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25 Points To Create Your Own Winning Sales Letters
The below table of content is my copywriting checklist, that
I've been using for the past 2 years to create dynamic and
powerful sales letters for my clients. And I hope it will do the
same to you when applied in full.
#1, The Headline must promise your prospects with a
compelling benefit and answer their one and only questions -
What's in it for me?
This is no doubt many super copywriters have been emphasizing
about the headline to be the single most important element that
gives a strong, unwavering promise to end your prospects'
problems. You'll be amaze to see your prospect will do anything
to buy from you.
#2, Make your headline being able to capture readers
To stand out among many others sales letters that may have
bombarding your readers, you have to create a headline that
invokes emotions in them. Feelings of anger, joy, sadness and
even the most powerful emotion of all - jealousy are in fact
will dwell prospects to buy from you immediately.
Remember to always use a strong guarantee to back your
outrageous claims and promises from your headline. The best way
to lead readers are putting the headline in the form of a
question that readers can only find then answers in the body of
your sales letter.
Here are some of the tested and proven powerful selling words
that I use to aid in my headline so it will have hypnotic
effects the readers.
- Free - New - Amazing - At Last - Finally - Revolutionary - Now
You Can - Discover The - Powerful - How To - Secret - Introducing
#3, Make sure your headline interest your readers.
These are my personal collection on the universal themes that
everyone as long as you're a human being are interested in.
- money making tips - how to become popular - sex definitely
still sells! - save money - tips to look and feel better -
babies - big cars and big houses - men and women health issues
Use your creativity and find out other more interest that will
applies in your niche. Always remember to put yourself at
readers' view and use your niche language to create a more
personalized approach.
#4, Write your headline with the first alphabet of every word
capitalized and add quotation marks to enclose the entire
Here's an example of my favorite:
"Who else wants to make US$500 an hour with only 2 hours of
#5, Make sure your headline reads well in a flow.
Do this by reading your headline aloud, even better to read it
to your friends, make some changes until it sounds right for you
and your friends.
#6, Unique Selling Proposition with strong guarantee.
Always have your USP to set you and your competitors apart, and
make sure it gives a compelling reason why people should buy
from you, and not from your competitors.
#7, Start addressing your readers with proper salutation.
The commonly being use is "friend". There're others that will
address your niche audience for better response such as:
Dear Marketer, Dear Merchant Account Owner, Dear Doctor, Dear
Writer, Dear Business Owner and other more.
#8, Keep your story to the point!
If you're using story to start your first paragraph, make sure
the it has a great leading story that leads your readers suck
back to your point.
You have to impress your English teacher when comes to write a
sales letter, use simple language and short sentences that are
easy to read.
#9, Opening paragraph must be emotional that contains a hook
that paint vivid pictures in readers head.
One of my favorite way to write a good copy is to start writing
my letter with an emotional story, which it will never fail to
capture readers' attention.
We are all children once who love to hear stories, and we still
are the same children that will never get bored with magical
stories. Take control and use this to tell stories that will
lead to your purpose of the sales letter.
#10, Check and make sure your is addressing to only one
Nobody likes to read in a group; therefore you don't need to
address your readers as a group of people. This is also an
important element that makes your sales letter as personal as
possible, like a letter from a close friend.
#11, The body of your copy should be reader oriented.
Everybody loves to hear themselves from others, hence the offer
in the letter should always be your readers. The only time to
mention about you and others is in your stories and testimonials
of the products or services.
Also remember to have more YOU's and I's in the content. It can
be done by changing your sentences and address the reader
Example: I will teach you how to make $500 an hour.
You will learn how to make $500 an hour.
#12, Direct your readers with compelling subheadlines.
Subheadline is the second most important element in copywriting.
It is a mini headline for every broken up chapters in your
letter. This gives the readers a direction and make it easier
for readers to follow the trend of your story.
#13, Write the letter with your prospect's language.
