A Webmaster’s Toolkit and Tricks
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Pegasus InfoCorp Pvt. Ltd. - Offshore professional website design and software services provider based in India
Pegasus InfoCorp builds websites and customized online/ offline software solutions for business and institutions worldwide. These include: a. Complete website development to reflect a client's image online using the magic of flash, and the...
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Developing and Optimizing Your Website – Let Flash Help You
Is your company planning to join the wide, wide world of the Web and is keen into building a corporate website? Perceptively, a company’s decision of building a web site arises from the need to inform and reach out wider to potential clients of their service or products.
Building and eventually developing a corporate website with all the requirements to optimize it, like content management, e-commerce solutions, graphic design applications, etc. can be quite overwhelming on the part of the company starting out for a web presence. Everybody aspires to create a web site that's 'sticky', easy for the user to find their way around, and easy for everyone visiting to find the information they are looking for, browse through the site, and one that visitors will return to again and again. For this, we need an ingenious web designer and a reliable website development solution.
Be advised then, that since the few years Macromedia Flash has been around, it has now become an indispensable web development solution. Those who wants to create an impact upon their entrance in the Web might just consider Macromedia Flash a good option.
Internet surfers has come to recognize Flash as a 'plug-in' since some major web sites like CNN.com, Fox.com, Coke.com and Disney.com, owe their interactive features from its applications. The previous versions of Flash are installed in an average of 82.66% of browsers as of March 2001 (Flash 3 – 96%, Flash 4 – 92%, Flash 5 – 60%). Now its latest version has interesting and original interactive features.
How did Macromedia Flash became in-demand among the web developing community? Flash version 3 enabled the creation of short multimedia introductions to company sites. Eventually, the application designed full-fledged web sites. One feature of this application that held attention is that the sites could be scalable at any resolution, thus, they can be watched identically on either of the popular Netscape or Internet Explorer browsers. Still, a negative point that dismayed others was the fact that the plug-in need to be downloaded from the site. Since it could be done only once, the process of
starting the Flash file was hindered. But the latest versions of Flash browser already include downloads enabling the Flash plug-in to install automatically and let users view Flash files easily.
Your company’s choice of web developers and designers must have definite ideas on which form a web site may take. While, some are loyal to HTML, faithful to textual, business-based notion of the Web, others have more faith in the 'cutting edge technology' and a website that’s expression based. It’s up to them how to take advantage of the Flash’s benefits. Flash version 4 introduced a scripting language called ActionScript which will allow your site to interact with the users. ActionScript also have series of buttons, controls, draggable windows located inside the browser. This makes advanced sites look more like operating systems rather than static web sites. Then, the Flash version 5 introduced the a highly restored ActionScript language that’s object-oriented. Quite alike JavaScript it now has a fully integrated development environment. Vector based images can also be created with Flash. It provides professional web designers with a complete tool sets around, thereby giving site users and customers astounding multimedia experiences that are functional at the same time.
Thus, we give you some solution in keeping your users happily browsing though your website and eventually turn them into your solid customers. Just remind your web developer that Flash is fast becoming the central application for generating hot, low-bandwidth, interactive content over the web.-30-
For comments and inquiries about the article visit http://www.webdevelopmentpros.com
About the Author
Kay Zetkin discovered the pleasure of writing through her daily journals as a teen-ager. Writing in it helped sort out her thoughts, relieve her feelings and record what she observes of the world.
For her, writing is an effective tool to express your viewpoints... To write is already to choose, thus, writing should be done along with a critical mind and a caring soul. She hopes to become more professional, skilled and mature in her craft.
Web Development |
This web summarizes the complete life cycle methodology for web development: planning, analysis, design, implementation, promotion, and innovation. |
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Web Development |
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webdevelopment.com |
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www.wdvl.com |
Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed |
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www.devshed.com |
WebDeveloper.com |
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www.webdeveloper.com |
LevelTen Web Design | Professional Website, Flash & Graphic ... |
Offers logos, web sites, multimedia presentations, and custom media. Quote form. Based in Dallas, Texas. [Requires Flash] |
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webdesign.about.com |
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Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, David Heinemeier Hansson, Leon Breedt, Thomas Fuchs, Andrea Schwarz; Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006, ISBN 0977616630. |
www.pragmaticprogrammer.com |
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www.webmonkey.com |
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www.webdevelopersjournal.com |
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