Guide to choosing plush toys for children
Guide to choosing plush toys for children
Many people consider plush toys great for children. They say that plush is a soft material that children love very much and that plush toys are so adorable, that you can’t resist them.
I agree, but what do doctors have to say about it? Are plush toys the best for children?
Plush toys are very popular nowadays. A lot of people believe that plush toys are one of the best child toys.
Children themselves love to play with plush toys. They love these toys because they are soft and lovely at touching. Nobody can deny this. Plush toys may pose a threat to a child's health.
But the thing that most people don’t know is that plush toys aren’t the safest toys on the market. In fact, they are potentially dangerous for your child’s health.
The reason for this is that plush toys absorb huge quantities of dust. This amount of dust is the ideal environment for the developing of some microscopic insects. These insects can produce, among others, bronchitis asthma, a severe form of allergy.
If you don’t believe me, take a plush toy that you have and smack it a few times with a ruler or with something similar. And don’t worry, it won’t hurt the toy!
If you don’t see a cloud of dust coming from the toy, look at the ruler. Can you see a thin layer of dust? Of course you can. And it’s not only dust,
it’s also a large number of microscopic organisms.
That’s why plush toys aren’t recommended for children under the age of three. If your child is mouthing objects, the risk is higher. How to make sure a plush toy will be a great toy.
Don’t get me wrong. Playing with plush toys is great, but adult supervision is needed, so that the child doesn't put the toy in his mouth.
One way to avoid any accident is to periodically clean the toy and store it in a place without dust.
If you buy plush toys for babies, the hygiene must be stricter. Choose smaller plush toys (yet big enough to be impossible to swallow), so that cleaning to be easy.
Plush toys are also great for decorating your child’s room. I bet you’ve seen rooms decorated with plush toys. Especially girl rooms.
The atmosphere they create is wonderful. Plush toys used to decorate a room are usually huge. Big Panda plush toy bears are very common.
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About the Author
Eugen Lisov is the creator of a site focused on helping parents worldwide to choose the best toys for their children. If you offer your child a bad toy, it’s the same as if you don’t offer your youngster any toy. Please feel free to browse my site; it will only help you when choosing toys for your child.