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Moles, warts, Skin Tags Removal
Moles, warts, Skin Tags Removal Copyright 2004 by www.FatFreeKitchen.com [You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box,...
Natural Skin Care - Healthy Ways to Pamper Your Complexion
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Bigger, Badder Infections Spreading in Clusters
Doctors around the country are facing patients who come back with infections that are not cured by the antibiotics they prescribed. A staph resistant bacteria strain is becoming more and more common and our doctors need to start draining abscesses and taking cultures again. The new resistant staff requires fast treatment with specific antibiotics such as Cipromyacin and macrolids. Natural substances that fight and prevent bacterial infection include colloidial silver, Transfer Factor, garlic and Samento. Daniel Jernigan, an Epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is quoted as saying "Staph infections are such a common problem that the emergence of infections resistant to common antibiotics has important public health implications."
Dr. Bonnie Bock, an infectious disease specialist in Newport Beach, California says "Most doctors are just not aware of this." She has treated whole groups of secretaries, gay men and others for the resistant staph infections. She estimates two-thirds of the staph abscesses she currently encounters are caused by the resistant strain. These infections are unexpectedly aggressive; they multiply faster and make more of a toxin that inhibits our immune systems. If they aren't treated with the right antibiotics quickly, they can easily become life threatening.
According to Elizabeth Bancroft, a medical epidemiologist at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, around the year 2002 the incidence of staph resistant infections rose dramatically in the Los Angeles area. Then, during the spring of 2004, The Angeles Health Department was informed of a mini-epidemic of staph infections in a group of healthy newborns as well as an outbreak in a county
jail, a cluster of infection within the gay male community and a cluster in a professional football team; the bacteria causing the outbreaks were nearly identical.
Furthermore, a study of children with staff resistant infections proved that at least 30% of people in close contact with the children had similar infections at the same time as the children. The mini-epidemics and studies have proven how easily spread this bacterium is between people in close contact. Even something as small as chaffing from undergarments can provide an entrance for the bacteria into your body, according to the CDC.
References & Resources: "Bacteria that defy antibiotics " Abigail Zuger NYT Thursday, March 4, 2004 Join Our Mailing List Discuss With Other List Members, Receive Health News And Health And Beauty Samples. Free Health Product Samples *Vitamin Gumball Sample & Coupon *4 Samples-Liquid Multiminerals, Natural Pain Relief, Detoxifier & Weightloss *Free Sample of BurnFree Pain Relieving Gel *Free Acidophilus Pearl Sample & Coupon *Herbal Product Sample(US&Canada) *Energy/WeightLoss AromaTherapy Patch *Samples of Herbal Tea & Supplements (US, 18+) *Free Vitamin Sample (UK) *Sample of The Chocolate Diet (US&Canada) *Free Aloe Vera Capsule Samples(All Countries) *Sample of VinpocetineRX Memory Enhancer *Free Sample of GarlicMax *Digestive Advantage Sample Pack *Sample Xtreme Health Energy Plus *Free Pair Certificate For Acuvue Contacts *Arthritis Remedy Sample(All Countries) Home Contact Medical Disclaimer AllContents©MelissaGordon2004
About the Author
Melissa is a health researcher and writer at http://www.suppressedhealth.com.
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