Assembly Work At Home Scams
Many people who need extra money would like to work from home. Unfortunately, some companies cheat people out of their money by preying on this desire to make money from home. Most work at home "opportunities" look like legitimate ways to make...
Becoming Wise - Wild & Free - Writing A Successful Business Plan - Part 2 - Do It In Steps
So you've decided to write your own business plan because you know the value that the experience will give you. With the books and software that are out there today you can probably sit down and complete the plan in a day or so, right? Plug in...
Don’t Give Presentations Or Speeches. Give Leadership Talks Instead.
The CEO of a worldwide business asked me to help him develop a talk he planned to give to several hundred of his top executives. He said, 'I feel as if I’m Daniel going into the lion's den.'
Indeed, it was the business equivalent of a lion's...
Losing business monentum?
1. Are you losing momentum while others plan ahead?
2. Is your brainstorming getting the action you want?
3. Are you starting your new employees the right way?
4. Are you maintaining your documentation correctly?
5. Call...
The Pitfalls of Procrastination
We all put off making decisions and taking action sometimes (yes, me too). It's okay to do that occasionally but if you are a regular pontificator then it will constantly cause you pain, even if you aren't aware of it. By putting things off on a...
How to Really Benefit from Associations (Part 1 of 3-Part Series)
Looking for new leads, new contacts, new business opportunities? Do what nine out of 10 adults do, according to a recent article by the American Society of Association Executives. Join an Association. Choose from over 130,000 associations in the United States alone that represent practically any industry at national, international, regional, state and local levels.
How can you reap benefits from association contacts? OhioHelp.net, an Ohio-based company that helps businesses worldwide with their marketing, public relations and freelance writing services, shared tips based on their own client projects and Association affiliations in a 3-part series:
- Part I: “How to Develop Industry Contacts”
- Part II: “Tips For Improved Networking in Associations”
- Part III: “Researching Associations in Your Industries”
Part I:
1. Keep lists of industry associations that your company and clients are affiliated with handy.
2. Bookmark the association websites and place their contact information in separate computer and print folders.
3. Contact all associations where appropriate and let them know that as a member and affiliate with your client who is a member, you’d like them to add your personal mailing info & email address to their member lists so that you get their member guides, newsletters, press releases & other announcements, etc.
4. Stay in touch monthly or bi-monthly with association contacts you meet either in person or via the phone, fax or email. Attend events when possible and volunteer on committees. When you can’t attend, ask for minutes of the meetings or follow up in the next newsletter. Follow up & congratulate speakers & other (workshop) presenters; asked to be placed on their mailing lists, etc. Note that many groups still have difficulties with electronic communications, so reach out with the phone. Note: If emailing, keep your emails in the “Sent” folder until you hear back. If you don’t hear back, your
email most probably never reached the recipient, so call to touch base.
5. Log communications in a notebook or separate online file and follow up.
6. Keep hard copy folders for each organization to hold the membership guide, latest newsletter, URL & other contact info. What works well is to use 3-ring plastic page inserts where you can insert a bunch of papers, a brochure & other goodies into one packet, then just insert the entire pack into a 3-ring binder. Or file the plastic packets in a file cabinet for quick retrieval.
7. Take advantage of online aids. For example, keep up with the latest info to discuss with group members by joining an ebook club: http://presssuccess.com/wholesale. And share your own company / industry tips, news & other automation enhancements (like electronic downloads of your own ebooks & reports) with http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot.
For a 30-day no-cost trial of ProfitAuto, sign up online at http://presssuccess.com/AutoPilot. And download ebooks with loads of information to help with your business from the “Freebies” section of the OhioHelp.net bookstore at http://www.presssuccess.com/bookstore
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: diana@ohiohelp.net
Diana Barnum is the president of http://movingaheadcommunications.com and CEO of http://ohiohelp.net. For more help with marketing, public relations and writing, email diana@ohiohelp.net or call: (614) 529-9459.
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