A Scriptural 'How to' for Writing ...
If you want to know how to be a successful writer, by the world's methods and standards, I have absolutely no idea. However, if you have a passion to use writing as a tool to reach people for the Lord, have I got Good News for you! A Scriptural...
An SEO Copywriting Makeover – Turning “Not” Into “Hot” Part 1 of 2
by Karon Thackston © 2003 http://www.copywritingcourse.com I recently took on a project for a Web site that sells gas logs that I thought would make an interesting case study. As many people ask me what goes through my mind when I write search...
Blogs Like All Forms Of Writing Are An Art Form That Takes Knowledge And Practice To Do Well
Writing…Blogs…Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing…Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read. This process has not been around very long, to use...
Revealed: The $12,500 Copywriting Formula
Have you heard of Brian Keith Voiles? Probably not, but if you have eyes you've seen his ad campaigns and you probably even bought products that he created ad campaigns for. Would you like to have the formula he gets paid $12,500 to put into use...
Writing it Right!
The most important sentence in any article is the first. If it doesn't induce the reader to proceed to the second then your article just died. Still with me? Good, let's look at powerful writing concepts: Simplicity Lack of clutter Brevity ...
Everybody wants to make more money... In fact, most people would like to hit upon something that makes them fabulously rich! And seemingly, one of the easiest roads to the fulfillment of these dreams of wealth is writing effective solo ads and using them correctly The only thing is, hardly anyone gives much real thought to the basic ingredient of selling by email - the writing of profitable solo ads. If your online business is to succeed, then you must acquire the expertise of writing solo ads that sell your product or services! So what makes a solo ad good or bad? First of all, it must appeal to the reader, and as such, it must say exactly what you want it to say. Secondly, it has to say what it says in the least possible number of words in order to keep your operating costs within your budget. And thirdly, it has to produce the desired results whether inquiries or sales. Grabbing the reader's attention is your first objective. You must assume the reader is "scanning" the page on which your ad appears in the company of two or three hundred solo ads. Therefore, there has to be something about your ad that causes them to stop scanning and look at yours! So, the first two or three words of your ad are of the utmost importance and deserve your careful consideration. Most surveys show that words or phrases that quickly involve the reader, tend to be the best attention-grabbers. Such words as: FREE... WIN... MAKE BIG MONEY... Whatever words you use as attention-grabbers, to start your ads, you should bear in mind that they'll be competing with similar attention-grabbers of the other ads on the same page. Therefore, in addition to your lead words, your ad must quickly go on to promise or state further benefits to the reader. In the language of professional copywriters, you've grabbed the attention of your prospect, and interested them with something that even they can do. The next rule of good solo ad copywriting has to do with the arousal of the reader's desire to get in on your offer. In a great many instances, this rule is by-passed, and it appears, this is the real reason that an ad doesn't pull according to the expectations of the advertiser. Think about it - you've got your reader's attention; you've told them it's easy and simple; and you're about to ask them to do something. Unless you take the time to further "want your offer," your ad is going to only half turn them on. they'll compare your ad with the others that have grabbed their attention and finally decide upon the one that interests them the most. What I'm saying is that here is the place for you to insert that magic word "guaranteed" or some other such word or phrase. So now, we've got an ad that reads: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy & Simple. Guaranteed! Now the reader is turned on, and in their mind, can't lose. You're ready to ask for their money. This is the "demand for action" part of your ad. This is the part where you want to use such words as: Limited offer - Act now! Write today! Only and/or just... Putting it all together, then your ad might read something like this: MAKE BIG MONEY! Easy
& Simple. Guaranteed! Limited offer. Send $l to: These are the ingredients of any good solo ad - Attention - Interest - Desire - Action... Without these four ingredients skillfully integrated into your ad, chances are your ad will just "lie there" and not do anything but cost you money. What i have just shown you is a basic solo ad. Although such an ad could be placed in any leading publication and would pull a good response, it's known as a "blind ad" and would pull inquiries and responses from a whole spectrum of people reading the publication in which it appeared. In other words, from as many "time-wasters" as from bona fide buyers. To give you an example of the kind of solo ad you might want to use, say to sell a report such as this one... Using all the rules of basic advertising copywriting, and stating exactly what our product is, our ad reads thusly: MONEY-MAKER'S SECRETS! How To Write winning solo ads. Simple & easy to learn -should double or triple your responses. Rush $1 to BC Sales, 10 Main Anytown, va 75001. The point i am making is that: l) You've got to grab the reader's attention... 2) You've got to "interest them" with something that appeals to them... 3) You've got to "further stimulate" him with something (catch-phrase) that makes them "desire" the product or service... 4) Demand that he act immediately... There's no point in being tricky or clever. Just adhere to the basics and your profits will increase accordingly. One of the best ways of learning to write good solo ads is to study the other solo ads out there - try to figure out exactly what they're attempting to sell - and then practice rewriting them according to the rules I've just given you. Whenever you sit down to write a solo ad, always write it all out - write down everything you want to say - and then go back over it, crossing out words, and refining your phraseology. Generally speaking, readers respond more often to solo ads that include a name than to those showing just initials or an address only. However, because advertising costs are based upon the number of words, or the amount of space your solo ad uses, the use of some names in solo ads could become quite expensive. If i were to ask our ad respondents to write to or send their money to The Research Writers & Publishers Association, or to Book Business Mart, or even to Money Maker's Opportunity Digest, my advertising costs would be prohibitive. Thus we shorten our name Researchers or Money-Makers. The point here is to think relative to the placement costs of your solo ad, and to shorten excessively long names. The important thing is to know the rules of profitable solo ad writing, and to follow them. Hold your costs in line. once your solo ad is written, now is the time to use it wisely know the basics...grab their attention... the rest is up to you.
