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For something to do?
Yeah -- right.
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WEBUCATION: The Newest Wealth Creating Tool Available To Internet Entrepreneurs
Copyright 2005 Glen Snethun
Entrepreneurs that are tired of the same old product lines, marketing ideas and rhetoric will be excited to discover a whole new industry called webucation. Never before has there been an industry that has exploded onto the entrepreneurial scene with such fervor and unlimited potential.
Webucation is an industry where entrepreneurs can use their talents and creativity to once again create wealth in an exciting and true entrepreneurial style they are accustomed to.
Webucation is education and knowledge delivered 100% via the Internet. Peter Drucker of Forbes Magazine puts webucation into its true perspective: ”We live in an economy where knowledge, not buildings and machinery, is the chief resource and where knowledge-workers make up the biggest part of the work force.”
No other industry that is so new, has the market potential of webucation. Nor is there any other form of education or knowledge transfer that is so convenient, affordable or comprehensive. Webucation truly opens the doors of knowledge to anyone that seeks it.
The industry is so new and fast moving that webucation vendors will no longer have to try to discover
new ways to sell the same old product. They will no longer have to deal with the excuse of, “I’ve tried that already,” or “I still have that product sitting on my shelf from last year.”
Because webucation is delivered 100% via the Internet, there is no product to inventory and shipping issues are a thing of the past. It totally eliminates the cost of shipping which puts more money in the pockets of entrepreneurs.
How big can webucation get? I don’t know that anyone is exactly sure. I see it loosing momentum only when people stop wanting to learn and I don’t think that is going to be anytime soon.
If you are an entrepreneur looking for a fresh and exciting industry in which to flourish in, I suggest webucation. From my entrepreneurial point of view, there is no more profitable field to be in.
About the author:
Glen Snethun is a full-time Internet businessman: stock trader, author and coach. Glen dedicates his time to showing others how to create multiple streams of income using the Internet. Get ideas from Glen at http://www.glensnethun.org