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Being Happy
Most of us will have sat through sermons or addresses that have attempted to persuade us to follow some virtuous path, that will lead us to salvation. Frequently we recognise the value of the offered path but lack the tools to bring emotions and actions into line with our intellectual acceptance. We need practical techniques that will help us to achieve the evolutionary goals we set ourselves.
Here you will be offered a little philosophy of life, a path to follow. If the path calls to you, if you feel it “sings to your heart” then there are some practical meditations to help along the way.
How is being happy a duty?
Firstly it is essential to our own evolution. We are often told that we must see the positive in all that comes to us, to recognise the strength we gain in adversity. Put another way, we must learn to be content with our lot. Sounds a little like a platitude to keep the masses quiet.
In truth, it is very good advice. If we learn to change our attitude to the events in our life, we really do feel more contented and learn to enjoy life.
Universal truth is often found in paradox and here is one. In eastern religions we hear of the wheel of life wherein we are bound in the cycle of reincarnation until, we achieve the state of grace that, will allow us to escape. Many people strive to evolve so that they will no longer have to return to this physical life. Now here’s the rub, when we reach that state, we no longer consider our physical life to be something to escape, but rather a part of all sacred life; something to enjoyed and to cherish. In other words, we may not escape this life until we have learnt to love it, and no longer want to escape it.
Does this ring true for you? If so, then please read on.
Now practice life enjoyment.
First notice another rule in the game of life. That is, the path to evolution is indirect. If you want something from the universe, it is often better to sidle up to it via a side road, rather than attempt to bull your way through the direct route.
If you go all out to enjoy life, as your one and only goal, then failure is almost inevitable. So instead do something else that has the side effect of bringing joy to life. For example, sharpen your appreciation of beauty.
For each of us there is something that has such beauty that it can bring tears to our eyes. If you do not know what it is for you, then here is an adventure, a quest for you, go find it! Spend time with it. Meditate in its presence. Then when life seems to deal you a low blow, withdraw for a moment and remember those beauty times.
As we grow and become more aware of our life purpose, then the ability to enjoy our life grows.
We become far sighted enough to see the benefit in the
experiences we receive. In other words, enjoying life gets easier!
Share life enjoyment.
The next part can be a much greater challenge; we have a duty to be happy for others.
When we are uplifted and positive we add to the sum total of happiness in the world. When we are negative, pessimistic we add to the sum total of misery. If you accept that we influence the conditions of the world with our thoughts then you will see a clear advantage of one attitude over the other.
Accepting this duty is the first step on a challenging path. It can be difficult indeed to be positive in the face of the suffering of others. It can even become MORE difficult as we evolve, with more sensitivity to the needs of others.
It is very easy to be upset at what we see. For example when we hear of the dwindling rain forests, we are tempted to sink into despair, the feeling that we can do nothing to help. Reverse that reaction now, with a practical exercise, in meditation.
Sit in the quiet, close your eyes take deep breaths. Now, see bare earth before you, the place where a forest once lived. Feel yourself standing in this place. Now, feel energy flow from Earth Mother. As you stand here, see / feel tree shoots push up from the ground, all around you. See young trees grow in vigour, in size until, forest stands again. Know that you create and feel joy in what you do.
It is very easy to feel guilty that you do not sorrow when famine strikes, or war destroys a nation. We know that it can’t be right to be callous, and yet, we can do no good by adding to the sum of human misery. Somehow we must focus on the positive, in the future that WILL be.
Here is a way that may help you.
When the people of a nation are suffering. Enter your quiet place and there see a small child of that people, in the distance. This child is their representative. Now feel yourself slowly drift towards him. Feel joy moving ahead of you, reaching out to touch him. As you move steadily closer, he starts to become aware of your presence. Closer still, and see his face start to reflect the joy that you bring. Closer still and an infectious grin is shared by both of you. Stay a while in shared understanding. Know that you have helped to lift the spirits of all people in need and give thanks that you have been given the privilege.
May you walk your beauty way and feel the Great Spirit walk with you as you go.
About the Author
Chris Waters is an experienced channel and meditation guide. Having spent time living in New Zealand and travelling to the USA, Chris now lives in the UK with his wife and two children. He is also a director for Blue Water Music. http://www.bluewatermusic.net Chris Waters can be contacted at: xwaters@hotmail.com
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