Write and tell story in your targeted audience's language, they
will find it is easy to read and find a personal touch from
It's hard to believe by writing sales letters with undoubtedly
simple English sell much better than using Oxford University
English. To help your prospect to make that fast decision to buy
from you, help them understand your letter FAST.
#14, People are curious towards everything, well...almost.
Use stories that will dwell your readers' curiosity wanting to
know more of your offers and make it impossible to stop reading.
In fact, many human psychology books have stated that human do
not like or being uncomfortable leaving things half done.
In writing a sales letter, you could use the above human
behavior to create a sense of expectation for the reader to link
from one paragraph to the other and it leads till the end.
#15, Fill your content with energetic, passionate and pumped
up about your products or services you're promoting.
Only write letter for products and services you 100% believe in.
And you shall create an energetic and passionate sales letter.
#16, Be Honest.
As the world's first "hypnotic writer" - Joe Vitale has written
in his "Unspoken Marketing Secrets" ebook that says: "#13:
People know when you are lying, though some may mistrust their
own instincts."
So be sure that you write your copy with sincere and honestly.
#17, Don't make your offer sounds too-good-to-be-true and be
People buy with 2 thinking process: emotional and logical
thinking. Some are even a mix of both. Joe Vitale continue to
mentioned this in his ebook that majority of us buy with their
emotional reasons, and then back up with their own logic.
So do spend some time to insert logical reasons for your
prospects in every emotional sales pitch from your letter.
Be as precise and specific as possible in your offers and
benefits. Use words like, "How To Increase Your Sales by 88.7%
more within 2 months!"
Another killer is to end the sales by offering a risk free
guarantee such that they will have no qualms about making a
decision on the spot.
#18, Use bullet form only for the benefits of the
Example of feature and benefits are below:
Feature - This website templates package comes with 306
different designs.
Benefit of this feature - With 306 different website templates
designs, you can now save time and start using them instantly
without going through long-hour of designing your own templates
#19, To have irresistible offer and back up with strong
testimonials that respond to your prospect's needs.
Craft your offer and make it attractive until no sane person can
ever refuse. You could over deliver them with insane bonus that
worth 10 times more than what the product cost and close the
deal with money back guarantee up to 90 days.
Back your offer up with testimonials, this always pulls
consistently and significantly higher sales for you. Ask your
customers to be precise writing testimonials for you, state
their name, address, and even better, to insert website address
of that person.
#20, Make your prospect a call to action to act NOW!
Don't forget to include a call to action to remind your prospect
to act now. Majority people will forget what they've read and
walk away from your offer FOREVER if they don't take the offer
on the spot.
It's so important to make it easy and hassle free for them to
order by including as many payment options as possible.
#21, Put scarcism for your prospects.
Don't give time for your prospects who will only take it for
granted. Create urgency for them with limited time and copies so
they will order and buy it on the spot.
#22, Use P.S. in every copy you write.
Survey has shown that majority people read P.S. (postscripts)
right after they read the headline. So it is wise that you use
it to include the summary and reinforce your offers again.
#23, Make the letter easy to read for the eyes,
- Use short sentences in short paragraphs - Use suitable font
types and different sizes - Manage the format well such as some
words need to be bold, italics and underline -
Always use white background
#24, Sign your name with a proper signature and address
yourself clearly.
It shall give a more personalized feeling if you include a
scanned signature by hand into your letter.
#24, Finally, make your readers feels like they can actually
see, hear and feel who they are speaking.
Make your letter contain a 'human touch' that makes the
character of the writer comes right through.
Bonus: Prepare an opt-in email list for readers who want to
think over before they buy from you.
Many first-time readers will not order from you on the spot.
Give them a chance to hear from you by setting up your own
follow-up system such as e-zines, newsletters and e-postcards.
This is a checklist that I've been using to write my sales
letters and now it will guide you in the correct way. Ensure to
fulfill all the above points when writing your own sales letter.
About the author:
Edwin Lim is a freelance copywriter living in Malaysia. You can
visit his Website at http://www.webblogerz.com
This article may be freely distributed if this resource box
stays attached.
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