5 Key Reasons Why Great Copywriting Will Always Be Your Most Important Business Skill
Ask any successful business owner what is the most important business skill that an aspiring entrepreneur or Internet marketer can possess and I'll bet you'll hear one resounding answer over and over again.
Copywriting. Copywriting. Copywriting....
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Nip and Tuck Three Quick Tricks for Writing SEO Copy
by Karon Thackston 2003 http://www.copywritingcourse.com
Have you ever been to one of those sites that has obviously been written to get high search engine rankings? You know the ones they have copy that sounds like this:
When you buy quality silver jewelry from us, you know your quality silver jewelry is of the highest quality because we only sell quality silver jewelry that is top-notch. No other quality silver jewelry site on the Web offers the selection of quality silver jewelry that we do!
Want to take a wild guess at what keyphrase theyre targeting?
Copy like this simply doesnt sound real. Its very forced. Yes, it may very well get ranked high in the search engines, but what then? When visitors click to your site theyll be faced with stiff copy that sounds like a robot. It doesnt flow and it doesnt sell, either! With a little nip and tuck, you can create copy that appeals to your target audience AND ranks high with the engines.
So just how do you get your keywords and phrases into your copy and still have a nice, flowing sales message? Its really easier than you might think.
Here are a couple of strategies I use when writing SEO copy.
Headlines and Subheadlines
These make the ideal place for keywords. Why? Because keywords are normally descriptive by nature. Since headlines describe what the site visitor is about to read, it makes perfect sense to include keywords within them.
Create a chart, or a list, and give it a keyword-rich title. Just as with headlines, titles should be descriptive another perfect keyword/copy match.
In your chart or list, include keywords in the headers and within the list descriptions. For example, if your keywords include softball trading pins, employee recognition awards, lapel pins, and lapel pin you could create a list that reads like this:
Creative Lapel Pin Uses
Baseball and Softball Trading
Pins - Lapel pin trading among baseball and softball teams has dramatically grown in popularity be sure to support your team with custom-created baseball and softball trading pins. Employee Recognition Awards - Employees take great pride in wearing lapel pins that show their achievements, and they will treasure employee recognition awards that they can frequently show to others.
See how the list uses keyphrases within the headers and again within the list description itself?
Using keywords in carefully chosen places allows you to have more freedom with your copy itself. So now, instead of the forced, unappealing copy we read in the first example, you can have something more relaxed like this:
Quality Silver Jewelry Is A Rare Find!
If youve been looking for quality silver jewelry long, you know that quality is, in fact, a major issue. Unfortunately, many companies combine low-cost metals with their silver. That compromises the quality and the appearance. Thats a practice we never participate in!
How To Recognize Quality Silver Jewelry
When shopping for the best, look for these tell-tell signs of excellence.
Quality silver jewelry that is truly created of pure silver will display a radiant sheen. When you touch the surface, quality silver jewelry will immediately show a fingerprint. Breathing on the finish of quality silver jewelry will produce a fog, while breathing on the finish of poor-quality silver will not.
And so on, and so on.
So you see, you can have copy that makes sense, provides solutions for your site visitors, and ranks high with the search engines. Its not impossible it just takes a bit of training and practice. Before long, youll be tucking keywords in all the right places!
About the Author
Want to become more effective at writing SEO copy? Karon has lots of other tips to get your customers drooling and your rankings soaring! Visit http://www.copywritingcourse.com today for all the details.
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