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Internal Yoga for Sexual Vitality
Internal Yoga for Sexual Vitality ©M.Javril,1998
originally published in the "Wet Set Gazette", Pasadena, CA - Spring 1998 reprinting with permission granted
Your body's health is a complex system of mini-systems, just like a global village of its own - there are hills and valleys, eruptions and frozen areas, streams, oceans, and there are sometimes swamps. These areas of stagnation don't need to be treated with disdain - rather, they can be held as hidden treasure lands able to give forth fertile, recoverable items that are usable and actually add to the richness of the whole system. The trapped energy in stored fat or tension can be released thru deep breathing, allowing the normal cleansing functions to harmonize themselves more quickly. With this attitude, let's talk about your internal Riverway and the water treatment process that your body performs.
Get friendly with your highways and byways - the lymphatic system is responsible for transporting wastes, returning filtered blood particles, and transporting the immune response (lymphocytes). It is your internal shower - the ongoing action of the liquidy part of blood (plasma) "leaking" into the spaces in between the cells - like water permeating a sponge, the lymph is meant to go everywhere - grabbing up and carrying along extraneous or foreign particles and cells, flowing all the waste products toward the main water filtration stations (lymph nodes). The patrol brings the invaders to the station and a battle may ensue. We may realize our immune system is responding to an alarm because the warriors (lymphocytes) multiply and do the body's main defending in the node areas, making them swell when we fight a cold or other diseases.
The blood is pumped by the heart, but the lymph is pumped mostly by muscle contraction, along with the respiratory diaphragm movement. When we do deep, complete breathing, exercising and sweating, we add to the body's ability to cleanse itself of toxins and waste products - we pump the lymph along its Riverway. The branch of yoga studying the breath is called Pranayama, prana being the Sanskrit word for Life Force or Vital Energy.
We all seem to realize it's important to take our cars in for regular tune-ups, repairs, oil changes, radiator coolant flushes, gas and air filter changes, etc. But what about our bodies? Who changes the air filter in our lungs? and cleans out the oil filter in our gall bladder? or flushes out the blood cleaning mechanism in our spleen, kidneys and bladder? The intelligence of the human body is so elegant that, merely using our breath, we accomplish the minimum cleansing program. The diaphragm is beautifully situated where all the filtering organs are latticed into its movement, and they benefit greatly from the repetitive squeezing and releasing of cellular elements.
Our global village is ecological, too, in that it will reuse anything sitting around too long, So all the garbage (unused sugar, fat, protein) sitting around in your backyard (or front porch..?!) will be held in a hydro-culture (ground substance) waiting to be sent out as waste or turned into useful calories. If it sits too long in one spot, the sediment of the river's flow is deposited in hard immobile impactions (colon) or soggy, swampy pools (edema), making ripe ground for holding disease pockets. The largest organ of elimination is the skin, so it's important to perspire AND to exfoliate (dry skin brushing). We also eliminate thru the colon, bladder, and the lungs. When one organ isn't working efficiently or being given an opportunity to contribute, the other organs have to take over the extra toxic waste. This can, for example, lead to skin eruptions when the colon is not moving at least 1-3 times a day. Most people need to DRINK MORE WATER. Formula (your weight divided by two = how many ounces per day you need)
It is important to always eliminate whatever we can no longer use. Once we have assimilated and absorbed, transformed and integrated something into ourselves, we are meant to harmoniously and efficiently get rid of all the parts that are not useful or no longer need to be held in reserve. Another intrinsically elegant element in our design as human beings, is the metaphor of our physical and emotional lives. Once we can let go of our habits, grudges, or unneeded negative reactive patterns, we can breath easier in our daily lives.
Your internal organs depend on your deep breathing and muscle tone in order to be squeezed, re-oxygenated, flushed, and efficient in their functions. They also depend on the muscles that hold them up from gravity - the hammock or sling that is the bottom or pelvic floor for the abdominal cavity - the PC muscle group (pubococcygeus). Re-discovered in this century by Doctor Kegel, the diamond-shaped area where this group of muscles weaves the base sphincters together is also known in ancient yogic studies as Muladhara, or the Root Chakra. Learning how to hold or lock (Muladhara Bandha) and elevate the internal hammock is a Pranayama technique developed for increasing Vital Force. Once activated, it flows from the base of the spine up to the crown, and charges up each one of the neural plexes (chakras) as it moves. With this, the body has an abundance of energy for cleansing, relaxing, and rejuvenating all the internal organs. It creates a flow of electro-magnetic activity that harmonizes and reconnects the breaks in the continuous circuitry.
