10 Tips For Motivating Your Employees
10 Tips for Motivating your Employees
1. You can't actually motivate your employees. What??!?? I know
this first tip seems a little counterproductive, but bear with
me. You see, motivation is internal, not external. You can
motivate people...
3 Simple Steps To Solving Problems
You can move beyond your stuck states by contemplating all the
possible consequences of your own particular situation.
What is it that you want to work in your life?
What inner obstacles prevent you from achieving the...
78 Ways to Start Your Next Book or Article
So many people want to write books to generate passive income, gain credibility and recognition, to leave a legacy, and just to be heard. The biggest challenge they find is not coming up with ideas to write about, the biggest challenge is often...
Highs and Lows of a Net Business
In our recent survey to readers of my ezine, The Joy Letter, I was asked to provide a timeline of the ups and downs in building my motivational website, ( www.howmuchjoy.com ). Ah … where to begin? There have been definite highs and lows...
Strategies for Organizational Change – Creating Shared Vision
The cascade (i.e., the triangle with senior managers, middle managers, staff) strategy can work; I have successfully used it. In fact, until about 5-8 years ago, I would have said it was the best-known way to achieve change across an organization....
How Can Job Fairs Help Your Company?
You may have been thinking about participating in career fairs. To some, this may not be a very feasible idea. The same crowd of candidates that visit your booth may also be visiting your competitors’ booth. In manning your booth, you need manpower and resources. The resulting candidates that you managed to haul in are often unpredictable. How can you be assured your investment in career fairs will be justified?
Fruitful participations at job fairs require planning, creativity and commitment. Some of the points of consideration you may want to ponder on if you ever think of joining a career fair:
-Check out the track record of the career fair organizer. Find out if their previous events were successful. Attend other events that they are currently having, if there is any. -How will the organizer help you to reach out to your targeted candidates? You will want to find out what kind of promotional activities planned prior to the fair, extend of media coverage the fair will be generating, the projected crowd turnout etc. -Have your logistic concerns worked out. Will you have a table or interview cubicle for on-the-spot candidate screening? How about electricity, signage, carpets? Will you have ample time to set up your booth? -A great way to promote employment branding for your company is by having giveaways. Think of a goodies bag. Plan for the cost, the time commitment and the follow up action required -To ensure better success for your company,
have a few company representatives present during the job fair. They need to be one of those outgoing and enthusiastic people – think of salesmen for your company products and services. That’s how you are going to sell your jobs to the candidates -Be ready for your hot prospects right there at the booth. Have your application form, company information, contact details all ready at hand. If possible, conduct on-the-spot interviews. Always remember to follow up on candidates who are obviously interested in your company. You may not hire them now, but keeping in touch makes them “sold in” to your future job opportunities
Career fairs done right may just be an integral part of your recruiting process. With the expected turnaround of the economy getting near and scarce employee market becoming a reality, joining a career fair may be the best investment yet for your company staffing strategy.
(If you are in Singapore and interested in participate in job fairs, find out how EnergySkills can help you to participate in Career fair 2005, held at Suntec City Singapore at a low cost. For more info, email Razlan at editor@energyskills.com.sg)
About the Author
Razlan is a proud team member of EnergySkills, a professional engineering recruitment firm specializing in oil & gas industry for the Asia Pacific region. Visit their website at http://www.energyskills.com.sg for exciting job opportunities, excellent career resources and up-to-date industry news!
Creativity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Creativity (or creativeness) is a mental process involving the generation of ... Wallas considered creativity to be a legacy of the evolutionary process, ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Creativity For Life |
An exploration of creativity in everyday life, with articles, quotes, reviews and other creative resources to awaken creativity in daily life. |
www.creativityforlife.com |
AdCritic.com: Commercial Ads |
FROM CREATIVITY: Emerging Directors, Unite In the time it took to write this, three new directors popped up. Here are twenty to get acquainted with. ... |
www.adcritic.com |
National Curriculum in Action - Creativity - |
Ordering Creativity packs: print and video materials. This website gives practical ideas on how to promote pupils' creative thinking and behaviour. ... |
www.ncaction.org.uk |
Ten Steps for Boosting Your Creativity |
Experiments performed by the JPB Creative Laboratory show that watching TV causes your ... a weekly report on creativity, ideas, innovation and invention ... |
www.jpb.com |
Category:Creativity Techniques - Mycoted |
This is a general category of Creativity and Innovation Techniques, ... I like to think of these creativity techniques as tools in a toolbox in much the ... |
www.mycoted.com |
Creativity at Work: The interplay of business, art and science |
A resource for training and development in creativity and innovation in organizations. Has a newsletter, and some articles and essays by 'Corporate ... |
www.creativityatwork.com |
Crayola Creativity Central |
Crayola Creativity Central offers kids arts and crafts ideas for rainy day fun. We also have coloring books and pages, art and craft projects, games, ... |
www.crayola.com |
Pages tagged with "creativity" on del.icio.us |
All items tagged creativity ??? view popular ... Perspective for Creative Leaders · save this. by aromay to creativity business management ... 1 hour ago ... |
del.icio.us |
Creativity Web - Resources for Creativity and Innovation |
Creativity Web Home Page Resources for Creativity and Innovation ... The Creative Process · Multiple Intelligences · Idea Recording · Your Creative Space ... |
members.optusnet.com.au |
gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": how to ... |
So you want to be more creative, in art, in business, whatever. ... Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion ... |
www.gapingvoid.com |
Creativity Quotes | Creativity Quotations | Creativity Sayings ... |
Quotes on Creativity - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire. Find Creativity quotations and links to quotes on other ... |
www.wisdomquotes.com |
Ideas by Creativity Pool |
A free database with new ideas and possible inventions. Add your own, or bring an existing idea to life. |
www.creativitypool.com |
Creative problem solving depends on using the right tools, tricks, ... Search for the latest books on Creativity (or anything else) in the Quantum Books ... |
www.quantumbooks.com |
Creativity Tools, Creative Solutions & Creative Problem Solving ... |
This page explains a wide range of techniques which can help you generate creative solutions to your problems. |
www.mindtools.com |
The 6 Myths Of Creativity |
A new study will change how you generate ideas and decide who's really creative in your company. |
www.fastcompany.com |
CreativeClass.org |
Richard Florida's "The Rise of the Creative Class" examines creativity and its effects on economic development. |
www.creativeclass.org |
TIP: Concepts |
The relationship between creativity and intelligence has been always been a central concern of psychology ( Guilford , 1950). Much effort has been devoted ... |
tip.psychology.org |
American Creativity Association (ACA) |
An incorporated non-profit organization promoting personal and professional creativity. Association membership is represented by four multidisciplinary ... |
www.amcreativityassoc.org |
CREAX - Portal for creativity and innovation |
A resource for links on creativity and innovation on the web. A selection of 690 links is divided into 67 categories for the visitors convenience. |
www.creax.net |