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Secret of Health & Beauty
AMLA, proudly known as 'Indian Gooseberry' has been the key constituent of many Ayurvedic formulations. And nowadays, it has been accepted by almost all medical branches as a result of extensive research carried at Germany, England, India, and various other countries.
IN AYURVEDA, importance of Amla has been ascertained from the experiments and experiences of ancient Rishi-Munis of India, namely Charak, Chyavan, Atreya, Kartik, Vrat Koumudi, and many others. Amla is considered one of the strongest rejunevatives (rasayana), particularly for blood, bones, liver, heart and skin.
q SOURCE OF NATURAL VITAMIN C : Amla is exceptionally rich source of vitamin C and powerful anti-oxidant. 100 gm. of Amla contains about 700 mg. of vitamin C, which is thirty times the amount found in oranges.
q VITAMIN C : Vitamin C is essential for making 'Collagen' in the body. Collagen provides much of the framework in the cell or tissues, just as the skeleton provides the framework for the body. Thus, Vitamin C plays the vital role in growth and repair of tissues in ALL PARTS of human body, and hence it is useful for treatment as well as prevention of so many diseases. It enhances the overall immunity.
" When your immune system is strong,
You get sick less often, and recover quickly."
q POTENCY OF AMLA : Research has shown that Amla is 12 times more assimilable and creates more potent medicinal effect than synthetic vitamin C, known as Ascorbic acid. Researchers have also shown that just 8.7 mg of natural vitamin C from Amla is equivalent to 100 mg of synthetic vitamin C. The synthetic vitamin C is missing vital nutrients such as Rutin, Bioflavonoids and the "J" & "K" factors.
q MODERN SCIENCES: The modern sciences too, have accepted the supremacy of Amla towards imparting health and beauty, due to its very high vitamin C content.
q UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE researchers, published the result of their study, based on a single measurement of vitamin C in the blood of 19,496 individuals aged 45 to 79 state that : as concentrations of vitamin C in blood plasma went up, the risk of dying from all causes went down.
This report in the March 3, 2001 issue of 'Lancet' state that the risk of death from all causes including heart disease, cut in half for individuals who have highest levels of vitamin C in blood. In the findings of Dr. Kay Tee Khaw, the high blood levels of vitamin C were associated with a decreased risk for cancer.
q AN ANTIOXIDANT : Oxidation is removal of electrons from the molecular oxygen and to convert it to an active form called as 'oxidant'. It has a tendency to acquire electrons and damage most cell structures by releasing DNA damaging free radicals. The Vitamin C in Amla is a well-known antioxidant, which is able to inactivate DNA-damaging free radicals, by releasing oxygen electrons. Thus vitamin C in Amla prevents the abnormal growth of cells in all parts of body.
q H.L.NEWBOLD, in his book "VITAMIN C AGAINST CANCER", has interviewed four Noble Prize Winner scientists, and professors from some of the world's best-known medical centers. He reports the latest findings about vitamin C as a promising new weapon in the battle against cancer- not only for treatment, but also for prevention. Few lines between the
covers of his book have been quoted below:
…. (Nobel Prize Winner) Dr. Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron began an experiment with 1100 terminally ill cancer patients. The results: the 100 patients taking vitamin C had lived four times as long as 1000 control patients who received no added vitamin C.
…. cholesterol is broken down and eliminated as bile acids. Vitamin C is beneficial to heart patients.
…Mr. Cameron said that in terminally ill cancer patients treated with vitamin C : not only their lives prolonged, but also the quality of their lives was greatly improved during the time they did live. This freedom from pain was most important for terminally ill cancer patients.
…We (human beings) cannot make our own vitamin C.
…one should not wait for the application of vitamin C until one gets ill. We should take it all the time.
…like oxygen and water, vitamin C is an indispensable part of the life of every living creature on this globe.
q PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES: Amla is not only a wonderful antioxidant, but it has proven anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, yeast inhibiting, nematicidal, anabolic, anti-hepatoxic, anti-hyperhidrosis, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, anti-spasmodic, hypolipidemic, and hypotensive relieving properties. It also acts as an antacid and anti-tumorganic agent. In addition, it increases protein synthesis and thus useful in cases of hypoglycemia.
1. Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Intermittent fevers
2. Hyperacidity, Bilious vomiting, Gastritis
3. Ulcer, Jaundice, Hepatitis
4. Hemoglobin, Red blood cell count, Anemia
5. Cholesterol, Hypertension, Cardiac disorders
6. Diabetes
7. Ophthalmopathy, Cataract
8. Rheumatism, Osteoarthritis
9. Diarrhea, Dysentery
10. Gonorrhea, Spermatorrhea,
11. Sexual rejuvenation
12. Scurvy, Bleeding gums
13. Cancer
14. HIV
15. Heavy metal poisoning
1. Premature graying and hair loss
2. Skin diseases, wrinkles on skin
3. Obesity
4. Anti-aging
q RECOMMENDED DOSES : Daily intake of dietary vitamin C
(According to U.S. RDA), are listed below :
Infants age below 1 year : 30 to 35 mg
Children age 1 to 14 years : 40 to 50 mg
Adolescent age 15 to 18 years : 65 to 75 mg
Men age over 18 years : 90 mg
Women age over 18 years : 75 mg
In accordance with above chart, as a HEALTH FOOD & BEST DIETARY SUPPLEMENT, about one teaspoonfull of vitamin c rich, quality Amla Powder is sufficient for enhancing general immune system. Daily doses of powder can be adjusted with the age.
As we cannot make our own vitamin C, and the body excretes any excess of the same, the regular intake of herbal Amla Fruit Powder is highly recommended for all the people.
About the author:
url: http://www.kanhaiyaamla.com
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