Guys Beautiful Girls Want: You Can Be One
"Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us."- Earl Nightingale
I have a good friend, let’s call him Ted, who's pretty average looking. He's short and occasionally puts on a little extra weight around his middle. Yet, before his marriage, he was always a big hit with women.
I asked him his secret.
"It's all attitude. I'd walk into a bar or a party and think to myself 'I'm the guy to be with.' Women would pick up on that."
My husband told me a similar story:
"When I was in my early 20s I used to hang out at this bar, and there was this massively overweight bouncer with an unruly beard at the door. The guy was always surrounded by women. I mean, he wasn't great looking, and he definitely wasn't rich, so I asked him how he attracted all these women. He told me, 'It's all in my head. I think I'm Cary Grant, and women do , too.'"
So, clearly, attitude is everything.
You can look like George Clooney, but if you don't project the attitude that you're "the one to be with," you won't ever attract the woman you want.
So, how do you summon the attitude you need to be popular with gorgeous women? Start
thinking of yourself as attractive, regardless of your acne scars, bald spot, or pot belly.
Your mind is an extremely powerful instrument. Use it! Run a mental movie of yourself attracting desirable women and bring in lots of sensory detail. Where are you? What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? Taste? Smell?
Use an affirmation to boost your confidence, for instance: "I am happy, vital, and irresistably attractive." Say it out loud. Write it ten times a day on a piece of paper (then destroy the evidence by ripping it up and throwing it in the trash!). Recite it to yourself as you fall asleep at night.
Keep it up until your winning new attitude takes root in your subconscious. It will bring you the wonderful women you deserve.
It worked for Ted, and it will work for you.
About The Author
Terry Hernon MacDonald is the author of "How to Attract and Marry the Man of Your Dreams." Visit her website at Check out her blog at