About the Author
About The Author Steven Boaze is the President of Boaze Publishing with one of the largest databases on the internet. Come by Boaze Publishing and get your 50% off all advertising for the month of Dec! http://www.boazepublishing.biz/
Writing.Com: Writers, Writing, Poetry, Creative Writing, Fiction ... |
An online community dedicated to fostering writing skills. With a free membership anyone may read, write, rate, and review works. |
www.writing.com |
Welcome to Writing-World.com! |
Writing articles and resources. Tips about how to become a better writer, get published and find writing markets. From Moira Allen. |
www.writing-world.com |
Guide to Grammar and Writing |
The Guide to Grammar and Writing contains scores of digital handouts on grammar and English usage, over 170 computer-graded quizzes, recommendations on ... |
grammar.ccc.commnet.edu |
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab - The OWL Family of Sites |
Writing lab and resources. Email newsletter available. |
owl.english.purdue.edu |
OWL at Purdue University: General Writing Concerns Handouts |
This page contains important links to the writing: planning/writing/revising aspects of the OWL website. |
owl.english.purdue.edu |
Writing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The original Mesopotamian writing system was initially derived from a system of ... If it is deemed to be a written language, writing in China will predate ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Writing.org - Advice for Freelance Writers |
Articles to help you launch a freelance writing career, from a former literary agent and PLAYBOY editor. |
www.writing.org |
Writing HTML |
More than just an HTML reference, this is a structured approach for learning how to create web pages, designed by specialists in learning at the Maricopa ... |
www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu |
National Novel Writing Month - National Novel Writing Month |
NaNoWriMo is an annual (November) novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world. |
www.nanowrimo.org |
Poynter Online |
Apply by Dec. 11 Reporting and Writing the Untold Stories Apply by Dec. 11 ... Reporting & Writing for Multi-Platform Newsrooms. Apply by Jan. 10 ... |
www.poynter.org |
Pages tagged with "writing" on del.icio.us |
This short online course provides a practical introduction to writing fiction. During the course you will be expected to write two short pieces for ... |
del.icio.us |
BBC Get Writing |
The BBC's online resource for writing drama and comedy for television, radio and film. |
www.bbc.co.uk |
TOC About Writing |
Menu of articles on writing written by professional SF/F writers. |
www.sfwa.org |
11 Rules of Writing -- a concise guide to important grammar ... |
A concise guide to some of the most frequently violated rules of writing, punctuation, and grammar. |
www.junketstudies.com |
NAEP Writing Subject Area |
NAEP assesses student performance in writing periodically in grades 4, 8, and 12 for the nation, and in grades 4 and 8 for the states. |
nces.ed.gov |
Writing: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with writing on Technorati. |
www.technorati.com |
IPL Teenspace: A+ Research & Writing |
Includes step-by-step instructions on researching and writing, how to find information online and offline, as well as links to useful resources. |
www.ipl.org |
Dictionary.com: Writing Resources |
Free online English dictionary and reference guide. List of sites writers can use. |
dictionary.reference.com |
WritingFix: Home of Interactive Writing Prompts and 6 Trait ... |
Daily and interactive writing prompts. |
www.writingfix.com |
Advice on Academic Writing |
Includes articles on critical reading, planning, researching, style and editing, grammar and punctuation. |
www.utoronto.ca |