Copywriting for the Non-English-Speaking Audience
The power of the Internet lies in its global pervasiveness. It is practically everywhere. People of all languages access the Net from all over the globe. Just think of it as an infinite vastness for your business and marketing possibilities. Your...
"Copywriting Secrets Of The Indian Mystics"
Hi everyone, Been ruminating on this one for a little while now but it’s probably one of the most profound discoveries of my life. It all began with a little book about music and it’s had such a deep influence on my copywriting and small business,...
How To Become a Freelance Grant Writer
What is a freelance grant writer? These individuals have a lot of power in their hands. When they work for companies, they are essentially trying to help gain free money for that company to help the company expand, do research, or to stay in...
How to Create Winning Concepts and Copy Every Time...Even When Faced With a Terrifying Job!
It doesn't matter how new you are to copywriting, or how
old...the fact is, there will be times when you'd feel more
confident with the brains, talent, and experience of a writing
Perhaps you're writing for a new client who's in an...
“Super Verbs” Really Move Your Copy
By Karon Thackston © 2004 http://www.learn-copywriting.com Run or hustle? Eat or devour? Move or scurry? You can boost the power of your copy by boosting the quality of verbs you use. Verbs show action, and the way you describe that action can have...
How a Book is Born: One Author's Story
How a Book is Born: One Author's Story Judy Cullins © 2003 All Rights Reserved
Not all books come out whole, all at once. In fact, most books ease out little by little. They have strange and wondrous beginnings. Some come from speeches, some come from articles or short stories. The saying goes if you write a short story or article every day, at the end of a year you'll have a book--a big book at that! But then, why think so big?
Twenty five years ago, I gave Speedreading and Memory seminars. I thought of myself as a teacher or trainer, not an author. I joined Toastmasters and National Speakers Association and learned enough to strengthen my presentations so I could speak to promote my personal growth skills business.
My audiences from corporate and community education wanted handouts to take home with them. Seeing a need I revised and edited my how-to articles, then bundled them into short books. The articles came from my talks, wide research, and my own experiences. I wrote the books I needed and wanted to read. So can you! Check out your files today, and see what undiscovered gems are there.
Only 10-60 pages long, these books were quick and easy to write. I priced them for my health and personal growth audiences as well as offering my proven expertise to corporations.
Presenting 15 public seminars a month, these stapled simple short books sold well at the back of the room as well as leveraged higher priced corporate training, all .enough to make two-thirds my income for the next 15 years.
The irony of this story is that I did write a long book--sort of. At 160 pages, Passion at Any Age is complete, but my passion for it has waned. Following the traditional route, I submitted a book proposal to 30 agents. Five liked it, but their small offers and knowing I'd still have to promote it myself, made me think. Too long a time to publish and too little publisher support, led me to give away a chapter at a time to my email lists.
Since my book writing, publishing and promotion knowledge made me the expert, I now offer nine new eBooks on Online promotion, Web marketing and copywriting, and ePublishing. I prefer to write, promote and sell eBooks to help emerging authors,
coaches, speakers, and other entrepreneurs write and sell profitable books as well as services.
My 20 years research into how to write a book has come full circle. As a book coach, now, I encourage professionals to write a book--just write a short book! Make it an eBook. Think 10-30 pages. You need to write your book and share your unique message, but you also don't want to spend all of your time on it.
Begin your book today by writing an article that answers one of your book audience's challenges or problems. You can then, string the articles together. Include more stories, examples, how-to's or exercises in your new book's chapter formats.
Before you know it, your book will grow. They always grow longer than you think they will. You will have plenty of pages, and each page will deliver practical, inspirational material to your new clients and customers concisely and directly--the way they want it.
Remember, Offline and Online potential book buyers want information. But, they no longer want to read hundreds of pages. They don't want to spend time reading a long book.
Will business people buy your book? Yes! They are hungry for information--information that only you have and can say in your unique way. Will your book sell? Yes! With just a few significances such as "presenting useful, practical information," or "presenting material that could change a life," or "creating a deeper understanding of human nature," your book will be a great seller.
Since book coaching for 20 years, one thing for sure, my clients have many more ideas than they have time to write a book. Take one idea; write an article. You'll feel a sense of completion. Don't worry how long it is or its format. After you get four to ten of your articles edited, you can bundle the related ones into a fine book--to sell electronically or through print.
About the Author
Judy Cullins: 20-year author, publisher, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online www.bookcoaching.com/products.shtml Send an email to Subscribe@bookcoaching.com FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Judy@bookcoaching.com Ph:619/466/0622
Copywriting . Net |
Copywriting . Net. The Internet's copywriting service center for Web and print marketing communications. |
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Copywriting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
As search-engine algorithms get smarter every day, this Search engine optimization (SEO) copywriting is more and more about writing for human visitors as ... |
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Copywriting 101 | Copyblogger |
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The Copywriting Site: Here you get free information tips and tricks on copywriting that sells. - Marketing Writing. |
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How to dramatically improve response from your Advertising, Internet marketing, Direct Mail and Web pages with powerful copywriting. |
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Copywriting: See what people are saying right now on Technorati |
See all blog posts tagged with copywriting on Technorati. |
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Every advertising medium is different. And so is copywriting for each element. Business owners can find out what to look for when hiring a copywriter. |
advertising.about.com |
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Text Wizard® Copywriting - UK freelance copywriter, scriptwriter ... |
Plain English with fizz: copywriting that stays on brand and on your mind. UK copywriter. |
www.textwizard.com |
Getting Real: Copywriting is interface design - Signal vs. Noise ... |
Copywriting isn’t something to be left to the guy on your team who writes long ... So, I’m considering adding copywriting to my list of responsibilities, ... |
www.37signals.com |
Amazon.com: Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words ... |
Amazon.com: Persuasive Online Copywriting: How to Take Your Words to the Bank: Books: Bryan Eisenberg,Jeffrey Eisenberg,Lisa T. Davis by Bryan Eisenberg ... |
www.amazon.com |
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Watch your business soar when you put the power of great copywriting, results-driven marketing solutions and amazing creativity to work for your business. |
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Pages tagged with "copywriting" on del.icio.us |
Good Copywriting: A blog about copywriting on the web ... Copywriting tips for online marketing success from Copyblogger · save this. copywriting blog ... |
del.icio.us |
Online Copywriting: Subscribe to the Excess Voice Newsletter |
Online Copywriting: Nick Usborne's Excess Voice newsletter includes dozens of articles and a comprehensive list of resources and reviews for writers of ... |
www.excessvoice.com |
Linda Westphal, Freelance Advertising Copywriter |
Experienced copywriter for direct marketing articles, and advertising tips. Citrus Heights, California. |
www.lindawestphal.com |
Copywriting: Projects on Elance |
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