Ideal Marketing Methods for Home-Based Businesses
What is the difference between a small business that makes it and one that does not? Most likely, the one that was successful engaged in some effective marketing. Wise marketing is critical for owners of home-based businesses for a number of...
Keeping Customers Loyal
It's a well-known fact that it costs many times more to acquire
a new customer than to keep doing business with your existing
ones. For this reason, the best way to become profitable is to
have loyal customers who keep coming back again and...
Marketing Customer-Services
Marketing Customer-Services
by Robert Wardrick
Bad customer service is everywhere these days — unmanned front desks,
surly servers, clueless staff, employees talking on the phone, and managers
who refuse to acknowledge a customer. It’s...
No-Holds-Barred Conversations with Dan Lok - Part 2
Question: How to deal with ultra skeptical offline or be it Internet surfers in order to reassure them and get them to happily open up their wallets?
I like that “happily open up their wallets”! Your customer should be happy to open his/her...
Why Small Business Must Turn to PR
Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in your ezine, newsletter, offline publication or website. A copy would be appreciated at bobkelly@TNI.net. Net word count is 670 including guidelines and resource box. Robert A. Kelly ©...
Customer Service DELIVERY
If you want to go to the top of the league in customer service,
then you need all your customer-serving staff to practise the 8
features of service D-E-L-I-V-E-R-Y.
D for Dedicated. Dedicated service delivery swings into action
the minute a customer needs your help. The customer is not made
to feel that they've gone to the bottom of a list and will have
to wait their turn. They become priority number one.
E for Empowered. Empowered customer carers are those who have
the power to do what is necessary to deliver outstanding
customer care. Empowerment includes giving them your trust,
training them, and removing anything that makes their job
harder. "The only people who can really meet customer
requirements are those on the front line. Show them their
potential, trust them, support them with the tools and training
that they need and strive to remove the factors that inhibit
them. They will reward you with the financial results." (Donald
L for Linked to the Team. Great customer carers rarely work on
their own; they work with the support of the team. When Karen in
Reception overhears what the guests thought of the meal, she
quietly passes it on to the chef. When Jack the porter notices
how the guests react to their room, he has a quiet word with the
chambermaids. Organisations that quietly work together for the
sake of the customer create champions.
I for Informed. Traditionally, customer carers have been the
poor relations in most businesses: end of the line, untrained,
the last to know. But in superior customer service
organizations, front-line staff are treated like royalty. They
know the products inside out and the systems back to front. They
know how to put things right. And they know what to do when a
customer has a crisis. They are informed.
V for Valued. You
cannot expect your customer service staff to
value their customers if you don't value them themselves. You
value them when you ask their views, acknowledge their
contribution, and praise them. "When we genuinely approve of
ourselves, we can afford to be responsive to the needs of
others. People who feel powerless or who don't think they're
valued, don't care much about other people's problems." (Pete
E for Experienced. Experienced customer carers have a feel for
the right balance between them and their customers. They should
be... * knowledgeable but not technical * confident but not
arrogant * smartly-dressed but not overpowering * attentive but
not overbearing * friendly but not smug * helpful but not
insistent * available but not intrusive * slick but not quick *
caring but not cloying. Striking the right balance is like a
discrete servant: visible and invisible, unnoticed but there if
R for Representative. The customer care champion always acts in
the interests of the organisation. In how they look, what they
say and what they do, they project a strong, positive image of
who they represent. Their welcomes convey warmth, interest and
friendliness and their farewells convey a feeling that they
would love to see you back again.
Y for Your Responsibility. The importance of the front-line
customer cannot be understated. For the customer, they are the
company. To fulfil this role, customer front-liners need to know
that it is their responsibility and nobody else's to deliver.
No matter where staff are in the organization, they are
responsible at some point to their customers. They all have to
DELIVER and that means: dedicated, empowered, linked to their
teams, informed, valued, experienced, and representative.
About the author:
Customer Service Group: Resources for improved customer service ... |
Newsletters, books, and free online resources for improved customer service, call center and help desk operations including tools for enhancing rep training ... |
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Customer Service Training Customer Service Skills Training Service |
Service Quality Institute is the leader in Customer Service Training with customer service training skills products and consulting with over 34 years ... |
www.customer-service.com |
ICS: Institute of Customer Service |
The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for customer service whose primary purpose is to lead customer service performance and ... |
www.instituteofcustomerservice.com |
International Customer Service Association |
Promotes the development and awareness of the customer service profession through networking, education and research. Activities, publications ... |
www.icsa.com |
Customer Service Jobs on CareerBuilder.com |
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customer-service.careerbuilder.com |
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homedelivery.nytimes.com |
Customer service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The modern concept of customer service has its roots in the craftsman economy ... Delivering customer service begins with understanding what customers want. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Customer service representatives |
When working in call centers, customer service representatives are likely to be under ... Customer service representatives working outside of a call center ... |
www.bls.gov |
Customer Service Training |
Customer Service Training, Seminars, Coaching, and free articles to improve repeat business, happiness, and professional image. |
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(It may help the reader to notice the role of customer service in the overall ... Additional Resources in the Category of Customer Service and Satisfaction ... |
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www.azcentral.com |
CafePress.com : Help Desk : Customer Service |
Email Us Send us an email and we will respond to you within 24 hours. Call Us Toll Free 1-877-809-1659 Customer Service Hours ... |
www.cafepress.com |
Customer Service Week - The Celebration Source |
Provides how-to information, gifts and decorations for successful Customer Service Week celebrations. |
www.csweek.com |
Nashville - Tennessean.com - Middle Tennessee Customer Services |
Customer service, advertising or news-related questions or problems (615) 259-8000. ... (615) 242-7253. Email Customer Service customer @tennessean.com. ... |
www.tennessean.com |
Customer Service Institute of Australia - dedicated to Australian ... |
CSIA is a professional, membership-based body dedicated to improving the standards of customer service both at an individual level and at a corporate level ... |
www.csia.com.au |
The Globe and Mail: Home Delivery Customer Care: Home |
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Customer Service from FLORIDA TODAY |
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Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers ... |
sbinfocanada.about.com |
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