About Web Applications
Web-based Applications are web sites that offer more to the user than normal, static web sites. The difference is the way the information is provided to you. The site actually responds to the user, changing to provide the information the user wants...
Effective Web Design
D.zigns dzignerwebs
The Basics
Before starting on how to design a website effectively, how about clearing some basic web design concepts?
Designing Effectively
Now that you know what web design and related terms mean, lets get down...
Should You Bother Learning HTML to build Webpages?
The most popular method to build webpages today is to use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You
Get) software. Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver are prime examples of
WYSIWYG software. Both programs allow you to create webpages as...
The Straight Truth about Web Site Building Tools
Most business owners today know that having a web site is an essential component of marketing. In the past, the choices were to hire a professional web designer, hire a local teenager to create a site for mall money, or learn to do it yourself....
Tips for Choosing a Web Developer
You've put it off long enough! It's time for action! You are finally going to put your business on the Internet! Congratulations, you now have joined the ranks of thousands who have absolutely no idea what to do next! Who do you call? What will it...
Basics of Web Design Principles
You spent countless hours designing a site with fantastic colors, attractive images and beautiful layout but it failed to click, did this ever happen to you? Many of the apparent reasons could be lack of planning or inappropriate design elements. A well thought site never fails to click. To avoid this kind of situation it is very important for a web designer to plan things in advance and foresee the impact of the site. Ask a couple of questions:
Who is the target audience?
What is the purpose of the site?
What all functionalities are to be included?
If you have done your homework and have the capability to come up with a snazzy design, you will definitely make your first impression a lasting one.
Once things are planned, its time for the design elements to be taken care such as:
Simplicity is the key here. Keep the layout simple and straightforward. This will help you to build a site that is user friendly and accessible. Place the things that are most important and functionally basic to the site's purpose at the forefront. Avoid clutter because it distracts the user.
Navigation bars:
Keep the navigation of your site really simple. It is one of the determining factors to ensure traffic to the site. If a first time user of your site finds the navigation easy in the first couple of minutes of his contact, he will definitely come back.
Place the navigation menus on top or left of the home page because almost all the sites on www follow this pattern. This is where most of the users are used to look for menus. Main menu should be placed on all the pages at the same place and try to keep the navigation same all through the pages. Avoid scrolling horizontal. If the site is relatively large, include a sitemap.
Site that is visually pleasing is a sure shot. So, always use eye-pleasing colors. Don't let your personal choices take over the required color scheme that goes with the taste and purpose of the site in question. You might wonder but white spaces also make great impact. Use a lot of white space to emphasize a few things. Too much
color, words or clutter may result in sensory overload of the user.
No reader on net will make an effort to read the text that is not comfortably readable, even if your site is very useful and beautifully laid. So do not loose out on this front and follow some standard norms of font size and line length.
Font size and type:
Optimal font size is 12-13 pts. Use professional font types like Verdana, Arial, and Helvetica. These are system default fonts. Avoid using fancy fonts like Comic Sans and the ones that are externally added. Always use darker text on light background. Light text on darker background is hard to read and has a blinding effect.
Graphics are a powerful tool to communicate. They can say a million words in lesser space as compared to the actual text. But use them judiciously because too many images increase the load time. So make sure that you optimize your images before adding them to the website. Use a "gif image" if it has smaller number of colors. "Jpeg" is advisable if there is more of text to be incorporated into an image.
Download time:
More the loading time, lesser is the number of audience to your website. So try to keep the page size as small as possible. Always keep in mind, there are many broadband users but greater numbers of the ones who have dial ups. So try to minimize the size of your web pages but still maintaining the quality of the images.
This can be a very crucial factor since almost all the users of your website will be having a different combination of software and hardware available on their system. So it's advisable to check your site on as many as varied computers. And also if there is any malfunction or bug on your site, its better to know it yourself rather than people telling you (if someone is bothered at all).
Above mentioned points can enhance your website presence as beautifully as you ever imagined About the Author
BluEnt eSolutions
Website Design & Development Company
URL: http://www.bluent.co.in
Web Development |
This web summarizes the complete life cycle methodology for web development: planning, analysis, design, implementation, promotion, and innovation. |
www.december.com |
Web Development |
Professional Web site design, graphic design, and Internet development services. |
webdevelopment.com |
Web Developer's Virtual Library: Web Development Tutorials and ... |
News, tutorials, and reference material focusing on technical web development topics. |
www.wdvl.com |
Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed |
Open Source web development tutorials, forums, and tools. Topics covered include PHP, Apache, mySQL, Zope, Roxen, Jserv, Zend, XML, DHTML, and Javascript. |
www.devshed.com |
WebDeveloper.com |
Hello all, I am new to web development. I have an understanding of website development, but no scripting experience. I have heard of JavaScript, PHP, ... |
www.webdeveloper.com |
LevelTen Web Design | Professional Website, Flash & Graphic ... |
Offers logos, web sites, multimedia presentations, and custom media. Quote form. Based in Dallas, Texas. [Requires Flash] |
www.leveltendesign.com |
Web development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
For larger businesses and organizations, Web development teams can consist of ... Since the mid-1990's, Web development has been one of the fastest growing ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Web Design - HTML XML - Web Development - Web Site Design |
Web Design and HTML are all about creating a great Web site. Use Web development and Web site design to build Web sites that customers return to over and ... |
webdesign.about.com |
Agile Web Development with Rails—Second Edition |
Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, David Heinemeier Hansson, Leon Breedt, Thomas Fuchs, Andrea Schwarz; Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006, ISBN 0977616630. |
www.pragmaticprogrammer.com |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - Welcome to CYGAD’s WebDevelopment! - The ... |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - The finest Resources for WEB-Design, WEB-Master and WEB-Developer! |
www.webdev.cygad.net |
Web Development Bookmarklets |
Includes tools for viewing and testing CSS styles, viewing scripts and variables, and showing the structure of a document. |
www.squarefree.com |
SGI - Freeware - Web Development |
Links to freeware web development tools, browsers, software, etc. |
www.sgi.com |
Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource |
Resources for web site developers including how-to guides, code libararies, server technologies and authoring resources. |
www.webmonkey.com |
Web Development Tools - Web Developer's Journal |
Tips on Web page design and development, HTML, graphics, scripting, favicon, development tools, Java, sql basics, building web sites, and much more for ... |
www.webdevelopersjournal.com |
Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO ... |
Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman. |
www.alvit.de |
Ceonex Web Development & Web Design - Full Service Digital ... |
Web design, web development, online branding, application development and other full service business solutions focused on prospect conversion and customer ... |
www.ceonex.com |
Cayenne Web Development - web design agency, Oxfordshire, UK |
Specialist web design agency based nr Banbury, Oxfordshire, offering a complete website design and development service. |
www.cayenne.co.uk |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
When I visit a website, especially if it’s the site of a competitor or a prospective client, I like viewing… |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design. |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Anil Dash: Web Development Trends for 2006 |
Here, then, is a random assortment of new web development trends to be ready ... Web Development trends 2006: Überblogger Anil Dash maakte (een paar weken ... |
www.dashes.com |