together, let's stop and think about those things we know we need to overcome. Now, let's think about our goals and desires. Which of these two items are things that are positive and inspiring? Our goals and desires no doubt.
At this point what we are going to do is redirect our focus. We are NOT going to focus on our obstacles, but rather look right around them at the results we expect to achieve when we get beyond them. It never pays to focus on your problems, only to focus on the education, motivation, or experience you need to overcome them.
Undeniably, the most limiting factors in the growth of our businesses is our own mental vision, attitude, and confidence. Others may make things difficult for us at times, and things may get in the way. Ultimately, though, no one or no thing can stop us other than ourselves.
That's right! And this should actually be a relief to us! Just think, the only thing stopping us is ourselves, and who controls us? We do! So, what is there that can stop us from becoming exactly what we want to be and living exactly the way we want to live?
As long as we simply overcome.
Everyday is another chance to do better than before. Every moment is a chance to look past our fears and hang-ups and move on around them. Every instant we need only focus on what we want and where we are going instead of the trouble it takes to get there.
Everything we desire IS possible if we do but ONE simple thing.
There is no if and when, there is do and there is now.
Visualize your dreams. Now build them.
About the Author
Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters Want MORE articles like this delivered REGULARLY? Subscribe to 1 of 3 Quality NetPlay Ezines, See which one fits you at: http://www.netplaynewsletters.com