Acne Rosacea - A Blush You Can Do Without
What do former presidents Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin have in common? A condition called acne rosacea, a chronic inflammation of the blood vessels in the skin, which causes a ruddy complexion and small acne-like eruptions on the cheeks,...
Adult Acne: A Bumpy Ride Towards Aging
Picture this; the snow-white clear skin that you have been proud of since your teen years has suddenly poofed into a wicked witch's warty face upon reaching the age of 30! "Acne, at my age?" This is often the distressed statement of pockmarked men...
June 21st is the longest day of the year. The amount of daylight begins to diminish after this date. We may not even notice the seconds that are added to the darkness hours, but in time, an hour will be deleted from the day and so forth. Time is...
“How do I date beautiful women, even celebrities?” my idiot client asked…
Are you a guy who’s interested not only in dating beautiful women, even celebrities, but would like to get beautiful women to approach YOU first? Can it really be done? The answer is an unqualified “yes” IF you know what to say and do, and...
Use This Rules To Survive A Loss
The intent of this article was to ease any trauma caused by break ups or permanent separations between two persons. I strongly believe that almost any person must have encountered the feeling of loss when being told by the other person that a best...
Some Daily Exercises
Body Workout -Some Exercises
Firm your Buttocks:
Lie straight on your side, supporting your head with your hand. Bend the lower knee, keeping foot in line with hips. With your top leg straight, flex your foot. Breathe out and move top leg forwards to line up knees. Breathe in as you lift top leg. Breathe out, lower and stretch it back as far as you can without moving your upper body. Repeat five times on each side.
Tone Your Thighs:
When you wake up, lick-start your body's detox process by sipping a cup of warm water with lemon. Work your legs during the day, too: Climb stairs, don't take lifts.
Support your back:
Lie on your stomach with feet relaxed, arms above head, hands just wider apart than shoulders. Keep feet on the floor and eyes fixed on a point ahead as you gently lift your head and press hips and elbows into the floor. Breathe in as you lift; breathe out as you slowly come down. Repeat 10 times
Flatten your stomach:
Sitting down, pull in your stomach muscles without tilting your pelvis and stay tall and straight. While standing , keep feet hip-width apart and weight centered -don't tilt forwards or sink backwards. Relax your arms -your hands
will naturally fall just in front of your body. Rock your head gently till it falls into a comfortable neutral balance.
Strengthen Arms:
Do these exercises thrice a week. Start with 10 push ups, then 20 dips; Sit on a chair, grip the edge of the seat, fingers forward. Slide bottom forwards, off the seat, so your knees are in line with ankles. Breathe in and dip -bend arms without pinching shoulders. Breathe out as you again straighten up. You should feel it in the back of your arms, not your thighs.
Get Walking:
Even five minutes brisk walking lowers your cholesterol level and blood pressure, increases bone density, stimulates brain power, fights flab...And you feel great afterwards.
Read More at: http://www.ayurvediccure.com http://www.health-beauty-guide.com
About the Author
AyurvedicCure.com, the portal on ayurveda is a complete Health Guide featuring natural remedies to all your health-related ailments. The portal has exclusive sections devoted to ayurveda, massage, herbs, herbal dietary supplements, home remedies, online consultation, online shop for herbal products and a lot more. http://www.ayurvediccure.com http://www.health-beauty-guide.com
Beauty Guide -- Hairstyles Makeup Nails & Skin |
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Beauty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
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Health and Beauty |
Natural Health and Beauty, review articles on health and beauty, Skin Care, ... Problems with deteriorating facial bones and beauty are more severe in women ... |
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