Creating Sales letters that attract customers
A Sales letter is all about making a powerful offer to your visitors they can’t refuse. The sole purpose of a sales letter is to attract more customers and induce higher sales. Sales letters can be used with autoresponders to introduce new eBooks...
Do your customers waste your time?
I saw a post on a marketing forum a few weeks ago and it was from a chap that had purchased a piece of software from a well known Internet marketer. After purchasing the product, the buyer had sent several emails to the seller with questions...
How to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service
By Chas Brothers
Having been in business a number of years, I’m amazed at the number of people who don’t have the slightest idea of what customer service is. Customer service is not a way of...
Why hasn't customer service improved despite the profusion of databases and technology?
Let's not get confused here.
Databases and technology are tools that we can use in our
businesses. There has been a lot of emphasis on Customer
Relationship Management recently which is very much about using
this technology. But what has...
Your Diamond Mine: The Lifetime Value of Your Customers
Copyright 2005 Kinesis, Inc.
In the early 1900s, Reverend Russell Conwell - founder of Temple
University - gave a popular speech called "Acres of Diamonds."
In it, he said:
"Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in...
Isn't That What Customer Service is All About?
Last week I went to a local pharmacy to have a prescription
filled. As I approached the prescription counter I noticed a
sign beside the cash register that said, " Let's Talk."
Considering it an invitation I said in a friendly, cheery voice,
" OK let's talk." and proceeded to say " How are you today?" The
woman waiting on me was not amused. She looked at me in frigid,
non-responsive silence and finally said cooly, " Can I help
It didn't take a degree in nuclear physics to figure out that
she was totally ignoring my humble attempt to be friendly so I
too immediately responded to her icy tone with one of my own. I
gave her the information regarding my prescription and was told
curtly that I was at the wrong counter. I was at the
"PRESCRIPTION OUT" counter when I should be at the "
PRESCRIPTION IN " counter. How silly of me to make such a
mistake. Maybe that's why she was so unfriendly to me. I had
committed a huge unforgivable sin in Pharmacy Land.
As I approached the proper counter I once again saw the sign, "
Let's Talk." and decided to give the place a second chance. I
looked at the lady waiting on me and said once again in an
upbeat and friendly tone, " The other woman who waited on me
wasn't really in the mood to talk so I came down here. So "Let's
Again stone cold, icy silence followed
by " Can I help you?" If
you can't beat them, join them so I too became cool, abrupt,
assertive and said, " Mike Moore/ Doctor Quinn/ asthma
medication/ repeat required please. She checked the computer and
found that I did have 4 repeats left. I told her that I would be
in at 10:00 a.m. the next day to pick it up and I left. I know I
shouldn't have responded in kind but I was ticked off at the way
a paying customer was being treated.
I wanted to hand the woman my card and tell her that I spoke to
companies and organizations on customer relations and would be
more that happy to conduct a seminar for their employees on the
topic. But I didn't.
I'm not saying that dealing with the public is easy. It isn't.
In fact it can be very stressful but you can neutralize the
stress with a simple smile and a bit of humor. All these people
needed to do when I responded to their invitation to talk was
smile and say in a friendly tone, "OK. Let's talk. What can I do
for you?"
Simple, easy, effective and it leaves your customer wanting to
return to do business with you. Isn't that what customer service
is all about?
About the author:
Mike Moore is a speaker/humorist who speaks on " Humor and
Stress" Humor in the Workplace" and "Customer Relations"
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ICS: Institute of Customer Service |
The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for customer service whose primary purpose is to lead customer service performance and ... |
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International Customer Service Association |
Promotes the development and awareness of the customer service profession through networking, education and research. Activities, publications ... |
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Customer service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The modern concept of customer service has its roots in the craftsman economy ... Delivering customer service begins with understanding what customers want. ... |
en.wikipedia.org |
Customer service representatives |
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Customer Service Week - The Celebration Source |
Provides how-to information, gifts and decorations for successful Customer Service Week celebrations. |
www.csweek.com |
Nashville - Tennessean.com - Middle Tennessee Customer Services |
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Customer Service Institute of Australia - dedicated to Australian ... |
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The Globe and Mail: Home Delivery Customer Care: Home |
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Customer Service – 8 Rules For Good Customer Service |
Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers ... |
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