Find Your Inner Creative - Presenting Your Own Concept To A Logo Desgner
Finding Your Inner Creative
Picked up a paintbrush lately? (Other than to paint your living room walls) - perhaps that’s because you’re just not creative, as lets face it – only beret wearing, postulating, ‘arteests’ can dare to call themselves ‘creative’ – it is their domain, their god given talent and right to do so. Or is it?
As the founder of your business, whether you are aware of it or not you’ve already tapped into pools of creativity to conceive the idea that is your venture, and continue to tap into those reserves to successfully develop your business into the success it hopefully is today.
Why is it then that many of you are guilty of presuming that only artists – masters of painting, illustrating and sculpting for example are creative, that there must be some physical manifestation of ones artistic talent to be defined as a creative individual?
Creativity and art do co-exist, indeed one cannot live without the other, however creativity comes in many different forms; these include musical creativity, resourceful creativity, inventive creativity, and intellectual and theoretical creativity.
Successful entrepreneurs such as your self use their inventive, intellectual, and resourceful creativity every day to conceive, operate, promote and develop their businesses.
Every business needs an identity as you will no doubt understand, this identity is called their ‘brand’ – your brand is that quality that sets you apart from your competition, it tells customers about the nature of your service or product, and of your reputation within the industry.
Once you have defined your
brand, you need to be able to clearly communicate it to your customers; you will need a visual representation of your brand, and business owners since the very beginning of consumerism have used a logo to achieve this.
Not being very creative in the artistic sense of the word you may automatically gravitate towards hiring a professional logo designer, and there is nothing wrong with taking this route, however has it occurred to you that you have sufficient pools of creativity to come up with the concept of your own logo?
Now, I’m not suggesting that you start drawing away in professional design software, as unless you are a professional designer, the results are likely to be disappointing.
What I am suggesting however, is that as the owner of your business you know and understand the ethos behind your brand better than anyone, and whilst you can communicate that to a professional designer, enabling them to produce design concepts for you – you can also come up with concepts of your own.
Use your creativity to imagine your business in visual form, take those ideas and images and sketch them out on a piece of paper – take that piece of paper to a professional designer, who can run with your ideas, add their own artistic flair, and create something that came from the very heart and soul of the business, which is what a logo needs to represent.
Creative design firm Truly Ace ( is giving three lucky business owners the opportunity to find their inner creative and have their concept brought to life for free. Submit your ideas to them before the closing date of 28th February 2005.