Yogis and the ancient Chinese have known that in order to be self-sufficient and isolated in the mountains, the body needed to be flexible, efficient, sensitive, and sturdy. They designed physical techniques for internal cleansing that needed to be done either manually or by one's own body's mechanisms. Using the anal sphincter lock and upward draw, the indigenous Polynesians and Egyptians drew sea water into the colon, for a natural enema effect. In order to gain instead of losing energy during love-making, tantric practitioners use these recycling techniques for preserving sexual energy. Pumping
the base chakra with specific breathing and visualizations are meditative techniques that can lead to full-blown spiritual visions and inner blissful states. Most of us are not going to practice in that way, nonetheless, we can learn a great deal from this approach. Engaging the muscles of the Root or Base Chakra physiologically creates pressure on the cerebral-spinal fluid and repercusses along the dura mater and throughout the spinal column to the brain. Thus, massaging the perineum with our isometric exercise, we can affect the entire brain system. This brings a profound state of heightened relaxation, and is the basis for tantric yoga abilities - for the woman, to become full body and multi-orgasmic, and experience the Valley orgasm more easily - for the man, to sustain an erection all night long, controlling ejaculation, and also to become full body and multi-orgasmic. Extended states of bliss are said to be youthening and harmonizing to the brain and hormones. (Shorter periods of excitement and pleasure are equally as valuable, says my housecat).
Here's an interesting and alternative way to massage your own internal organs - Standing comfortably, let all the air out of your lungs and belly, and while trying to keep it out, allow your belly to move in and out - feel the swishing inside as you move all the viscera around with your muscles during the exhale (Uddhiyana Bandha & Nauli's). This kind of plunging action also occurs when you activate the perineal area with the Kegel contraction, known as an Upward Draw in Taoistic studies. First, you have to find your Pelvic Floor. Since ultimately, you will be elevating, or pulling the muscle more inward and up into the torso, there are no outward signs that it is contracting. All other muscles should be relaxed - isolate this group completely.
Find the urethral sphincter by starting and stopping the flow of urine. Only do this initially to ensure you are using the right muscles. For women, you could insert your finger slightly into the vaginal opening, and squeeze as though you would pull it up into the vaginal canal. For men, watching to see the reaction of the penis moving slightly, you can determine if you are activating the right group of muscles. At first, just "chewing gum" style will suffice (clench, release, clench, release). But that is only half of the fibers (short twitch). The endurance and tensile strengthening (long twitch) comes from holding and sustaining the clench, and actually increasing the grip force and drawing the muscles upward.
Most people think that Kegels are for women after childbirth, but they are actually FOR EVERYONE! MEN IN PARTICULAR can benefit because of the increased circulation to the prostate gland. Because men tend to be more yang, they are holding a contracted sphincter, and women being more yin, will become more and more flaccid. Thus, men need to use the exercise as a way to elasticize and relax the area, bringing fresh blood, vigor and sensitivity. And of course, women need to tone and strengthen, activate and juice up the area, making more and more of the cells alive and available.
Enjoy creating the inner fire you will begin to sense as you develop your inner yoga - feel a surge of vital force moving from a deep place, rising thru your body. This is simply your own physiology responding to your intention to pump energy. It WORKS!
Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women AND Men
•Use abdominal breathing. Count to 10 for one cycle. As you exhale (1,2,3,4,5), begin to squeeze the pelvic floor tight, and as the exhale continues, increase your sense of drawing the base upward inside the body (6,7,8,9,10) like a freight elevator, slow and strong and weighted. Then slowly Inhale and release the muscle, allowing it to slowly lower and fully relax. Allow the sensation of a slight bulging out when you reach the "ground floor", the way a freight elevator drops slightly lower and then returns to neutral. The relaxation phase IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR THE MAN. Attempt to fully isolate the pelvic floor and avoid using any abdominal or buttox muscles. Do 15 cycles 3X a day to improve tone.
Isometric and resistive exercises promote: circulation, activation, elasticity, responsiveness, strength, and endurance. These are sometimes called the Love muscles and will activate all functions of this area. Any muscle that you exercise and put your conscious intention into, will respond better, faster, longer, stronger, and more often.
Perineal release thru massage or activation thru pelvic floor exercises has been shown to have a dramatic effect on vaginal tone after birth. It also affects the elasticity of the opening, allowing for the possibility to avoid an episiotomy. After such a procedure, sustaining one's Internal Yoga practice will have a strong impact on recovery of all functions in this area.
Poor tone of the urogenital diaphragm has been shown to be related to: incontinence, hemorrhoids, organ prolapse, constipation, premature ejaculation, impotence, lower libido, non-lubrication, prostate disease, PMS.
Marci Javril, Vital Energist, is a Certified Somatic Therapist, spiritual counselor and movement therapist. She gives tutorials in Lymphatic Clearing© and Abdominal Integrity, including internal organ release and detox. Ms. Javril also coaches interested people in Pregnancy & Infant Massage, and Post-Surgical Intervention. Her work focuses on the art & science of rejuvenation, enriched by many years in the performing arts and in depth studies in Kriya Tantra Yoga. Marci has been in private practise since 1984 and can be reached for consultations at (866)-551-0062 or (310)-306-9838. See credentials on web site: http://VitalEnergyCenter.com or contact by email: MJavril@VitalEnergyCenter.com
About the Author
Marci Javril, Vital Energist - expert bodyworker, ordained minister, tantra yoga educator, movement therapist. Marci combines her many talents as a performing artist and heealer, to bring more vital energy awareness into every aspect of life.
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Yoga (Devanagari: योग) is a family of ancient spiritual practices ... Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas ... |
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Official site of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers. Includes a worldwide directory of centers. |
www.sivananda.org |
Yoga Info, News, Shop, Travel & Community @ ABC-of-Yoga |
Information and news resource featuring articles on various aspects of Yoga. |
www.abc-of-yoga.com |
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