Freelance Article Writing on the Net
This article may be freely distributed in your ezine, on your web site or in your e-book provided this resource box is kept intact complete with active links and author information.I would appreciate it if you let me know if you have used this...
Heres A Little-Known Secret To Writing Copy, For Serious Copywriters Only
Have you ever wondered how your copy sounds to your prospects when they're reading it? If you have, here's a little-known trick to making your copy sound as clear as a bell, and feel as comforting as a warm fireplace in the winter. The very...
Top 3 Rules for Writing Effective Copy
One thing all successful Internet marketers have in common is that they're good copywriters. If you want to have a profitable online business, you need to know how to write a copy that motivates people to buy your product... a copy that sells! In...
Thought I'd share a bit about using press releases as an internet marketing tool, based on our recent experiences. We at Eagle Productions (NZ) have done quite a bit of research on press release services recently and we use them here frequently...
Writing Political Radio Scripts
The challenge for the 2006 election season is to write radio scripts that touch the heart and not deflect off the shield that surrounds the soul of most voters. The conditioning of the mind has been evolving since the first political radio...
Finding eBook Writing Topics On eBay
I was speaking to a good friend of mine who operates many businesses online and he just happened to mention that he gets many of his ideas from eBay.
Even more intriguing, he told me that he could tell how much of a given product was selling on eBay.
Now, I don't know about you, but I've been trying to figure out how to tap into eBay sales information for months now - but there just doesn't seem to be any way....
Until, this know-it-all let me know the simple, yet highly effective method he uses...
************************************************** SIDEBAR:
Learn how Terrance turns 57-minutes each week into huge monthly income from eBay -- as much as $8,175.55 Per Month!
http://www.highertrustmarketing.com/part/terrance ***************************************************
First, it is worth noting that you can get a summary of the hottest categories selling on eBay. While this is somewhat useful in locating trends and broad areas of interest, there is a more useful way to use the auction center to test your own ideas.
Start by searching eBay for your keyword term + ebook.
For example, if you are trying to test "dog training", then you would enter "dog training ebook" in your search.
In most cases you will find at least one example, and in many cases you will find lots of different ebooks listed.
The next step is to select a few examples that match closely
to your idea or topic area. Bring the auction up, and now for the trick...
eBay provides great detail into auctions by member, including a complete detailed list of auctions and outcome by member.
So, what you want to do is simply scan the members holding active auctions - selecting the option "search all auctions by this member" and viola, you will get a picture of activity from this member.
Using this information you can judge if there are two sales of their product each day or 20. The idea is not to get an actual, accurate count, but rather a sense of how many copies are moving through their auction.
You may be shocked by some of the results you see. Any existing ebook, report, course, training, audio or video that has activity daily - especially with multiple copies sold daily, will help to validate your market and topic area.
Resources mentioned in this article are:
eBay Hottest Posts: http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/whatshot.html
Terrnace Smith's "Sell Books and Videos" site: http://www.highertrustmarketing.com/part/terrance
About the Author
Jeff Smith is dedicated to helping you turn your knowledge into highly desirable, hot selling information-based products (eBooks, booklets, seminars, courses, etc...) Through his highly acclaimed site: http://www.highertrustmarketing.com you will find exactly what it takes to create and market high-profit infoproducts.
Writing.Com: Writers, Writing, Poetry, Creative Writing, Fiction ... |
An online community dedicated to fostering writing skills. With a free membership anyone may read, write, rate, and review works. |
www.writing.com |
Welcome to Writing-World.com! |
Writing articles and resources. Tips about how to become a better writer, get published and find writing markets. From Moira Allen. |
www.writing-world.com |
Guide to Grammar and Writing |
The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on ... |
grammar.ccc.commnet.edu |
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab - The OWL Family of Sites |
Writing lab and resources. Email newsletter available. |
owl.english.purdue.edu |
OWL at Purdue University: General Writing Concerns Handouts |
This page contains important links to the writing: planning/writing/revising aspects of the OWL website. |
owl.english.purdue.edu |
Writing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The original Mesopotamian writing system was initially derived from a system of ... If it is deemed to be a written language, writing in China will predate ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Writing.org - Advice for Freelance Writers |
Articles to help you launch a freelance writing career, from a former literary agent and PLAYBOY editor. |
www.writing.org |
Writing HTML |
More than just an HTML reference, this is a structured approach for learning how to create web pages, designed by specialists in learning at the Maricopa ... |
www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu |
National Novel Writing Month - National Novel Writing Month |
NaNoWriMo is an annual (November) novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world. |
www.nanowrimo.org |
Poynter Online |
Apply by Dec. 11 Reporting and Writing the Untold Stories Apply by Dec. 11 ... Reporting & Writing for Multi-Platform Newsrooms. Apply by Jan. 10 ... |
www.poynter.org |
Pages tagged with "writing" on del.icio.us |
This short online course provides a practical introduction to writing fiction. During the course you will be expected to write two short pieces for ... |
del.icio.us |
BBC Get Writing |
The BBC's online resource for writing drama and comedy for television, radio and film. |
www.bbc.co.uk |
TOC About Writing |
Menu of articles on writing written by professional SF/F writers. |
www.sfwa.org |
11 Rules of Writing -- a concise guide to important grammar ... |
A concise guide to some of the most frequently violated rules of writing, punctuation, and grammar. |
www.junketstudies.com |
NAEP Writing Subject Area |
NAEP assesses student performance in writing periodically in grades 4, 8, and 12 for the nation, and in grades 4 and 8 for the states. |
nces.ed.gov |
Writing: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with writing on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
IPL Teenspace: A+ Research & Writing |
Includes step-by-step instructions on researching and writing, how to find information online and offline, as well as links to useful resources. |
www.ipl.org |
Dictionary.com: Writing Resources |
Free online English dictionary and reference guide. List of sites writers can use. |
dictionary.reference.com |
WritingFix: Home of Interactive Writing Prompts and 6 Trait ... |
Daily and interactive writing prompts. |
www.writingfix.com |
Advice on Academic Writing |
Includes articles on critical reading, planning, researching, style and editing, grammar and punctuation. |
www.utoronto.ca |