How to Negotiate Rates with a Freelance Copywriting Expert
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Tips on Finding and Hiring a Good Copywriter
Tips on Finding and
Hiring a Good Copywriter
by Phyllis Schwartz, The Copy Coach (c) 2004 BetterCopywriting.com
Finding the right words to promote your product or service is no easy, task, especially when writing is just "not your thing." You can struggle along and keep your fingers crossed, or you can choose to get help ...
Okay -- so you need to find a good copywriter and Phyllis Schwartz is not available. Now what? Well, first you cry ... Seriously. You can ask around for a recommendation from someone you trust -- a friend, business associate or client ... post your inquiry on a reputable marketing forum, or ... here's a novel idea -- you can do a bit of research!
Just out of curiosity, I did a Yahoo search for the word "copywriter." Would you believe there were 401,000 listings? "Freelance Copywriter" gave me 82,500 listings and "good copywriter" 149,000 listings. Even with plenty of duplication, that's pretty overwhelming. So now what? I know who I'd choose!
Frankly, if I had unlimited funds and wasn't in a rush, I'd pick either Gary Halbert, Brian Keith Voiles or Gary Bencivenga -- the three world's greatest copywriters. The problem with that is Gary Halbert isn't for hire, Brian Voiles has a two year waiting list at minimum and Gary Bencivenga's website says he can't accept new clients at this time. So, once again, now what?
Well, there are plenty of other top notch copywriters on the list -- if you can afford them. Names that come to mind are Michel Fortin, Michael Masterson, Maria Veloso, Mark Hunteridge, Mike Jezek -- notice how every one of those first names starts with "M?" And lets not forget Nick Usborne, Joe Robson, Bob Bly, Chris Bloor, Brett McFall, Drew Eric Whitman ... and the list goes on -- all writers with a great reputation if they are available IF YOU CAN AFFORD THEM!
Too bad I'm not getting paid for this. And, no, I am not teasing you. Here's something to keep in mind: If you want to know what good writing looks like -- spend a little time reading some of those big name writer's websites. Do that and, when you see writing that's second rate, you'll know not to settle. And believe me, you don't have to settle. There are plenty of good writers out there with rates that most people can afford -- yours truly being one of them.
Now, here, at last, are a few of those tips on how to find a good writer:
Check out the writer's experience and remember the expression "practice makes perfect." There's a lot of truth to it. Be wary of writers just starting out -- a fresh voice can be wonderfully creative, but when you're looking for words that sell, there's nothing like the voice of experience.
Take a look at the writers work -- website content, articles, portfolio samples -- see if you like the writer's style. Is that the voice
you want representing your voice? If there are testimonials posted, contact the people who wrote them. Don't be shy -- you have every right to know what your money is going to get you.
Talk to the writer -- make contact by email or phone. See how responsive he/she is ... is this someone you feel comfortable with ... do they ask intelligent questions about your business ... are they tuning into you and what your needs are .... do they have a sense of humor (very important!) ... do they sound flexible or stiff as a board ... do they offer references ... a satisfaction guarantee backed by a full refund ... a time frame for your job?
Discuss rates. You may not be able to afford the world's greatest copywriter, but don't look for bargains either. A cheap copywriter will give you the same kind of results that a cheap auto mechanic will. You want your copy to spark, not sputter.
Given the choice, go with project not hourly rates. You'll always get much more for your money that way. Sometimes you can get rates lowered by making your writer's job easier and cutting down the job time -- instead of a blank page, give your writer material that can be edited or finessed. Also, if you are looking for a long term relationship, let the writer know that if you like their work they'll get more -- that can "buy " you a break in price. Some writers will bend on rates, others won't. It never hurts to ask! And, once you have an agreed upon rate, get that quote in writing.
A few things to watch out for: Be wary of writers who promise you finished copy "tomorrow." That's either someone who's not busy or is going to give your copy the bum's rush. Read what the world's greatest copywriter's say about headline writing alone -- they take time and lots of it! Look out for someone who brushes you off. What you have to say is important. And the writer you hire needs to take the time to listen to you. Most good writers are extremely versatile, but if feel you need a writer who specializes in your industry, go for it. You never have to settle.
Bottom line -- trust your gut. If you don't think someone is right for you, say your thanks and move on. With 401,000 yahoo listings, the right writer for you is out there .. somewhere. :-)
Oh yeah -- don't forget me. Phyllis Schwartz. My rates are reasonable. (And I'm darn good, too!)
Have a great day!
Phyllis Schwartz
About the author:
Phyllis Schwartz is a longtime, expert copywriter who works from her home office in Ventnor City, New Jersey. For a full menu of copywriting services, click on: http://www.bettercopywriting.com Email inquiries are always welcome at: phylsmac@aol.com
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