10 Compelling Visions to Want for Yourself or Others
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7 Tips for Beautiful Skin and Beauty Nutrition
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Life Is Easy, Isn't It?
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Sun Protection
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Your Target of Health is easy
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION: PULLING THE ROOTS OF DISEASE ---------------------------------------------------------------------
======================== JUMPSTART: 3 POINT PLAN ========================
1) Take Your Supplements
Four Mountains has meticulously examined and tested more than one thousand nutritional supplement brands for quality and above all, clinical effectiveness. As it stands, one company, Standard Process Labs, is hands down, the industry leader. Since 1929 Standard Process has been manufacturing an extensive line of whole food concentrates, including protomorphogen and cytosol extract technology. If you need to nutritionally support, detoxify, fortify, relax or mobilize any organ, system or tissue type - Standard Process has a product that will safely do the job, and do it well.
Most nutritional supplement companies use synthetic raw materials and only fragments of incomplete nutrient complexes. Supplying the body fragments of inert nutrients is a poor substitute for nutrient complexes as found in nature. We urge people to stop ingesting synthetic nutrients and consume only the most pure and natural form of food concentrates.
At Four Mountains, we are of the opinion the optimal health is only possible by taking advantage of these unique nutritional formulas. Hard as it may be for the skeptic in you to believe, there is only one nutritional supplement company in the world that can be trusted. Of the thousands of products we have tested, only Standard Process delivers the goods. Visit www.standardprocess.com for detailed information, or call Four Mountains at 1-800-736-0904 to request our FREE SUPPLEMENT GUIDE and for help with ordering. You need this!
2) Low Stress Diet
Read hundreds of diet books and sort it all out for yourself, or call Four Mountains and we'll send you a FREE COPY of THE LOW STRESS DIET - a summary of everything you'll ever need to know about a healthy diet.
3) Yoga
Don't mistake Yoga for a trend or fad, as it's older than the hills and has proven itself the world over as the most awesome of healing traditions. Heal every system, organ, nerve, gland, muscle and bone in your body. That's the power of yoga.
Get rid of a lot of tension and you'll be like a new person after only one week. Of course that's the quick fix. Do it for ninety days and you'll cure most diseases. Do it for two years and you'll turn into the person you always hoped you might become but didn't know how to get there.
Give it a whirl. We enthusiastically recommend you study several yoga systems to derive maximum benefit and find your personal best routine. Start with Ashtanga, Bikram, Kundalini and Somatic Yoga. If you explore just those four styles, you'll be very well taken care of, and you'll never have to look any
==================================================== LIFELONG HEALTH MANAGEMENT: YOUR WELLNESS LIFESTYLE ====================================================
1) Self-Awareness & Self-Regulation (SA/SR)
Face it. Your body is a lifelong responsibility. Therefore, if you intend to take care of it the way you should, a little knowledge is indispensable.
Your body is very much like a GARDEN. Neglect it and the roots of disease will take over and destroy it's inherent design, health and beauty. However, tend it with the appropriate Wellness Tools and enjoy the health, beauty and vitality that is yours to enjoy.
For your Wellness Lifestyle to be effective, it will necessarily have to include some self-awareness and self-regulation in the following areas. This just means that you need to think about these four areas every so often and make sure that your doing a pretty good job keeping each area balanced. Imbalances in one or all of these four areas will have you running to a doctor, so the more you keep an eye on it yourself, the more self-reliant and healthier your GARDEN will become.
Think of your body and your health as involving four key areas. These are the four areas for which you are already responsible, whether you want to be or not. Sounds harsh, but there's nothing any of us can do about it.
a) Metabolic Self-Management
b) Nutritional Self-Management
c) Mental/Emotional Self-Management
d) Structural Self-Management
2) Turning the Wheel of Healing
The Wheel of Healing is the principle model for effective natural health care and healthy aging.
a) Detoxification
Reduce the body's toxic load with wholistic interventions that support all the channels of elimination and safely remove accumulated debris from your system
b) Fortification
Achieve nutritional competence by furnishing the body with the essential raw materials needed for normal function.
c) Relaxation
Dispel biological distress with proven techniques and tools that remove layers of tension from the mind and body.
d) Mobilization
Cultivate vigorous circulation, powerful nerve force, balanced musculoskeletal strength, and visceral health with daily therapeutic movement and low-stress body alignment exercises.
3) Wellness Tools
As there are many and diverse ways to turn the Wheel of Healing, Four Mountains has cataloged and innovated approximately eighty Wellness Tools specifically to facilitate these four vital processes. Our Wellness Tools are the bricks and mortar of our Wellness Programs, designed to provide maximum care for your body's twelve systems.
About the Author
Dr. Ward Coleman, N.D. is President of Four Mountains, Inc.a privately held Clinical & Research Laboratory dedicated to synthesizing all available data in the fields of alternative medicine, disease prevention, wholistic mind/body health and anti-aging technology.
Beauty Guide -- Hairstyles Makeup Nails & Skin |
About.com's guide to beauty, hair & makeup. Learn new trends in hair color & styles, makeup dos & don’ts and waxing vs. shaving. See makeovers, tricks from ... |
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Beauty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The usage of beauty for purposes of commercialism is a controversial aspect of the ... The ideal Roman is the more masculine form of pure male beauty. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
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A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. |
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Official Dreamworks web site. Trailer, reviews, and credits. |
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Beauty | Seventeen.com |
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BBC - Slink - Hair & Beauty Bible - A-Z <br><p class="recess ... |
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Health and Beauty |
Natural Health and Beauty, review articles on health and beauty, Skin Care, ... Problems with deteriorating facial bones and beauty are more severe in women ... |
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