Determine Your Popularity On The Web
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" I'm going to bet that it's not you, um I mean, not your website. With all of the new websites popping up all over the place how do you know where you rank? How popular is your site...
Four Easy Steps to Establishing a Website
Are you ready to establish a web presence for your organization or business, but overwhelmed by what appears to be a process that is complex and expensive? Unfortunately, this process does indeed seem confusing, given the variety of companies...
Part 2: IMAGES: make every one count Don't load your page with graphics, especially those "under construction" things. If the graphic has nothing to do with the content of your page it is best left out. "Why," I hear you ask, "shouldn't I have as...
Make your website scream with excitement with Java!
Several years ago, Java was introduced. It was slow. Now, computers have beefed up, the internet is a lot faster, and Java is a serious language. It can lower costs, and REALLY get people talking about your website! I'll cover: 1) WHAT is Java,...
Plan Your Web Site for Profits
Most businesses fail to plan for online success. Knowing your purpose, audience, and uniqueness are the first steps to developing a successful web site. Follow these three steps to position your web site for Internet profits. Step 1: Determine...
Part 2: IMAGES: make every one count
Don't load your page with graphics, especially those "under construction" things. If the graphic has nothing to do with the content of your page it is best left out. "Why," I hear you ask, "shouldn't I have as many pictures as I want?" Well:
1 Visitors who still have very slow modems will simply get tired of waiting for your page to download and go somewhere else. 2 About 30% of Internet users with browsers that support images disable this feature, and some older browsers are text-only, so your page can look messy if, for instance, it's full of empty boxes. 3 Unless your home page is devoted to, say, your artwork or your prize-winning photographs, graphics can distract from the content of your site. 4 A large number of graphics, especially animated and other gimmicky ones, often indicate a site lacking in real substance.
By all means use graphics on your home page as links to other pages, but make sure you supply words as well. A line or row of little empty boxes means text-only visitors have to wave their mouse pointers over each box to see if the link contains something of interest--and URLs can sometimes be so long and complicated that this information might be hard to extract. The first time I was put in this position was on the home page of a supposedly professional site (a publisher's site in fact) where I found nothing BUT empty boxes--no welcome, not even the publisher's name. My thoughts were NOT kind ones! I recently visited a
page where, because the webmaster had used JavaScript for navigation, waving my mouse over the link did nothing but tell me that there WAS a link there!
Don't forget to specify the height and width of images, either. There are two good reasons for this: 1 The image will download a lot quicker because the browser doesn't have to spend more time searching for the image size; 2 When the image finally appears it won't cause the text that your visitor is reading to suddenly jump down the page, which is extremely annoying.
If you are using scanned photographs, or maybe scans of some of your own artwork, make sure the scans are good ones. Most scans need work doing on them before they are suitable for use. They should be clear and sharp, not looking as though taken with the camera slightly out of focus, or as though seen through a white haze. This last fault is very common on web sites. Usually all that needs doing is adjustment of the levels. Even an automatic adjustment can make a big difference.
Consult your scanner or scanning program's instruction book to find out how to make your photos look as much like the original as possible, or how to correct a scan of a faulty photograph. The better your scanner, of course, the less work you'll have to do on your scans.
About the Author
Laraine Anne Barker writes fantasy for young people. Visit her web site at http://lbarker.orcon.net.nz for FREE stories and novel excerpts. Sign up for the NOVELLA OF THE MONTH CLUB, absolutely FREE!
Web Development |
This web summarizes the complete life cycle methodology for web development: planning, analysis, design, implementation, promotion, and innovation. |
www.december.com |
Web Development |
Professional Web site design, graphic design, and Internet development services. |
webdevelopment.com |
Web Developer's Virtual Library: Web Development Tutorials and ... |
News, tutorials, and reference material focusing on technical web development topics. |
www.wdvl.com |
Open Source Web Development Tutorials - Dev Shed |
Open Source web development tutorials, forums, and tools. Topics covered include PHP, Apache, mySQL, Zope, Roxen, Jserv, Zend, XML, DHTML, and Javascript. |
www.devshed.com |
WebDeveloper.com |
Hello all, I am new to web development. I have an understanding of website development, but no scripting experience. I have heard of JavaScript, PHP, ... |
www.webdeveloper.com |
LevelTen Web Design | Professional Website, Flash & Graphic ... |
Offers logos, web sites, multimedia presentations, and custom media. Quote form. Based in Dallas, Texas. [Requires Flash] |
www.leveltendesign.com |
Web development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
For larger businesses and organizations, Web development teams can consist of ... Since the mid-1990's, Web development has been one of the fastest growing ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Web Design - HTML XML - Web Development - Web Site Design |
Web Design and HTML are all about creating a great Web site. Use Web development and Web site design to build Web sites that customers return to over and ... |
webdesign.about.com |
Agile Web Development with Rails—Second Edition |
Dave Thomas, Mike Clark, David Heinemeier Hansson, Leon Breedt, Thomas Fuchs, Andrea Schwarz; Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006, ISBN 0977616630. |
www.pragmaticprogrammer.com |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - Welcome to CYGAD’s WebDevelopment! - The ... |
CYGAD's WebDevelopment - The finest Resources for WEB-Design, WEB-Master and WEB-Developer! |
www.webdev.cygad.net |
Web Development Bookmarklets |
Includes tools for viewing and testing CSS styles, viewing scripts and variables, and showing the structure of a document. |
www.squarefree.com |
SGI - Freeware - Web Development |
Links to freeware web development tools, browsers, software, etc. |
www.sgi.com |
Webmonkey: The Web Developer's Resource |
Resources for web site developers including how-to guides, code libararies, server technologies and authoring resources. |
www.webmonkey.com |
Web Development Tools - Web Developer's Journal |
Tips on Web page design and development, HTML, graphics, scripting, favicon, development tools, Java, sql basics, building web sites, and much more for ... |
www.webdevelopersjournal.com |
Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO ... |
Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman. |
www.alvit.de |
Ceonex Web Development & Web Design - Full Service Digital ... |
Web design, web development, online branding, application development and other full service business solutions focused on prospect conversion and customer ... |
www.ceonex.com |
Cayenne Web Development - web design agency, Oxfordshire, UK |
Specialist web design agency based nr Banbury, Oxfordshire, offering a complete website design and development service. |
www.cayenne.co.uk |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
When I visit a website, especially if it’s the site of a competitor or a prospective client, I like viewing… |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Web development mistakes | 456 Berea Street |
Articles and news on web standards, accessibility, usability, and other things related to web development and web design. |
www.456bereastreet.com |
Anil Dash: Web Development Trends for 2006 |
Here, then, is a random assortment of new web development trends to be ready ... Web Development trends 2006: Überblogger Anil Dash maakte (een paar weken ... |
www.dashes.com |