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Don't Expect To Earn Fast Money Online
Copyright © 2005 Torgeir Sunnarvik
Every Pleasures
I've spent the last three years working towards actually earning
money online. In most of that time period though, the money has
been leaving my wallet faster than it has been coming into my
In my first year online, I tried all kinds of "earn-money-fast
opportunities" --- everything from MLM to turnkey websites. I
hate to admit this, but if I didn't make any money the first
couple of months after I had signed up for one of these programs,
I just gave up and moved on to the next opportunity.
Then I would begin the whole process all over again. I found a
new site that promised to all who joined, that they would earn a
lot of money fast, and they would earn their money without hard
I know the truth now, it was just another line of bulls**t!!!!
Twelve months later, all I had to show for my first year online,
was many wasted hours and lots of wasted money.
As I began my second year, I realized that I had to make my own
website. I didn't know anything about HTML. And, I knew nothing
about where to find a hosting company, or even why I needed one.
So the first six months of that second year, I was learning the
basics of how to become a webmaster. I read through all the
forums about web-mastering and SEO that I could find on the
Internet, and tried to build a website that finally could make me
some money.
I finally got my website up and running.
For the first 8 months that I had my website, I did not earn any
real money for all of my hard work. The worst thing that could
happen to a person began to happen to me... I began to lose hope.
I began to believe that making money from the Internet was just a
far-fetched dream that I could never attain on my own.
I was not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people have met or will
meet this same crossroad in their Internet careers. Some will
take the easy road and walk away from their dreams. Others will
push on, not willing to let their dreams die.
I decided to push on.
I added new pages of content to my website every week. I
exchanged links with other websites as often I could. Slowly and
steadily, the visitors were starting to come to my little corner
of the internet to browse and buy.
In the early stages, I had 30-50 visitors each day. Then, I began
to see 100-150 a day. And soon, the first small amount of money
was earned through my website.
Now it's 4 months after my first payday, and the traffic is still
getting higher each week. Even though I'm not earning a whole lot
of money now, I believe it's just
a matter of time until I can
leave my day job.
Looking back on these last three years, I have learned a few
things that I would like to share with you today.
First of all, you should never join any of those scam sites that
claim you will make a lot of money fast without working hard.
The cold, hard truth is that there is no way that you can make
money online unless you are willing to work hard!
The next time you read about an opportunity where the promoter is
telling you that you will not have to work hard to be successful,
Stop! Stop and ask yourself "how hard this person is working" to
part you with your money?
What about that email opportunity you are reading, where this
anonymous person is telling you that you will not have to send
other people email in order to make money? If he is being honest
with you about the nature of his business, why did he have to
send you an email to get Your business? If his way is best, why
is it that he is not practicing what he preaches?
You have to approach new programs with your eyes wide open! Be
willing to read between the lines to see if the promoter is lying
to you to part you with your money. Be willing to research on the
internet what other people have said about the program that you
are looking at. Be willing to discover and separate the people
who are trying to sell the program, from the people who are
giving you an honest appraisal of the program, from the people
who are just complaining about everything to hear themselves
In the end, it comes down to this. If you get involved with one
of the myriad of scam opportunities floating around out there,
you will end up spending all of your money with zero rewards in
your pocket for your time or effort.
Find a niche product to sell or promote. And then make your own
website. If you don't know anything about how to become a
webmaster, use Google to find forums about the subject. Or, you
can buy a ebook about web-mastering.
Don't expect to earn much money the first year your website is
online. Look at it as your learning period. Be persistent and
don't take any shortcuts. It takes time to build a money making
business, whether you make your business online or offline.
And finally, try to have fun while you are working on your
website. It's much easier to become successful if you like the
work you are doing.
Good luck!
Torgeir Sunnarvik, Norway
Torgeir Sunnarvik is the owner and webmaster of:
His site offers free ebooks, ebooks with
reprint rights, and marketing articles.
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