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Should You Douche?
The only thing a woman can say for certain about her vagina is that it is drenched in mystery. And with this mystery comes a bounty of myths. One myth marring the woman’s body is the concept that her vagina is a filthy pit. Frequent marketing of feminine douches does nothing to arrest this myth. But is the vagina dirty and should a woman douche?
A substantial body of medical evidence makes a clear case that douching is not necessary and in some cases unhealthy.
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh led by Dr. Roberta Ness discovered that most women are introduced to the concept of douching by their mothers, sisters, or girlfriends. Yet this well-intentioned sisterly advice has left too many women misinformed about their vaginal health. For instance, a study at the University of Alabama at Birmingham asked 729 women why they douched. Twenty-one percent of the participants said that they believed douching killed infectious germs, while 27% believed that douching prevented pregnancy. Neither assumption is true.
As writer Mary Ann Innacchinoe explains in an “American Journal of Nursing” article, the vagina contains, lactobacilli, "good", aerobic bacteria that cleanse the vagina and protect it from infection. Lactobacilli release hydrogen peroxide, a natural disinfectant. The presence of hydrogen peroxide helps keep potentially harmful anaerobic bacteria in balance.
Ironically, some women view menstruation as a time when the vagina most needs a douche. After menstruation, vaginal mucus returns to its thicker, characteristically non-fertile state, which makes it more difficult for pathogens to enter and infect the vagina. Douching could wash this protective coating away and invite vaginal bacterial imbalances and infections. For example, a 2004 study published in the medical journal “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” linked douching after menses with an increased risk of bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis, or an excess of harmful bacteria in the vagina, is one of the most common reasons women visit their gynecologist. Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include a gray or frothy vaginal discharge, a “fishy” odor after intercourse, vaginal itching and a vaginal pH greater than 4.5.
While douching can provoke bacterial vaginosis, it may also encourage the herpes virus. In 2003, researchers from the Magee-Womens Research Institute in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania questioned why women are more susceptible to the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection than men. After examining 1207 women aged 18 to 30 from three Pittsburgh health clinics, the investigators noted
that women who douche, smoke, have sex with uncircumcised partners, or have bacterial vaginosis are at greater risk for contracting an HSV-2 infection.
Nevertheless, Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom”, recommends douching in one instance, after having made love three times in one day. But sperm must have been released into the vagina during each round of intercourse. Northrup cautions that after such an entry of sperm, the vagina will not return to its normal pH for another twenty-four hours. Using a vinegar douche, made by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to a quart of water, may help restore the vaginal pH balance faster. Note, this douche is by no means meant to serve as a contraceptive, only as a pH balancer.
The vagina deservingly derived its name for the Latin word meaning “sheath”. While the vagina sheathes, or holds many mysteries, the truth about this enigmatic organ will only come forth by asking for the truth, not by believing hearsay or fanciful medical ills crafted by marketers. At least now a woman can say with certainty when she should and should not douche.
Cherpes, Thomas L. et al. “Risk Factors for Infection With Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2: Role of Smoking, Douching, Uncircumcised Males, and Vaginal Flora”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, May2003, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p405.
Innacchinoe, Mary Ann. “The Vagina Dialogues: Do You Douche?” American Journal of Nursing; Jan2004, Vol. 104 Issue 1, p40.
Martino, Jenny L. & Surasak Youngpairoj, Sten H. Vermund. “Vaginal Douching: Personal Practices and Public Policies”, Journal of Women's Health, Nov2004, Vol. 13 Issue 9, p1048.
Ness, Roberta B. et al. “Why Women Douche and Why They May or May Not Stop”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Jan2003, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p71.
Oh, M. Kim et al. “Early Onset of Vaginal Douching Is Associated With False Beliefs and High-Risk Behavior”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, May2003, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p405.
Schwebke, Jane E. &, Renee A.Desmond, M. Kim Oh. “Predictors of Bacterial Vaginosis in Adolescent Women Who Douche”, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Jul2004, Vol. 31 Issue 7, p433.
About the Author
Health author and Stanford University graduate Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include “Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne” (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work “Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we’re still not getting this dieting thing” (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit http://www.Noixia.com
Acne.org |
Information on acne, medications and treatment of scars. Includes a regimen for keeping skin clear. |
www.acne.org |
AcneNet |
Dermatologist-reviewed information about acne, which lets people know that today virtually every case of acne can be resolved. |
www.skincarephysicians.com |
What is Acne? |
Information about the different types of acne lesions and what causes acne to develop. |
www.skincarephysicians.com |
Questions and Answers About Acne |
Illustrated information on causes of acne skin lesions, and tips and information on common treatments, their side effects, and current research. |
www.niams.nih.gov |
Acne Resource Center |
Acne, Nutrition, Research on Acne and Important Tips for Getting Acne Free. |
www.acne-resource.org |
Acne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Acne is a group of skin rashes that have different causes. Acne vulgaris - most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face and ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Acne vulgaris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Different types of Acne Vulgaris: A: Cystic acne on the face, B: ... The vernacular term bacne or backne is often used to indicate acne found specifically ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
MedlinePlus: Acne |
From the National Institutes of Health; Questions and Answers about Acne (National Institute of ... Select services and providers for Acne in your area. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
MedlinePlus Interactive Tutorials: Acne |
Acne. Start Tutorial. Starts multimedia presentation with questions. Requires Flash Player. Download Flash. download button for flash player. ... |
www.nlm.nih.gov |
Acne Treatment by AcneHelper.com |
Resource for acne treatments and prevention. Learn tips and techniques to stop pimples, zits and blackheads for good. |
www.acnehelper.com |
Acne |
Acne Creative bring brands to life through advertising, design and product ... Commercials, music videos and other film formats are made by Acne Film. ... |
www.acne.se |
Acne Jeans |
About · Collection · Acne Studios · Contact · Press/Retailer · Work at Acne Jeans · Newsletter · Shop (EU). Copyright © Acne Jeans. |
www.acnejeans.com |
Acne |
If you're almost a teen, chances are pretty good that you have some acne. About 8 in 10 preteens and teens have acne, along with many adults. |
www.kidshealth.org |
Acne - treatment and causes of pimples and blackheads |
What are the causes of acne and which skin treatments are most effective - BUPA health information factsheet. |
hcd2.bupa.co.uk |
Natural Acne Treatment Information |
Acne and Diet · The Risks and Side Effects of Prescription Acne Medications ... This is a great jumping off point for natural acne treatments. ... |
www.absoluteacneinfo.com |
ASG www.stopspots.org ! | Index Acne, Pimples, Blackheads, Zits ... |
Information and support on acne, including top ten tips, beauty tips and problems. |
www.stopspots.org |
Acne.net - Acne & Skin Treatment Resource |
Introduction to several forms of acne and some available treatments, by a dermatologist and medical school professor. |
www.acne.net |
Acne.com - Acne Treatment Information |
Acne.com - Acne Treatment Information. Your source for Acne information on the web. Learn more about what causes acne and how you can fight acne. |
www.acne.com |
Acne – Complete medical information regarding acne and its ... |
Complete medical explanation produced by doctors regarding acne, its causes, myths of causes, treatment on your own, and treatment by doctors. |
www.medicinenet.com |
AAD - Acne |
Acne is a skin condition which has plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), inflamed pimples (pustules), and deeper lumps (nodules). |
www.aad.org |